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12-08-2014, 07:40 PM
U have a link to Landon's 1st pick when Stidham threw it about 60 yards?

All these pictures can be found at www.flynnpc.smugmug.com David Flynn's Site...Such a pro..I have been spoiled...hehe

12-08-2014, 08:17 PM
All these pictures can be found at www.flynnpc.smugmug.com David Flynn's Site...Such a pro..I have been spoiled...hehe

Was looking for video of it.

12-08-2014, 08:23 PM
Was looking for video of it.

Ok here http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/athlete-of-the-week-grahams-landon-gonzales/30507/4_auUHg7WkyUFN5B7NRoBw#.VIZLqQgjRk8.facebook

12-08-2014, 08:45 PM
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12-08-2014, 08:45 PM
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12-08-2014, 08:46 PM
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12-08-2014, 08:47 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/1555401_10202919308494008_6294898073658543778_n.jp g?oh=1410e9cc48711eb4ebb6f225204991f3&oe=5513D7C5&__gda__=1426424495_a222f6773dd808fa8c2048453943759 6
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12-08-2014, 08:48 PM
some of my best stuff If I do say so myself..

12-08-2014, 08:56 PM

12-08-2014, 08:58 PM

12-08-2014, 09:12 PM
10-4 turn the squelch to the right, and in the the night, you hear some good buddy say.."breaker,breaker, got a picture taker at mile marker 119"!!

12-08-2014, 09:15 PM
turn the squelch to the right, and in the the night, you hear some good buddy say.."breaker,breaker, got a picture taker at mile marker 119"!!
lol..i have a million miles under me...and i have never said breaker:breaker....but i like the spirit..hehe

12-08-2014, 09:18 PM
Been wondering why Bear Bear has been so quite on the Argyle thread. He appears to be looking ahead to next week!
Over in another thread gassing rattlers😛😛

12-08-2014, 09:23 PM
Been wondering why Bear Bear has been so quite on the Argyle thread. He appears to be looking ahead to next week!
Over in another thread gassing rattlers😛😛

Not at all....I picked LH to win and the butthurt became great. Of course I cant hold back when the whining starts.

12-09-2014, 08:12 AM
GRAHAM — The team’s quarterback and leading rusher were lost to graduation, as were Graham’s top two leading receivers.

The Steers would have been starting nearly from scratch offensively at the start of this season if not for returning four offensive linemen from last year’s 13-1 semifinalists.

While it took some time to find offensive cohesion, the guys in the trenches helped the transition by providing stability during a difficult non-district schedule.

“With the way everything shook out, the offense hasn’t missed a beat,” Graham offensive line coach Joe Merrett said. “And a large part is because of the way those guys played up front. They’ve given our quarterbacks a lot of time to throw and opened lanes for the running backs to get through.”

Graham enters its semifinal at 7:30 p.m. Friday against defending state champion Argyle averaging 40 points and 426 yards per game, which isn’t too far off from last year’s production of 46 points and 484.8 yards.

Guards Kenneth Dixon and Logan Taylor plus tackles Chanse Moss and Jose Gonzalez were the holdovers from 2013. Senior Taylor Hopkins was the only newcomer at center, and when Gonzalez suffered a season-ending knee injury against Hirschi, freshman Hunter Dooley was called to step in and protect Landry Turner’s blind side.

Turner, who transferred from Springtown, said right away he could tell the offense would be in good hands with the guys who are in charge of giving him time to throw.

“They understand the game sometimes better than I do. Kenneth Dixon is one of the biggest leaders on this team, and he does a great job with them,” Turner said. “Dooley has stepped up in a big, huge way. We think he’s going to be really good to us in the next couple years.”

Merrett rattled off characteristics of every lineman, calling Dixon, a three-year starter, the “brains of the group.” If a defensive front shows the Steers something it hasn’t seen before, Dixon will figure it out.

Moss is a “super freak” athlete who can bench 400 pounds despite weighing only 220 pounds. One of three senior starters, Moss was a representative at last year’s state track meet in the shot put.

“Logan Taylor is the mean, nasty one. He’s a fighter, always outsized but he always gets it done because he will fight harder than anybody,” Merrett said. “Hopkins at center, is the big body that anchors the middle.

“Jose was good at everything. One of our best run plays is dart where we pull the tackle. He has melted linebackers the way he gets through there at the point of attack.”

Gonzalez won’t be able to play until next season, but Dooley’s strong play against a tough defensive front like Abilene Wylie’s two weeks ago bodes well for the future.

Merrett said one of the group’s biggest strengths is that they’re a tight unit who play well together as a whole. Whether it is run blocking, pass blocking or slipping out to block on screens, no challenge is too great.

In fact, the Graham offensive line coach said guards Dixon and Taylor get out blocking quicker on screens than any linemen he’s coached. That plus Turner’s accuracy on those passes have increased the Steers’ screen game this year.

“It definitely has to be the screen pass,” Taylor said when asked what his favorite play call is. “It’s fun going downfield and finding one of those skinny safeties to hit. They’re big plays.”

Graham’s offense doesn’t generate quite as many big plays as last year, but with a bunch of proven blockers leading the way, the Steers have powered back into the state semifinals for the third straight time.

12-09-2014, 10:03 PM
Hagen Stull this 6'0 Sr. is the unsung hero of our D-line... He spells Langley Mcwhorter & Arredondo.... Crucial Player....Key member of the D-Line...

12-09-2014, 10:43 PM
https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10698487_10202928807211470_4802000910474593556_n.j pg?oh=4044a63ff56e1914ebcbea49c5b0b5b4&oe=55027EE3https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10418303_10202928807491477_4041779925255532744_n.j pg?oh=0aca1ce70740b26cb4b3f83fc5a40a54&oe=550DF844https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10501700_10202928807891487_1875168044532342271_n.j pg?oh=eb5671586f4549f5ab7c80dc60b07f34&oe=54FB6E18https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10402409_10202928808291497_2210007052747802587_n.j pg?oh=cbccb52ec30eda3fdf194ec3357fdb12&oe=55172F7E&__gda__=1425662763_181ed6f82d060182cbe24658d01f899 3https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10405280_10202928808851511_2843174603851402298_n.j pg?oh=e0c315872a681dcd3370a086fb528d9c&oe=550C0681&__gda__=1426672852_96ea2b91969aa477f7e30aa12be1f79 c
The Lord's Prayer

Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us, and lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil.

For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever and ever.


12-09-2014, 10:59 PM
https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/s480x480/10801654_694096310704261_8943164365930736212_n.jpg ?oh=8a489fef69aaabf90299154795f167a4&oe=55120A74
Thanks:: Sherry Gonzales Zapata

12-09-2014, 11:20 PM
Check out Landry Turners Play Last Friday!

12-10-2014, 07:15 PM
this years Sr. class...got a lot of wins under them...but they want two more....

12-10-2014, 11:52 PM

12-10-2014, 11:55 PM

12-10-2014, 11:56 PM

12-10-2014, 11:57 PM

12-10-2014, 11:59 PM

12-11-2014, 12:00 AM
Careful throwing soccer terminology in the mix...

12-11-2014, 12:03 AM
Careful throwing soccer terminology in the mix...

I Don't know any thing about soccer so I wouldn't know if it was done...

12-11-2014, 12:06 AM

12-11-2014, 12:06 AM

12-11-2014, 12:08 AM

12-11-2014, 12:09 AM
Well...here you go...


12-11-2014, 12:09 AM

12-11-2014, 12:11 AM
Well...here you go...


yeah ive seen that..good stuff...but it was kids and a banner...so...IDK

12-11-2014, 12:13 AM

12-11-2014, 12:15 AM

12-11-2014, 12:20 AM

12-11-2014, 12:24 AM
I appreciate the road you guys have taken on the defensive side. I'm so tired of the "selling out" for offense. If there is a balanced team in DI it appears Graham fits the bill. Best of luck this week.

12-11-2014, 12:39 AM
I appreciate the road you guys have taken on the defensive side. I'm so tired of the "selling out" for offense. If there is a balanced team in DI it appears Graham fits the bill. Best of luck this week.
Thanks...i really feel good about this one...

12-11-2014, 07:19 PM
Graham vs Stephenville highlites

12-11-2014, 07:20 PM
Thanks...i really feel good about this one...
Great its up

Graham vs Stephenville highlites

12-11-2014, 07:50 PM
KFDX team of the week!

12-13-2014, 02:44 PM
https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10848066_10202947355115156_1098548425531948375_n.j pg?oh=5f82226a97f1c44c2596342da9e0b609&oe=55132925
What a wonderful ride you young men have sent us all on.... 15 games a year three years in a row... Marking Graham as one of the premier programs in the state.. I have had the honor to be a part of this. .. And I am forever thankful.. I have met several players past and present...several parents, and fans... It has all been an absolute pleasure to witness.. Now comes my part... I hope to capture the spirit and spark of this all.... but lets all heal a little first... just don't forget any of this.....because I want the world to know.......We are the Graham Steers....... not beating our chest....but loving our place in all this....thank you

12-13-2014, 03:01 PM
https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10848066_10202947355115156_1098548425531948375_n.j pg?oh=5f82226a97f1c44c2596342da9e0b609&oe=55132925
What a wonderful ride you young men have sent us all on.... 15 games a year three years in a row... Marking Graham as one of the premier programs in the state.. I have had the honor to be a part of this. .. And I am forever thankful.. I have met several players past and present...several parents, and fans... It has all been an absolute pleasure to witness.. Now comes my part... I hope to capture the spirit and spark of this all.... but lets all heal a little first... just don't forget any of this.....because I want the world to know.......We are the Graham Steers....... not beating our chest....but loving our place in all this....thank youOK... now eat your crow.

12-13-2014, 03:20 PM
OK... now eat your crow.
Already did cheapshot...but will not re-live it for your pleasure..so go away and spread your bla bla blas else-ware

12-13-2014, 03:35 PM
Argyle Stephenville Abilene Wylie and Decatur, they forced us to another level and for the third year we hit the semis. This year we werent really expected to be there. We lost a lot last year in our seniors and these teams made us step up and play. Thanks to those teams for keeping us on track. Argyle got us in the end and they played equally as hard as we did. No matter the aspects of the game I dont like, they won it and played their butts off. Good luck to them in facing off with a powerful Navisota team. Bring it home to NTX. Victory and smack talk has been fun this year and will hopefully be as fun next. Losing isnt fun but part of it. We will all taste that black bird. Im proud of these Graham boys. Watched almost all of them play from the time they could sign up for peewee. Its been fun watching them grow from team mates to brothers. They have a lot to be proud of. Im fortunate to have three more years of the friday night lights, for those that arent ive enjoyed watching your boys on that field. We will be ready for August and come to play another season. Seniors, thanks for the ride MEN!!!

12-13-2014, 04:10 PM
Argyle Stephenville Abilene Wylie and Decatur, they forced us to another level and for the third year we hit the semis. This year we werent really expected to be there. We lost a lot last year in our seniors and these teams made us step up and play. Thanks to those teams for keeping us on track. Argyle got us in the end and they played equally as hard as we did. No matter the aspects of the game I dont like, they won it and played their butts off. Good luck to them in facing off with a powerful Navisota team. Bring it home to NTX. Victory and smack talk has been fun this year and will hopefully be as fun next. Losing isnt fun but part of it. We will all taste that black bird. Im proud of these Graham boys. Watched almost all of them play from the time they could sign up for peewee. Its been fun watching them grow from team mates to brothers. They have a lot to be proud of. Im fortunate to have three more years of the friday night lights, for those that arent ive enjoyed watching your boys on that field. We will be ready for August and come to play another season. Seniors, thanks for the ride MEN!!!Good post!:thumbsup:

12-14-2014, 01:39 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10846492_775201219181875_7971058175066704815_n.jpg ?oh=d8db0f1cca02191dcfea6fff9cb85efc&oe=5514EBA8&__gda__=1430236532_056ed99541d7a482c858abf27e29173 0
A little pain.....A Lot of Memories...

12-14-2014, 01:39 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10846492_775201219181875_7971058175066704815_n.jpg ?oh=d8db0f1cca02191dcfea6fff9cb85efc&oe=5514EBA8&__gda__=1430236532_056ed99541d7a482c858abf27e29173 0
A little pain.....A Lot of Memories...

A great kid and an awesome family.

12-14-2014, 03:48 PM
In Texas High School football there are so many teams that could play the coulda, woulda, shoulda scenario each year. A play here or there or a bad call has derailed more championship quality teams from being in the big game at the end. Graham has nothing to be ashamed of. These young men played with passion all year and earned the right to be considered one of the elite teams this year. I will say that as a Navasota Rattler fan I worry about the matchups against our opponents. I felt before this week that the Graham defense would pose more problems for the Rattler offense than Argyle would. That is no disrespect for Argyle, but the Graham front four would have been a mismatch for the Rattlers.

Graham has a quality program, great coaching, and will be a factor again next year. It took Navasota several years to get past the quarterfinal round and win a championship, but persistence and great athletes finally made it in 2012. Graham will be there soon too!!!

12-14-2014, 06:48 PM
The previous picture was of Derek Sides..He is a coaches kid.. Great player all heart..bleeds Blue n Red.. This is him with his brother also great player in the lore of Graham Steers Football...

12-15-2014, 12:08 AM
Steers' Turner named 4-4A MVP
Zach Duncan
6:23 PM, Dec 14, 2014
5 hours ago
high school | sports | class 3a | football | hirschi
Before making it all the way to the state semifinals, the Graham Steers claimed the District 4-4A Division I title with a perfect record.

So it was no surprise the Steers took home the majority of the 4-4A special honors handed out by the district’s coaches.

Graham junior quarterback Landry Turner was named the district’s Most Valuable Player after throwing for 3,278 yards and 32 touchdowns. In the district-clinching 54-48 win over Decatur, Turner passed for 350 yards and five touchdowns while rushing for 114 yards and two scores.

Hirschi tailback Cedric Battle was the 4-4A Offensive Player of the Year after a season in which he rushed for 2,621 yards and 30 touchdowns. The electric ballcarrier had a 531-yard performance against Burkburnett.

Graham junior linebacker Bohner Cottongame was the 4-4A Defensive Player of the Year, while a pair of Steers earned Linemen of the Year honors — Jose Gonzalez on offense and Texas State commit Dustin McWhorter on defense.

Graham’s coaching staff shared honors with Decatur, which nearly upended the Steers in the regular season finale. Graham’s Hagen Hughes also split Special Teams Player of the Year with Gainesville’s Hector Sagrero.

Hirschi didn’t have any first-team selections, but sophomore Taviun Lee shared 4-4A Defensive Newcomer honors with Mineral Wells sophomore Cameron Weiss.

Defensive end D’Shan Harley and defensive back Charles Brown were second-team picks for the Huskies.

Graham was the only district team to win a playoff game, although Decatur lost to Stephenville in four overtimes in bi-district. The district finished with a 4-4 playoff record.


MVP — Landry Turner, Jr., Graham

Offensive Player of Year — Cedric Battle, Sr., Hirschi

Defensive Player of Year — Bohner Cottongame, Jr., Graham

Offensive Newcomer of Year — Terry Lee Hogan, So., Decatur

Defensive Newcomer of Year — Taviun Lee, So., Hirschi; Cameron Weiss, So., Mineral Wells

Offensive Lineman of Year — Jose Gonzalez, Jr., Graham

Defensive Lineman of Year — Dustin McWhorter, Sr., Graham

Special Teams Player of Year — Hector Sagrero, Sr., Gainesville; Hagen Hughes, Sr., Graham

Coaching Staff of Year — Graham and Decatur


QB — Mason Copeland, Sr., Gainesville; Justin Myers, Sr., Decatur

RB — Nick Martin, Jr., Graham; Payton McAlister, So., Decatur

TE — Connor Smith, Jr., Graham

WR — Ryan Durdon, Jr., Decatur; Derek Sides, Sr., Graham; Todd Parker, Sr., Graham; Jordan Duckett, So., Mineral Wells

Tackle — Cody McElhaney, Sr., Decatur; Chanse Moss, Sr., Graham

Guard — Logan Taylor, Jr., Graham; Dakota Williams, Sr., Decatur

Center — Jacob Hartsell, Sr., Decatur

Kicker — Carlos Villazana, Sr., Mineral Wells


DL — Juan Arrendondo, Jr., Graham; Zukari Long, Jr., Gainesville; Felix Guerrero, Sr., Decatur

DE — Colton Langley, Sr., Graham; Joseph Romans, Sr., Gainesville

ILB — Jim Bob Perry, Sr., Graham; Cole Vaughan, Jr., Decatur

OLB — Taylor Reddell, Jr., Graham; Dale Turner, Sr., Mineral Wells

CB — Landon Gonzales, Sr., Graham; Jorge Martinez, Jr., Decatur

S — Skeeter Buchanan, Sr., Graham; Carsen Medlin, Sr., Decatur

P — Skeeter Buchanan, Sr., Graham; Mason Copeland, Sr., Gainesville; Tristan Perry, So., Mineral Wells


QB — Bryan Lewis, Sr. Burkburnett

RB — Johnny Morales, So., Mineral Wells; Marquis Askew-Betts, Sr., Burkburnett; Zukari Long, Jr., Gainesville

TE — Tag Sparks, Sr., Gainesville

WR — Gunnar Parker, Jr., Decatur; Tanner Shields, Sr., Decatur; Cameron Patterson, Sr., Graham; Braxton Allen, Jr., Mineral Wells

Tackle — Nolan Stone, Sr., Decatur; Erik DeLeon, Jr., Gainesville

Guard — Ruben Hernandez, Jr., Gainesville; Kenny Dixon, Sr., Graham; Jacob Boswell, Jr., Burkburnett; Noah Henderson, Sr., Burkburnett

Center — Taylor Hopkins, Sr., Graham; Dillon Schroeder, Sr., Gainesville

Kicker — Mason Everett, Jr., Burkburnett


DL — Hagen Stull, Sr., Graham; Ruben Hernandez, Jr., Gainesville

DE — D’Shan Harley, Sr., Hirschi; Matt Cedrone, Sr., Decatur; Colby Parks, Sr., Mineral Wells

ILB — Ridge Reynolds, Sr., Decatur; Anthony White, Sr., Gainesville; Ty Tarver, Jr., Mineral Wells

OLB — Dillon Aston, Sr., Gainesville; Jacob Kevetter, Sr., Decatur; Mason Baur, Jr., Decatur

CB — Devin Mims, Sr., Gainesville; Brandon Garza, Jr., Decatur

S — Ryan Durdon, Jr., Decatur; Mason Copeland, Sr., Gainesville; Weston Womack, Jr., Graham; Charles Brown, Sr., Hirschi

12-15-2014, 12:30 PM
In Texas High School football there are so many teams that could play the coulda, woulda, shoulda scenario each year. A play here or there or a bad call has derailed more championship quality teams from being in the big game at the end. Graham has nothing to be ashamed of. These young men played with passion all year and earned the right to be considered one of the elite teams this year. I will say that as a Navasota Rattler fan I worry about the matchups against our opponents. I felt before this week that the Graham defense would pose more problems for the Rattler offense than Argyle would. That is no disrespect for Argyle, but the Graham front four would have been a mismatch for the Rattlers.

Graham has a quality program, great coaching, and will be a factor again next year. It took Navasota several years to get past the quarterfinal round and win a championship, but persistence and great athletes finally made it in 2012. Graham will be there soon too!!!

Yes sir I agree! If it was easy to get to the SC it wouldn't be fun and as worth it!! There are lots of teams that would love to make it that deep in the playoffs!! December football is the goal everybody shoots for! I'm happy and proud for our Steers!! Lots of great talent coming back and once again lots leaving that won't get the chance to win that title of State Champion! But that's what makes it that much sweeter when you do! Good luck to Argyle and the Rattlers!! It will go to the best team!!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - inmateboss

12-15-2014, 11:01 PM

12-16-2014, 11:36 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10685567_10202504171075832_4972772329286509675_n.j pg?oh=168f02fc49cd6c4872092e08f9ad3c42&oe=5542D0C1&__gda__=1426403799_4fac591220d4a05484c7fa46bd8cdd1 8
From 2012 Homecoming..this story is in the first part of my book.....Jerrod Mahan...Great player even better man..

12-17-2014, 12:03 AM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/10685567_10202504171075832_4972772329286509675_n.j pg?oh=168f02fc49cd6c4872092e08f9ad3c42&oe=5542D0C1&__gda__=1426403799_4fac591220d4a05484c7fa46bd8cdd1 8
From 2012 Homecoming..this story is in the first part of my book.....Jerrod Mahan...Great player even better man..

Fine young man who is now serving our country!!! Great player, too!! We had the privilege of having in our home for 3 nights two years ago during FCA all stars. He left an impression on my boys that I am grateful for!! Thanks for sharing that pic!!

12-17-2014, 12:09 AM
Fine young man who is now serving our country!!! Great player, too!! We had the privilege of having in our home for 3 nights two years ago during FCA all stars. He left an impression on my boys that I am grateful for!! Thanks for sharing that pic!!
He is a main player in the first story of my book ... has been an amazing man to interview

12-17-2014, 12:13 AM
He is a main player in the first story of my book ... has been an amazing man to interview

When does the book come out?

12-17-2014, 12:17 AM
When does the book come out?

I am giving myself a year... I have a couple of publishers they will work with me.. Soo that has driven me lately...lol..On the first book now...Still researching two and three...

12-20-2014, 12:39 AM

12-20-2014, 12:41 AM

12-20-2014, 12:41 AM

12-20-2014, 12:42 AM

12-20-2014, 12:45 AM

12-20-2014, 12:46 AM

12-20-2014, 12:47 AM

12-20-2014, 12:48 AM

12-20-2014, 12:49 AM
The Best D in 4A

12-20-2014, 12:54 AM
Did you happen to snap one of the scoreboard at the end of the game? That would have been a nice shot.

12-20-2014, 12:57 AM
Did you happen to snap one of the scoreboard at the end of the game? That would have been a nice shot.

yes but i will not pleasure you with the post .....sorry...I am here to celebrate my wonderful team ...not look down on any one else...if that troubles you then just say a prayer and move on.... god be with you

12-20-2014, 01:35 AM
Did you happen to snap one of the scoreboard at the end of the game? That would have been a nice shot.
Why you mad dude? You get snake bit or something?

12-21-2014, 01:41 AM
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-16-FB-Steers-vs-Ville/i-Zvbdjrk/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-12-05_5372-X3.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-15-FB-Steers-vs-Wylie/i-25RGK3H/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-28_4087-X3.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-14-FB-Steers-vs-Seminole/i-GtDFBDR/2/1817x925/FB_Steers_2014-11-21_4132-1817x925.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-13-FB-Steers-vs-Brownwood/i-Xbtgfdg/1/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-14_2669-X3.jpgFor The Love Of The Game...We Will Never Forget...For The Players...For The Parents...For The Band..For The Students...For The Fans....WE ARE GRAHAM....

12-22-2014, 11:07 PM
Blast from The Past...2010.....Coach McCoy and Ethan Hiser

12-22-2014, 11:09 PM
Blast From The Past 2008 Garrett Spears - Case McCoy - Dylan Fulford

12-22-2014, 11:13 PM
Blast From The Past....08...Honor line after Iowa Park Game

12-24-2014, 09:40 PM
Steers place five on all-state team
Tori Cummings
Landon Gonzales made second team all-state. (David Flynn)
The Graham Steers placed five athletes on the 4A all-state high school football teams as released by the Texas Associated Press Sports Editors.

Senior cornerback Landon Gonzales and junior linebacker Bohner Cottongame earned second-team all-state honors to lead the Steers. Senior defensive end Dustin McWhorter, junior offensive lineman Jose Gonzalez and junior quarterback Landry Turner made the honorable mention team.

Gonzales had a team-high 10 interceptions, a sack, a forced fumble and two fumble recoveries. Cottongame snagged two interceptions, posted four sacks, three fumble recoveries and caused a fumble. McWhorter had eight sacks, an interception and two forced fumbles. Turner completed 223 of 348 passes for 3,278 passing yards, 32 touchdowns and 14 interceptions. He also ran for 618 yards and 12 touchdowns on 131 carries.

Bohner Cottongame made second team all-state. (David Flynn)
Jose Gonzalez made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)
Dustin McWhorter made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)
Quarterback Landry Turner made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)

12-27-2014, 01:46 AM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/10562552_10203031639582215_1982924550720073620_o.j pg
Landon Gonzales ranked number 42 in INT's......For the entire country...all 360 million of us....sweet

12-27-2014, 04:52 AM
It's really, really hard to be perfect in Texas High School football.....esp. as you go up the ladder in classification. Graham's record this season was not perfect, but as Billy Bob Thornton said in the movie......if you gave it all you have and have joy in your heart......then you are perfect. I think the Graham Steers this season experienced perfection. Not many teams ever have that happen.....but I think for the 2014 Graham Steers it probably did happen. That's really something.....something they will take with them through life.

12-27-2014, 07:53 AM
Steers place five on all-state team
Tori Cummings
Landon Gonzales made second team all-state. (David Flynn)
The Graham Steers placed five athletes on the 4A all-state high school football teams as released by the Texas Associated Press Sports Editors.

Senior cornerback Landon Gonzales and junior linebacker Bohner Cottongame earned second-team all-state honors to lead the Steers. Senior defensive end Dustin McWhorter, junior offensive lineman Jose Gonzalez and junior quarterback Landry Turner made the honorable mention team.

Gonzales had a team-high 10 interceptions, a sack, a forced fumble and two fumble recoveries. Cottongame snagged two interceptions, posted four sacks, three fumble recoveries and caused a fumble. McWhorter had eight sacks, an interception and two forced fumbles. Turner completed 223 of 348 passes for 3,278 passing yards, 32 touchdowns and 14 interceptions. He also ran for 618 yards and 12 touchdowns on 131 carries.

Bohner Cottongame made second team all-state. (David Flynn)
Jose Gonzalez made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)
Dustin McWhorter made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)
Quarterback Landry Turner made honorable mention all-state. (David Flynn)
Congrats to those Young men! I know some mighty proud Dads and Moms not to mention Grandparents.

01-01-2015, 10:00 PM

01-22-2015, 12:45 AM
Graham B-Ball is doing quite well these days..

01-22-2015, 09:10 AM
Where's all the local supporters? I don't see many fans in the bleachers.

01-22-2015, 12:40 PM
Where's all the local supporters? I don't see many fans in the bleachers.
Most sit in the middle of the seats not the far end.....but so glad u boys from Argyle ..pay us mind....:D

01-22-2015, 12:43 PM
Also the stands on the right are the away stands

01-22-2015, 12:47 PM
Graham B-Ball is doing quite well these days..

Have ya'll played us yet?

01-22-2015, 01:14 PM
My pick is Wylie for district....but the Gaham boys have been a pleasant surprise

01-22-2015, 02:41 PM
FWIW--Dustin McWhorter should have been 1st team all state... stats don't matter--that kid had to be double or triple teamed on every play. He was a disrupter. Best defensive player we faced this year--and we played some danged good ones...

01-22-2015, 02:45 PM
FWIW--Dustin McWhorter should have been 1st team all state... stats don't matter--that kid had to be double or triple teamed on every play. He was a disrupter. Best defensive player we faced this year--and we played some danged good ones...
Yeah..he is so humble.. he was glad for the mention..but most of us felt the same way as you..

01-22-2015, 06:27 PM
Graham B-Ball is doing quite well these days..

I'm not much on basketball, as we usually suck at it, but......................thats a dang good looking gym!!!

01-22-2015, 08:57 PM
I'm not much on basketball, as we usually suck at it, but......................thats a dang good looking gym!!!

The Architect that did Graham and Bwood is repurposing Lorena's school. Hope it looks that good!

01-22-2015, 09:34 PM
Yeah we had a huge rebuild for the entire H.S. area in 2009
.. the new gym was the crown.....now if we could only get the stands rebuilt on the FB field...lol

01-23-2015, 12:04 AM
Good Shot of the home stands...not to bad

01-25-2015, 12:37 PM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10522095_10200090361139599_2680007956890996506_n.j pg?oh=b27b0db867f8d3d02d11cc49fb149a41&oe=55693F41https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10926415_10200090360979595_5790016459717690518_n.j pg?oh=985f4c1ed4b18359edc412aa77b09bb3&oe=5525C449https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10885127_10200090360059572_4130070463965281556_n.j pg?oh=55ddbacb59995de683d466643bc3fd4e&oe=55554822&__gda__=1432374087_d68af4390142dcba81c9e146508cf2e 6https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1454685_10200090360499583_3059720115771938616_n.jp g?oh=522efcd3b3d54fdb4739a830c26eb4ed&oe=556ACFA8
Dustin Getting his college thing on!! WTG #76/99
Check it out Rattler!!!

01-25-2015, 04:26 PM
The Architect that did Graham and Bwood is repurposing Lorena's school. Hope it looks that good!

Yes! hollyville's firm does great work!

01-25-2015, 04:30 PM
Yes! hollyville's firm does great work!

Hollywood, are you really with "them"?

01-25-2015, 05:42 PM
Hollywood, are you really with "them"?

No, hollywood great friends with hollyville. ;)

01-26-2015, 03:33 PM
Just something for everyone to think about for next season.......Graham is returning these (starters) for next season... 3 Offensive Linemen... Dooley, Logan, & Gonzales... The Qb.. Turner... two running-backs.. Martin & Escalon... the T.E.... Smith... Two LB's.. Reddell & Cottongame One Defensive Lineman.. Arredondo two members of the secondary..Womack & Wilson.... plus tons of players that had a lot of playing time this season... and #20's little brother....watch out Graham will here next year....

01-26-2015, 03:40 PM
Just something for everyone to think about for next season.......Graham is returning these (starters) for next season... 3 Offensive Linemen... Dooley, Logan, & Gonzales... The Qb.. Turner... two running-backs.. Martin & Escalon... the T.E.... Smith... Two LB's.. Reddell & Cottongame One Defensive Lineman.. Arredondo two members of the secondary..Womack & Wilson.... plus tons of players that had a lot of playing time this season... and #20's little brother....watch out Graham will here next year....Graham will have to be the RI favorite going into next season--sounds like they are loaded.

01-26-2015, 03:48 PM
I hate the off season..just sitting here dreaming...god i love high school football

01-26-2015, 04:53 PM
Just something for everyone to think about for next season.......Graham is returning these (starters) for next season... 3 Offensive Linemen... Dooley, Logan, & Gonzales... The Qb.. Turner... two running-backs.. Martin & Escalon... the T.E.... Smith... Two LB's.. Reddell & Cottongame One Defensive Lineman.. Arredondo two members of the secondary..Womack & Wilson.... plus tons of players that had a lot of playing time this season... and #20's little brother....watch out Graham will here next year....

Looking forward to seeing Graham being strong again. Defensive line was the strength of last seasons team. Will be interesting to see the offense be the strength this upcoming season. I think Turner will have even a better season this year.

01-26-2015, 04:55 PM
Graham will have to be the RI favorite going into next season--sounds like they are loaded.

I agree. Wylie always reloads though. The Bulldogs could be the favorite as well. Stephenville will definitely be in a rebuilding mode. Future is uncertain at this point for the Jackets even though 6 return on defense and 5-6 on offense.

01-26-2015, 06:32 PM
I agree. Wylie always reloads though. The Bulldogs could be the favorite as well. Stephenville will definitely be in a rebuilding mode. Future is uncertain at this point for the Jackets even though 6 return on defense and 5-6 on offense.

for some reason I think Stephenville will be just fine.. I think that freshmen QB might be starting next year....mmmhhumm

01-27-2015, 12:12 PM
I have a feeling that dooley next year will be a hell of a player.

Very proud of 76/99 good stuff! Had a hell of a time playing with him my junior and senior year. ready to see what his future has to bring!

01-27-2015, 12:13 PM
I am also ready to see how Mikey Freeze does, he was a freak back when we played together, cant wait to see how he does also.

01-27-2015, 12:21 PM
I am also ready to see how Mikey Freeze does, he was a freak back when we played together, cant wait to see how he does also.
Yeah TCU is gonna love him...

01-27-2015, 12:24 PM
Yeah TCU is gonna love him...

I hope he is a stud there. Im lost on the whole spring games and such, he will get to play in it correct?

01-27-2015, 09:24 PM
I hope he is a stud there. Im lost on the whole spring games and such, he will get to play in it correct?
Yes because he already graduated high school this December and I believe he is already enrolled this semester but I might be wrong about that . .lol

01-28-2015, 01:34 AM
http://www.texasfootball.com/assets/Greg-Tepper/_resampled/resizedimage160203-2014-Winter-Cover.jpgGet in the #StateOfFootball
with Dave Campbell's Texas Football!

The 2015 Winter Edition of Dave Campbell's Texas Football is coming! Featuring Allen QB Kyler Murray, TCU QB Trevone Boykin and Dallas Cowboys QB Tony Romo, the 2015 Winter Edition of DCTF is the perfect capper for an unforgettable season in the Lone Star State. From high school (including the All-Texas High School Team and MVPs for every district) to college (including full breakdowns of all 12 FBS teams in Texas) to recruiting (including the top 10 recruits at each position for the Class of 2015), this magazine is a must-read for any true football fan!

The magazine will hit shelves across Texas on January 28, but is available for pre-order now in the DCTF Store. The digital version will be available through the DCTF App, and is available as an individual purchase or (to save money) part of a DCTF Legends, Champions or Digital Subscription.

Each year in its annual Winter Edition, the staff at Dave Campbell’s Texas Football seeks to honor the finest high school fooyball players in Texas at each position, regardless of classification. We call it the All-Texas High School Team, and it's one of the most prestigious honors in the Lone Star State. With the 2015 Winter Edition of Dave Campbell’s Texas Football due to hit shelves across Texas on Jan. 28, DCTF is proud to announce the All-Texas High School Team for the 2014 season.


First Team Offense
QB: Kyler Murray, Allen (6A)
RB: Rodney Anderson, Katy (6A)
RB: D'Anthony Hopkins, Cuero (4A)
RB: SoSo Jamabo, Plano West (6A)
WR: Tren'Davian Dickson, Navasota (4A)
WR: Devontre Stricklin, Hewitt Midway (6A)
WR: J.F. Thomas, South Oak Cliff (5A)
WR: DaMarkus Lodge, Cedar Hill (6A)
OL: Toby Weathersby, Spring Westfield (6A)
OL: Patrick Vahe, Euless Trinity (6A)
OL: Kyle Zavala, Mason (2A)
OL: Jonathan Vogt, Canutillo (5A)
OL: Abdul Beecham, Converse Judson (6A)
UTIL: Blake Lynch, Gilmer (4A)
K: Tre Hohnstein, Georgetown East View (5A)

First Team Defense
DL: James Lockhart, Ennis (5A)
DL: Kingsley Keke, George Ranch (5A)
DL: Daylon Mack, Gladewater (4A)
DL: Bryce English, DeSoto (6A)
LB: Malik Jefferson, Mesquite Poteet (5A)
LB: Anthony Wheeler, Dallas Skyline (6A)
LB: Thomas Hutchings, Cedar Park (5A)
LB: Cameron Townsend, Fort Bend Ridge Point (5A)
DB: Deionte Thompson, West Orange-Stark (4A)
DB: Willie Sykes, Spring (6A)
DB: Roney Elam, Newton (3A)
DB: Isaac Warren, John Tyler (5A)
UTIL: Holton Hill, Houston Lamar (6A)
RET: Ryan Newsome, Aledo (5A)
P: Jonathan Song, Fort Worth All Saints (PVT)

Second Team Offense
QB: Jarrett Stidham, Stephenville (4A)
RB: Juwan Washington, Kennedale (4A)
RB: Nick Ralston, Argyle (4A)
RB: Marquis Broussard, Edna (3A)
WR: Cole Brunett, Whitney (3A)
WR: Jared Reagan, Booker (2A)
WR: Xavier Castille, Rockwall (6A)
WR: Aaron Sims, Cameron Yoe (3A)
OL: Greg Little, Allen (6A)
OL: Connor Lanfear, Buda Hays (6A)
OL: Zachary Kinninger, Cy Ranch (6A)
OL: Terrence Steele, Cibolo Steele (6A)
OL: Tyler Moore, Galena Park North Shore (6A)
UTIL: DeNerian Thomas, Mart (2A)
K: Drew Galitz, Rowlett (6A)

Second Team Defense
DL: Dustin McWhorter, Graham (4A)
DL: Ross Donnelly, Cy-Fair (6A)
DL: Darrion Daniels, Dallas Bishop Dunne (PVT)
DL: Du'Vonta Lampkin, Cy Falls (6A)
LB: Aikman Elrod, Blanco (3A)
LB: Clay Johnston, Abilene Wylie (4A)
LB: DJ Allen, San Antonio Brennan (6A)
LB: Noah McMeans, La Vernia (4A)
DB: Kadarius Lee, San Antonio Brandeis (6A)
DB: Khalil Haughton, Hewitt Midway (6A)
DB: Will Lockett, Manvel (6A)
DB: Jalen Campbell, Corpus Christi Flour Bluff (5A)
UTIL: Braiden Galla, Canadian (2A)
RET: Kevin Johnson, Waskom (3A)
P: Justin Maese, El Paso Ysleta (5A)

back to news list

01-29-2015, 11:01 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-g-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/t31.0-8/s960x960/10945728_10200103860837083_1954028200034081027_o.j pg
Thanks Rattler

01-31-2015, 06:13 PM
lots of Graham Sr's getting rides....more to come.."when the parents give me the okay":2thumbsup

01-31-2015, 07:35 PM
Glad to see he's going to SWTSU, errr... 'Texas State' (still hard for me to say that) to play for my alma mater. Several other elite ex-4A players there. Most notably Jones and Gunter from 'Ville.

01-31-2015, 07:39 PM
Glad to see he's going to SWTSU, errr... 'Texas State' (still hard for me to say that) to play for my alma mater. Several other elite ex-4A players there. Most notably Jones and Gunter from 'Ville.
He had his choice of several D1 schools ...kinda glad he picked them... I think he will do great

02-01-2015, 01:47 AM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10897866_993339530676653_4171211312562349483_n.jpg ?oh=6a2033cdb1362033a1a2d6cc8985707b&oe=5556C1CChttps://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10269385_993339497343323_4104780913193267373_n.jpg ?oh=9e20c019336de98efbe145c494fc9b83&oe=556AAF76&__gda__=1432454655_2f7b82dc5d3a293fd58a343e8903ad1 b
WTG Landon!!!!

02-01-2015, 02:58 AM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10897866_993339530676653_4171211312562349483_n.jpg ?oh=6a2033cdb1362033a1a2d6cc8985707b&oe=5556C1CChttps://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10269385_993339497343323_4104780913193267373_n.jpg ?oh=9e20c019336de98efbe145c494fc9b83&oe=556AAF76&__gda__=1432454655_2f7b82dc5d3a293fd58a343e8903ad1 b
WTG Landon!!!!hell of a DB right there!!!

02-03-2015, 11:43 PM
https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/1920507_10200119571829848_3992290522651913111_n.jp g?oh=e9a4dfa9e4d60b81f72a5e13f96f6b49&oe=556DBDD3Thanks Rattler!

02-04-2015, 02:01 PM
https://scontent-a-sjc.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/t31.0-8/10974239_10200120631016327_842873870554780193_o.jp g

02-04-2015, 02:02 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpa1/t31.0-8/10947402_383772721793665_7991396877335690115_o.jpg WTG Dustin and Hunter!

02-04-2015, 11:24 PM
Three area players make first-team 4A all-state
Zach Duncan
6:18 PM, Feb 4, 2015
4 hours ago
high school | sports | football | class 4a | graham

Copyright Associated Presshttp://mediaassets.timesrecordnews.com/photo/2014/12/13/Graham-Argyle_FB_4_11003281_ver1.0_900_675.jpg
Graham’s defense was one of Class 4A’s best this season, helping the Steers advance to a third consecutive state semifinal.

So it was only fitting Graham had two first-team selections on the Collin Street Bakery/Texas Sports Writers Association’s Class 4A all-state team released Wednesday.

Dustin McWhorter earned a spot at defensive end after making 103 tackles and nine sacks, while Landon Gonzales was a first-team defensive back after a 10-interception campaign.

The area had another first-team selection at fullback as senior Isaiah Love of Vernon shared the honor after gaining 2,342 yards and 23 touchdowns.

Not too be left out was Hirschi’s Cedric Battle. Running back is always one of the most competitive spots on all-state teams, and Battle was a second-team pick after gaining 2,699 yards and 30 touchdowns during his record-setting senior year.

Graham’s defense also had a third player honored as linebacker Bohner Cottongame was a third-team selection. The junior led the Steers with 140 tackles.

Four other area players made 4A TSWA honorable mention — Graham quarterback Landry Turner and offensive lineman Jose Gonzalez, Hirschi defensive end D’Shan Harley and Vernon linebacker Zack McMahen.

Navasota quarterback Shelton Eppler and Gladewater defensive tackle Daylon Mack earned TSWA 4A special honors.

Eppler, a junior, threw for a state-record 5,444 yards and 71 touchdowns for 16-0 Navasota, which won the Division I title.

Mack, who signed with Texas A&M on Wednesday, had 35 tackles for losses and blocked two kicks.



Quarterback — Shelton Eppler, Navasota, 6-0, 185, Jr.

Running backs — Nick Ralston, Argyle, 6-1, 233, Sr.; D’Anthony Hopkins, Cuero, 6-3, 215, Sr.; Juwan Washington, Kennedale, 5-7, 171, Sr.

Fullback — (tie) Kevin Dove, El Campo, 6-1, 230, Jr. and Isaiah Love, Vernon, 5-9, 165, Sr.

Split ends — Tren’Davion Dickson, Navasota, 6-1, 178, Jr.; Chase Harrell, Huffman Hargrave, 6-4, 200, Sr.

Tight end — J.C. Chalk, Argyle, 6-4, 230, Jr

Tackles — Michael Coffey, Navasota, 6-4, 240, Sr.; Thorn Berry, Gladewater, 6-3, 250, Sr.

Guards — Johnny Perez, Gilmer, 6-0, 265, Jr; (tie) Matt Hiter, Argyle, 6-4, 290. Sr. and Chase Herrig, Sinton, 5-11, 285, Jr.

Center — Dane Jesters, Gilmer, 5-11, 255, Sr.

Place-kicker — Edgar Sanchez, Henderson, Sr.

All-purpose — Blake Lynch, Gilmer, 6-5, 205, Sr.

Offensive Player of the Year — Shelton Eppler, Navasota, 6-0, 185, Jr.

Coach of the Year — Lee Fedora, Navasota


Linemen — Daylon Mack, Gladewater, 6-2, 320, Sr.; Dustin McWhorter, Graham, 6-3, 250, Sr.; Jabril Hunter, Navasota, 6-3, 200, Soph.; Jacob Covington, Liberty Hill, 6-3, 225, Sr.

Linebackers — Coy Imhoff, Navasota, 5-11, 185, Sr.; Taylor Sweatt, Argyle, 5-10, 192, Jr.; Clay Johnston, Abilene Wylie, 6-2, 215, sr.; (tie) Kody Hall, Burnet, 6-1, 210, Sr. and Trenton Hambrick, Celina, 6-2, 205, Sr.

Secondary — Deionte Thompson, West Orange-Stark, 6-2, 185, sr.; Landon Gonzales, Graham, 5-9, 165, Sr.; Travon Fuller, Athens, 6-2, 165, Jr.; Mark Villarreal, Sinton, 5-11, 170, Jr.

Punter — Zane Boles, Henderson, Sr.

Kick returner — Toby Clark, Splendora, 6-2, 175, Jr.

Defensive Player of the Year — Daylon Mack, Gladewater, 6-2, 320, Sr.


Quarterback — McLane Carter, Gilmer, 6-3, 185, Sr.

Running backs — Cedric Battle, Hirschi, 5-11, 175, Sr.; JK Dobbins, La Grange, 5-8, 160, Soph.; LeVonte Owens, Robinson, 6-3, 210, Sr.

Fullback — Felix Sanchez, Crystal City, 6-2, 210, Sr.

Split ends — Trenton Jones, Levelland, 6-1, 175, Sr.; (tie) Joel Johnson, Burnet, 6-3, 185, Jr. and David Snelling, Boerne, 5-10, 178, Sr.

Tight end — Julio Vasquez, Princeton, 6-3, 210, Jr.

Tackles — Jacob Perez, Cuero, 6-3, 325, Sr.; Jacob Rowland, Wills Point, 6-5, 285, Sr.

Guards — Josh West, Athens, 6-2, 295, Jr.; (tie) Augustin Hernandez, Port Isabel, 5-10, 200, Sr. and Taylen Vaughn, Celina, Sr.

Center — Colton Hall, Liberty Hill, 6-3, 235, Sr.

Place-kicker — Lucas Rizzotto, Liberty Hill, 5-9, 180, Sr.

All-purpose — Randy Spikes, Jasper 5-10, 165, Sr.


Linemen — David Bearden, Argyle, 6-1, 240, Jr.; Colton Knapp, Pleasanton, 6-3, 275, Sr.; Dedrick Garner, Fairfield, 6-3, 230, Sr.; (tie) Baylen Baker, Abilene Wylie, 6-5, 260, Sr. and Ricky Thompson, Robinson, 6-2, 210, Sr.

Linebackers — Devin Eggins, Fairfield, 5-8, 155, Sr.; Jaime Tellez, Gonzales, 5-11, 198, sr.; Taylor Soto, Navasota, 6-0, 200, Jr; (tie) Demarco Boyd, Gilmer, 6-0, 226, Jr.; Matt McNew, Robinson, 6-3, 220, Sr.; and Cameron Schulz, Atlanta, 6-0, 205, sr.

Secondary — Kris Boyd, Gilmer, 6-1, 185, Sr.; Diameon Brewer, Wilmer-Hutchins, 6-0, 170, Jr.; Reagan Anderson, Devine, 6-0, 170, Jr.; Justus Parker, La Vernia, 6-0, 185, Sr.

Punter — Clayton Harp, El Campo, 6-4, 175, Sr.

Kick returner — Charles Oliver, Fairfield, 6-3, 180, Sr.


Quarterback — (tie) Tre’Vontae Hights, Yoakum, 6-2, 175, Sr. and Kaegan Jeffrey, Sweetwater, 6-0, 215, Sr.

Running backs — Logan Fuller, Athens, 5-8, 210, Jr.; Draeshaun Hannah, Mexia, 6-1, 195, Sr.; (tie) Jon Shannon, Liberty Hill, 5-11, 190, Jr and Joe Guerrero, Devine, 5-7, 148, Sr.

Fullback — Preston Alexander, Big Spring, 5-9, 200, Soph.

Split ends — Keenan Holdman, Bridgeport, 5-11, 170, Jr.; Isaiah McGee, Sweetwater, 5-10, 165, Sr.

Tight end — Jarod Wood, Kilgore, 6-3, 205, Sr.

Tackles — JP Ortiz, Devine, 6-0, 245, Sr.; Jacob Sanders, Liberty Hill, 6-5, 240, Sr.

Guards — Wyatt Santos, Van, 6-2, 310, Sr.; (tie) Jake Fryrear, Caldwell, 6-2, 295, Jr. and Ty Crabtree, Monahans, 6-1, 240, Sr.

Center — (tie) Spencer Brandt, Yoakum, 6-0 190, Soph. and Carlos Becerra, Celina, 6-0, 260, Sr.

Place-kicker — (tie) Michel Martinez, Navasota, 5-6, 140, Sr. and Jozef Ruiz, Van, 5-8, 160, Jr.

All-purpose — Ethan Owens, Sinton, 6-2, 190, soph.


Linemen — Roe Wilkins, Hardin-Jefferson, 6-4, 255, Sr.; Jake Wright, Geronimo Navarro, Soph.; Jonathan Castillo, Perryton, 6-3, 235, Sr.; Tyriq Burnet, Wills Point, 6-0, 215, Soph.

Linebackers — Bohner Cottongame, Graham, 6-2, 220, Jr.; Hunter Redmond, Van, 6-3, 175, Sr.; Derrick Walker, Ferris, 6-4, 180, Sr.; (tie) Jordan Williams, Paris, 6-1, 220, Sr. and Seth Hensley, Henderson, 5-11, 205, Sr.

Secondary — Adrian Alameda, El Campo, 5-11, 165, Sr.; Derrick Williams, Kennedale, 5-7, 135, Sr.; Colton Cohea, Sinton, 6-0, 190. Jr.; Cameron Weiss, Mineral Wells, 5-9, 155, Soph.

Punter — Jeffrey Elliot, Levelland, Soph.

Kick returner — (tie) Davontay Mathis, Yoakum, 5-10, 170, sr.; Chase Tate, Gilmer, 5-5, 155, sr.


QUARTERBACKS — Landry Turner, Graham, 5-11, 170, Jr.

OFFENSIVE LINEMEN — Jose Gonzalez, Graham, 6-1, 225, Jr.

DEFENSIVE LINEMEN — D’Shan Harley, Hirschi, 6-6, 220, Sr.;

LINEBACKERS — Zack McMahen, Vernon, 6-2, 200, Sr.;

02-05-2015, 09:26 PM
http://www.hulu.com/watch/536145I miss my COWBELL!

02-07-2015, 02:32 PM
Padilla Poll Coaches
2014 All-State Team
4A, D-I

Offensive Player of the Year
Shelton Eppler Jr Navasota

Defensive Player of the Year
Coy Imhoff Sr Navasota

Coach of the Year
Lee Fedora Navasota

1st Team Speciality
Michel Martinez Sr Navasota K
Toby Clark Jr Splendora KR
Clayton Harp Sr El Campo P
Gage McCook Jr Argyle PR

2nd Team Speciality
Lucas Rizzotto Sr Liberty Hill K
Sabraun Adams Sr Seminole KR
Jeffrey Elliot So Levelland P
Sabraun Adams Sr Seminole PR
Sheet 2: Offense

Padilla Poll Coaches
2014 All-State Team
4A, D-I

1st Team Offense
Colton Hall Sr Liberty Hill OL
Matt Hiter Sr Argyle OL
Michael Coffey Sr Navasota OL
Noah Perez Sr Stephenville OL
Kyle Rickman Sr Seminole OL
Shelton Eppler Jr Navasota QB
Jarrett Stidham Sr Stephenville QB
Nick Ralston Sr Argyle RB
Levonte Owens Sr Robinson RB
Tren'Davion Dickson Jr Navasota WR
Trenton Jones Sr Levelland WR
David Snelling Sr Boerne WR
Kaegun Williams So Stephenville H

2nd Team Offense
Jacob Rowland Sr Wills Point OL
Jalen McQueen Sr Lubbock Estacado OL
Jose Gonzales Jr Graham OLhttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-11-FB-Steers-vs-Hirschi/i-TK7nkbB/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-10-31_0705-X3.jpg
Jared McHazlett Sr Burnet OL
Matt Waggoner Sr Argyle OL
Jase Hammack Sr Andrews QB Tie
Landry Turner Jr Graham QB Tiehttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-14-FB-Steers-vs-Seminole/i-x2zmp8G/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-21_2419-X3.jpg
Kevin Dove Jr El Campo RB
Derrion Randle Sr Navasota RB
Drew Estrada Jr Argyle WR
Davon Jernigan Sr Navasota WR
Jerbrell Lipscomb Sr Navasota WR
Jalen Tennison Sr Lubbock Estacado H
Sheet 3: Defense

Padilla Poll Coaches
2014 All-State Team
4A, D-I

1st Team Defense
Marquez Byrd Sr Navasota DL
Jacob Covington Sr Liberty Hill DL
Tyriq Burnett So Wills Point DL
Colton Knapp Sr Pleasanton DL
Coy Imhoff Sr Navasota LB
Bohner Cottongame Jr Graham LBhttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-12-FB-Steers-vs-Decatur/i-x5WDX64/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-07_1367-X3.jpg
Matt McNew Sr Robinson LB
Taylor Sweatt Jr Argyle LB
Keegan Gray Jr Andrews LB
Landon Gonzales Sr Graham DBhttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-04-FB-Steers-vs-Brownwood/i-WxPvHwP/1/X3/FB_Steers_2014-09-05_1035-X3.jpg
Davon Jernigan Sr Navasota DB
Jon Clark Giddings Jr Stephenville DB
Travon Fuller Jr Athens DB Tie
Jerbrell Lipscomb Sr Navasota DB Tie
Carl Willard Sr Lubbock Estacado DB Tie

2nd Team Defense
Dustin McWhorter Sr Graham DLhttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-15-FB-Steers-vs-Wylie/i-j869zZf/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-28_3831-X3.jpg
Jabril Hunter So Navasota DL
David Bearden Jr Argyle DL
Ricky Thompson Sr Robinson DL
Kody Hall Sr Burnet LB
Aaron Bernal Sr Boerne LB Tie
Josh Gillespie Sr Stephenville LB Tie
Josh Schneider Sr Taylor LB Tie
Taylor Soto Jr Navasota LB Tie
Kalen Williams Jr West Columbia DB
Zach Zembraski Sr Argyle DB
Deontre Jackson Sr Robinson DB
Jace Cordell Sr Andrews DB

02-12-2015, 08:49 PM
https://scontent-b-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/s960x960/10845627_10200144481172566_5942194154123454581_o.j pgthanks rattler

02-12-2015, 10:04 PM
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OfwEUNmPFRoEnjoy this blast from the past media film.. the 2010 Wylie game!!

02-18-2015, 06:14 PM
I just got confirmation today from a family member.. This guy will be back to play his Sr season next year..http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-14-FB-Steers-vs-Seminole/i-Lt4Lkzm/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-11-21_2468-X3.jpg
2013 stats
#10 Landry Turner Junior 5-11 / 170 QB
Graham (TX) Steers
Total Passing Yards
Passing TDs
Passing Yards/Game
Pass Completions
Pass Attempts

02-21-2015, 12:39 AM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/v/t1.0-9/11006455_904372132935991_1675668806824588569_n.jpg ?oh=27feb5a5f0d58743fe63dcf7578ff05d&oe=55545BFD Thanks Tino

02-26-2015, 08:19 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xap1/t31.0-8/10548288_392195500951387_2206570420990227630_o.jpg Kenneth Dixon will continue his football career at Hardin Simmons next season. He signed with the Cowboys this morning. CONGRATS!

03-01-2015, 10:34 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11018732_10203439676782890_8072497377960620246_n.j pg?oh=a9526c8afb5e25f90ad1de37a754a7f4&oe=558CA2DC&__gda__=1434233529_a6079656cac543cae502b3617bdf102 ehttps://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11025640_10203439676942894_3433537943428107058_n.j pg?oh=ba290213bd313003aabe4b8c9a28139d&oe=557B6D8Fhttps://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/14063_10203439677302903_2706131828243386020_n.jpg? oh=f8f6ad2f292a301a8b505ba58aa3e79f&oe=554A2833OH YEAH!!

03-09-2015, 11:38 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xtp1/t31.0-8/11062821_367282493463468_4371727928346550059_o.jpg We lost some great folks this week.. and other are not out of the woods yet. Lord give them strength, wisdom, courage, and peace...

03-14-2015, 04:12 PM
I had a short chat with this guy last night.. He has healed nicely from surgery and is ready for a Summer time 7 on 7 3peat and a great Sr yr next season..

03-17-2015, 08:37 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-a-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/t31.0-8/11077926_10204036874463151_33934940737356157_o.jpg Derek signing with UMHB Football. Great supporting coaches to get him to this level. W.T.G. Derek

03-24-2015, 10:57 PM
Pictures from the PK relay in Graham.. Wylie got 1st Graham 2nd...Congrats to all!!
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-XCXKvrC/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_2876-X3.jpgLandon Gonzales
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-dNdZ747/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_0786-X3.jpgHunter Dooley
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-F5hFjB9/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_0799-X3.jpgChance Moss
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-V6ZDCGq/0/X2/TF_2015-03-21_0819-X2.jpgJuan Arredondo
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-g8Kg8Z2/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_0580-X3.jpgHunter Baca
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-wBHgWpJ/0/X2/TF_2015-03-21_2924-X2.jpgLandry Turner

03-24-2015, 11:05 PM
More from the PK relay!
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-MhZTHcN/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_2002-X3.jpgLandon Gonzales passes to Justin Escalon
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-XMg77VM/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_0038-X3.jpgDerek Sides
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Track/2015-PK-Relays/i-X4zVTn9/0/X3/TF_2015-03-21_2124-X3.jpgCasey Cannon

03-31-2015, 10:28 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10404894_931519313546520_3310653767152328992_n.jpg ?oh=9e4f6fb9967bafd5df1c0b015c7f844c&oe=55BDE1EACongratulations GHS Varsity Golf!!!! Going to Regionals!!!

04-03-2015, 07:50 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/l/t1.0-9/11013423_410035349167402_8845520434585443085_n.jpg ?oh=8347aee877f1becab94fe4892e038d96&oe=55A1FF58https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/t31.0-8/11070148_410035089167428_270620669217034829_o.jpg

04-05-2015, 12:12 AM
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-3Gx7Zvr/0/X2/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0397-X2.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-pPvqZb8/0/X2/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0064-2-X2.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-8wcKqM7/0/X3/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0101-X3.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-Dms9mKz/0/X3/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0091-X3.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-K99cmW9/0/X3/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0207-X3.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Softball/2015-SB-Lady-Blues-vs-Brownwood/i-WngXXrr/0/2168x925/LB_SB_2015-04-03_0892-2168x925.jpgA little Lady Blues Action...

04-08-2015, 10:27 PM
http://extras.mnginteractive.com/live/media/site68/2015/0408/20150408_104053_golfW.jpgGirls golf wins second straight district title
Tori Cummings
The Graham girls golf team won the District 6 title on Monday by 74 strokes. The district champions are from left to right: Ashley Choate, Abbi Iles, coach Michael Todd, Madison Farmer, Kennedy Hays and Maggie Nunley. (Photo sumbitted by Michael Todd)
Entering Monday's final round of the District 6 tournament at Stephenville, the Lady Blues golf team had a 39-stroke lead.

All the girls had to do was play their game and the title would return to Graham.

Not only did the Lady Blues win the title by 74 strokes, they posted their best total score of the season.

The Lady Blues shot a 361 on Monday, 30 strokes better than the first round, for a two-day score of 752. Brownwood took second place with an 826. Both teams will represent District 6 at the Region I tournament in Lubbock, April 13 and 14.

Brownwood hit a 396 on Monday which almost matched Graham's first round score of 391. But the Lady Blues kept chipping away at their score from March 25 and left everyone else in the dust.

Abilene-Wylie finished third at 834, Stephenville took fourth with an 870 and Mineral Wells placed fifth with a 938.

04-08-2015, 11:44 PM
Graham should feel honored to have a devout Steerbacker like you posting such wonderful events that capture those moments in time for all to see and remember. Every school should be so fortunate.

04-09-2015, 07:32 AM
Graham should feel honored to have a devout Steerbacker like you posting such wonderful events that capture those moments in time for all to see and remember. Every school should be so fortunate.
Thank you. I enjoy doing this. It doesn't take long and is a lot of fun. .

04-13-2015, 10:54 AM
Mike Freeze - http://texas.247sports.com/Article/The-Daily-5-What-some-of-Texas-2015-opponents-did-this-weekend-36744737

The Horned Frogs held their spring game Friday night. With Trevone Boykin out for the game (still recovering from recent surgery to his non-throwing wrist) Foster Sawyer took the first snaps for the first team offense, but he and three other quarterbacks split reps.

Based on the reports from Horned Frog Blitz, it sounds like a lot of plays were made by the defensive line. One of the highlights of the night was true freshman Mike Freeze from Graham getting the start at middle linebacker, and he reportedly had a nice showing.

The bigger news for Longhorn fans coming out of this game is the number of prospects the Horned Frogs drew to campus. Trayveon Williams, Mike Williams, Anthony Hines (2017) and Jeffrey Okudah (2017) were among those recruits holding Texas offers that made it to Fort Worth.

04-13-2015, 10:57 AM
Mike Freeze - http://texas.247sports.com/Article/The-Daily-5-What-some-of-Texas-2015-opponents-did-this-weekend-36744737

The Horned Frogs held their spring game Friday night. With Trevone Boykin out for the game (still recovering from recent surgery to his non-throwing wrist) Foster Sawyer took the first snaps for the first team offense, but he and three other quarterbacks split reps.

Based on the reports from Horned Frog Blitz, it sounds like a lot of plays were made by the defensive line. One of the highlights of the night was true freshman Mike Freeze from Graham getting the start at middle linebacker, and he reportedly had a nice showing.

The bigger news for Longhorn fans coming out of this game is the number of prospects the Horned Frogs drew to campus. Trayveon Williams, Mike Williams, Anthony Hines (2017) and Jeffrey Okudah (2017) were among those recruits holding Texas offers that made it to Fort Worth.
Awesomeness thanks Rattler

04-14-2015, 09:56 PM
District track meet day 1: Moss breaks school shot put record; Graham teams with strong day
Tori Cummings
Chanse Moss broke the 49-year old school shot put record on this throw of 54 feet, 5 inches. (Tori Cummings)
As the shot put sailed through the air and smashed onto the pebble covered ground, Chanse Moss knew he had done something special.

Not only did the senior's final throw secure the District 6-4A shot put title on the meet's first day, it broke a 49-year old school record.

“There was that instant feeling you get when you just know you get a good one,” Moss said. “It was just the most satisfying feeling I've had all year long.”

The shot put landed at 54 feet, 5 inches, which ended Mike Dowdle's reign as the record holder at 54 feet, 1 inch.

Moss had hit over 55 feet in practice, but could never hit the school record in a meet until Monday in Graham.

“It was definitely an honor,” Moss said. “There's been so many great throwers before me like Lance Groves (Class of 2009) and Dusty Rae (2012), all those going to the state competition and representing Graham well. I was the one to actually get out and do it.”

With the win, Moss qualified for next Thursday's area meet, putting him one step closer in a quest to return to the state meet where he finished sixth last year.

Juan Arrendondo also threw shot put at the district meet and finished sixth at 47 feet, 7 inches. Arrendondo will miss the area meet since only the top four finishers advance.

Will Walton and Jake Lanham ran their way to the area meet in the 3,200-meter run with second and fourth place finishes respectively. Walton posted a 10:52.4, 32 seconds behind district champion Preston Brooks of Mineral Wells. Lanham came in at 10:58.76.

Derek Sides long jumped 20 feet, .25 inches to place second. Cameron Morrison finished sixth at 19 feet, 7.75 inches.

Monday's Area qualifiers from Graham: Bradley Little (pole vault), Hunter Baca (high jump), Sydney Smith (discus), Lanna Plaster (discus), Jasmine Sims (long jump) and Cody Hays (pole vault).

04-15-2015, 09:59 AM

Nice bus... :thumbsup:

04-15-2015, 12:04 PM

Nice bus... :thumbsup:
Lol yeah got a Graham player a Wylie bus and a Stephenville coach..hehe

04-15-2015, 10:47 PM
Congratulations! Chanse Moss on signing with North Texas!!!

04-16-2015, 10:05 PM
http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/shot-put-soccer-sand-volleyball-signings/68462/98Ahuu-Rc02gmwMDGUu7HAVideo About Chanse Moss signing..

04-20-2015, 09:37 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10258986_936638209709383_6092737485778373980_n.jpg ?oh=9bda7166a6b772dff0eaf48151e30213&oe=55E048D1&__gda__=1440256013_9a78134bf10a50fb1884183b10def06 b
One of the best Steers to ever play the game. Over 100 seasons.

04-21-2015, 08:46 PM
https://fbcdn-sphotos-c-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11138096_937269252979612_5589244540760075260_n.jpg ?oh=4aff75e74752ea8c899fb3ddb32f6ce3&oe=55DD6E9D&__gda__=1440611860_8bed725742836cae45e279c3231ca33 f
"Just got word that Landon accepted his invitation to play in this years Oil Bowl...this year it's Texas vs Oklahoma like the old days.">>>>Tino Gonzales

04-22-2015, 07:03 AM

TCU releases post-spring depth chart with true freshman in starting lineup

Ryan Gerbosi Follow @RyanGerbosi Email rgerbosi@dallasnews.com
Published: April 20, 2015 7:27 pm

TCU has some holes on the defensive side after graduating the top three linebackers from a year ago.

The Horned Frogs’ post-spring depth chart lists true freshman Mike Freeze as the starter at middle linebacker in TCU’s two-linebacker system. His partner is currently listed as junior Sammy Douglas.

Freeze, a three-star recruit out of Graham, has never played the position before arriving at TCU as an early enrollee, Gary Patterson told reporters earlier this month.

“Mike Freeze does some things naturally that you can’t teach,” Patterson said. “And he was a safety in high school, never has played linebacker, so every day is a new day for him.”

Here are a few other notes from the depth chart:

–The Frogs could potentially have two true freshmen starting at the same position by fall. Alec Dunham, another three-star recruit, is listed behind Douglas for the other linebacker spot beside Freeze. Dunham enrolled early after playing at Coldspring-Oakhurst in Coldspring, Texas.

–TCU doesn’t appear ready to name one of its young quarterbacks as Trevone Boykin’s backup — and the potential starter-in-waiting — just yet. Senior Bram Kohlhausen is listed behind the Heisman candidate with redshirt freshmen Foster Sawyer and Grayson Muehlstein listed third and fourth respectively.

–Similar to last season when four Frogs were listed as starters at tailback, TCU again has utilized the word “OR” in its depth chart. Aaron Green, Trevorris Johnson and Kyle Hicks are all sharing starting duties as of now with redshirt freshman Shaun Nixon waiting behind.

–TCU has 98 starts across its offensive line, but a sophomore with no starting experience is winning the battle at right tackle. Joseph Noteboom was among the favorites to start on the line a year ago, but was overtaken on the depth chart Halapoulivaati Vaitai and Tayo Fabuluje. With Vaitai moving to the left side after Fabuluje’s graduation, Noteboom will have a chance on the right.

–Sophomore Torrence Mosley is currently in line to start at corner opposite Ranthony Texada as the Frogs look to replace Kevin White.

–Despite a previously announced move to cornerback, Cameron Echols-Luper is listed at receiver after injuries kept him on offense during the spring.

Check out the full depth chart below:


Left Tackle

Halapoulivaati Vaitai | 6-6 | 308 | Sr.

Aviante Collins | 6-6 | 295 | Sr.

Trey Elliott | 6-4 | 280 | RFr.

Left Guard

Jamelle Naff | 6-4 | 325 | Sr.

Bobby Thompson | 6-6 | 310 | Sr


Joey Hunt | 6-3 | 295 | Sr.

Austin Schlottman | 6-6 | 300 | So.

Right Guard

Brady Foltz | 6-4 | 320 | Sr.

Patrick Morris | 6-3 | 288 | So.

Frank Kee | 6-4 | 330 | Jr.

Right Tackle

Joseph Noteboom | 6-5 | 310 | So.

Matt Pryor | 6-7 | 350 | So.

75 Ryan Griswold 6-5 | 270 | RFr.

Tight End

Buck Jones | 6-4 | 255 | Jr.

Dominic Merka 6-4 230 Sr.


Aaron Green | 5-11 | 202 | Sr. OR

Kyle Hicks | 5-10 | 200 | So. OR

Trevorris Johnson | 5-11 | 221 | So.

Shaun Nixon | 5-10 | 196 | RFr.


Trevone Boykin | 6-2 | 205 | Sr.

Bram Kohlhausen | 6-2 | 203 | Sr.

Foster Sawyer | 6-5 | 220 | RFr.

Grayson Muehlstein | 6-4 | 210 | RFr.

Wide Receiver (X)

Kolby Listenbee | 6-1 | 183 | Sr.

Emmanuel Porter | 6-4 | 210 | So.

Corey McBride | 6-1 | 187 | RFr.

Wide Reciever (H)

Deante’ Gray | 5-10 | 175 | Sr.

Desmon White | 5-7 | 150 | So.

Wide Receiver (Y)

Ty Slanina | 6-0 | 193 | Jr.

Cameron Echols-Luper | 6-0 | 190 | Jr.

Andre Petties-Wilson | 6-1 | 190 | RFr.

Wide Receiver (Z)

Josh Doctson | 6-3 | 195 | Sr.

Ja’Juan Story| 6-4 | 208 | Sr.


Place Kicker — Jaden Oberkrom | 6-3 | 187 | Sr.

Snapper — Bryson Burtnett | 6-5 | 244 | So.

Holder — Zach Allen | 6-3 | 205 | So.

KOS – Jaden Oberkrom | 6-3 | 187 | Sr.

Punter — Ethan Perry | 6-4 | 230 | Sr.

Kick Returner

Ranthony Texada | 5-10 | 170 | So.

Kyle Hicks | 5-10 | 200 | So.

Cameron Echols-Luper | 6-0 | 190 | Jr.

Punt Returner

Cameron Echols-Luper | 6-0 | 190 | Jr.

Derrick Kindred | 5-10 | 210 | Sr.

Deante’ Gray | 5-10 | 175 | Sr.

Ranthony Texada | 5-10 | 170 | So.


Left End

Josh Carraway | 6-4 | 250 | Jr. OR

James McFarland | 6-3 | 248 | Sr.

L.J. Collier | 6-4 | 275 | RFr.

Defensive Tackle

Chris Bradley | 6-2 | 255 | So.

Tevin Lawson | 6-4 | 280 | Jr.

Casey McDermott-Vai | 6-4 | 276 | RFr.

Defensive Tackle

Davion Pierson | 6-2 | 305| Sr.

Aaron Curry | 6-2 | 280 | Jr.

Casey McDermott-Vai | 6-4 | 276 | RFr.

Right End

Mike Tuaua | 6-3 | 253 | Sr. OR

Terrell Lathan | 6-5 | 280 | Sr.

Bryson Henderson | 6-6 | 275 | So.

Middle Linebacker

Mike Freeze | 6-3 | 220 | Fr.

Ty Summers | 6-2 | 230 | RFr.

Strong-side Linebacker

Sammy Douglas | 6-3 | 215 | Jr.

Alec Dunham | 6-1 | 213 | Fr.

Paul Whitmill | 6-0 | 230 | So

Strong Safety

Denzel Johnson | 6-2 | 205 | Jr.

Travin Howard | 6-1 | 190 | So.

George Baltimore | 6-0 | 205 | So.

Free Safety

Derrick Kindred | 5-10 | 210 | Sr.

Nick Orr | 5-10 | 166 | So.

Steve Wesley | 6-0 | 175 | So.

Weak Safety

Kenny Iloka | 6-2 | 209 | Sr. OR

Ridwan Issahaku | 6-1 | 180 | RFr.


Ranthony Texada | 5-10 | 170 | So.

Nick Orr | 5-10 | 166 | So.


Torrance Mosley | 5-10 | 160 | So.

Corry O’Meally | 6-0 | 170 | Sr.

DeShawn Raymond | 6-1 | 180 | Fr.

04-22-2015, 09:03 AM
That's awesome!! Anxious to see him play.

04-22-2015, 10:30 PM

2015 Roster

No. Name Ht. Wt. Pos. Class Hometown Last School
1 Emanuel Porter 6-4 210 WR SO Dallas, Texas Lincoln High School
2 Trevone Boykin 6-2 205 QB SR Dallas, Texas West Mesquite High School
2 Corry O'Meally 6-0 170 CB SR Miami, Fla. Ellsworth CC
3 Shaun Nixon 5-10 196 TB RS FR Austin, Texas Lake Travis High School
6 Kenny Iloka 6-2 209 S SR Sugar Land, Texas Tyler JC
6 Bram Kohlhausen 6-2 203 QB SR Houston, Texas L.A. Harbor College
7 Kolby Listenbee 6-1 183 WR SR Arlington, Texas Bowie High School
9 Josh Doctson 6-3 195 WR SR Mansfield, Texas Wyoming
10 Desmon White 5-7 150 WR SO DeSoto, Texas DeSoto High School
11 Zach Allen 6-3 205 QB SO Temple, Texas Temple High School
11 Ranthony Texada 5-10 170 CB SO Frisco, Texas Centennial High School
12 Kolby Griffin 6-0 200 CB SR Houston, Texas St. Pius X High School
12 Foster Sawyer 6-5 220 QB RS FR Fort Worth, Texas All Saints' Episcopal School
13 Ty Slanina 6-0 193 WR JR East Bernard, Texas East Bernard High School
15 Cameron Echols-Luper 6-0 190 CB JR Auburn, Ala. Auburn High School
15 Steve Wesley 6-0 175 S SO Arlington, Texas Bowie High School
16 Torrance Mosley 5-10 160 CB SO Dutchtown, La. Dutchtown High School
17 Grayson Muehlstein 6-4 210 QB RS FR Decatur, Texas Decatur High School
17 DeShawn Raymond 6-1 180 CB FR Metairie, La. East Jefferson High School
18 Nick Orr 5-10 166 S SO DeSoto, Texas DeSoto High School
19 Cyd Calvin 6-1 175 CB SO Frisco, Texas Centennial High School
19 Travis Hanes 5-11 207 WR SO Houston, Texas Stratford High School
20 Deanté Gray 5-10 175 WR SR Houston, Texas Westside High School
21 Kyle Hicks 5-10 200 TB SO Arlington, Texas Martin High School
22 Aaron Green 5-11 202 TB SR San Antonio, Texas Nebraska
23 Alec Dunham 6-1 213 LB FR Coldspring, Texas Coldspring-Oakhurst High School
23 Ryan Watkins 6-0 250 FB JR Fort Worth, Texas Carter-Riverside High School
24 Trevorris Johnson 5-11 221 TB SO Houston, Texas Alief Taylor High School
25 Michael Downing 5-11 175 S SO Alpharetta, Ga. Alpharetta High School
26 Colten Christensen 5-9 185 TB SR Rancho Santa Margarita, Calif. Saddleback College
26 Derrick Kindred 5-10 210 S SR San Antonio, Texas Wagner High School
27 Travoskey Garrett 6-1 190 CB SR Lufkin, Texas Lufkin High School
28 Isaiah Alexander 5-7 170 WR SO Aurora, Colo. Smoky Hill High School
28 Patrick Zeller 6-0 200 WR RS FR San Diego, Calif. Del Norte High School
29 George Baltimore 6-0 205 S SO Mansfield, Texas Mansfield High School
30 Denzel Johnson 6-2 205 S JR Gainesville, Texas Gainesville High School
31 Ridwan Issahaku 6-1 180 S RS FR Norcross, Ga. Norcross High School
31 Devin Killpatrick 5-11 165 WR SR Pearland, Texas Bacone College
32 Travin Howard 6-1 190 S SO Longview, Texas Longview High School
33 Robert Lewis 5-11 165 CB SR Atlanta, Ga. West Forsyth High School
33 Jaden Oberkrom 6-3 187 PK SR Arlington, Texas Martin High School
34 Mike Freeze 6-3 220 LB FR Graham, Texas Graham High School
34 Preston Miller 5-9 170 WR JR Dallas, Texas Highland Park High School
34 Daniel Walsh 6-2 180 WR JR San Diego, Calif. Cathedral Catholic High School
35 Sammy Douglas 6-3 215 LB JR Arlington, Texas Arlington High School
36 Ryan Graf 6-0 180 PK FR Los Angeles, Calif. Culver Military Academy
37 Ethan Perry 6-4 230 P SR Spring Branch, Texas Smithson Valley High School
38 Connor Osborne 5-10 170 WR JR West Monroe, La. West Monroe High School
39 Stacy Boyd 5-5 150 TB JR Fort Worth, Texas Western Hills High School
39 Justus Canfield 5-11 185 WR SO New Brighton, Minn. Irondale High School
40 James McFarland 6-3 248 DE SR West Monroe, La. West Monroe High School
42 Ty Summers 6-2 230 LB RS FR San Antonio, Texas Reagan High School
43 Michael Carroll 6-1 170 WR FR Beavercreek, Ohio Beavercreek High School
43 Davis Devereaux 6-1 220 LB FR Dallas, Texas Parish Episcopal School
44 Paul Whitmill 6-0 230 LB SO Bastrop, Texas Bastrop High School
46 Ben Rinke 6-1 185 S FR Austin, Texas Hyde Park High School
47 Jake Whittenburg 6-0 205 WR FR Perryton, Texas Perryton High School
49 Brandon Hatfield 6-3 230 PK/P SO Chino Hills, Calif. Ontario Christian School
49 Garrett Kaufman 6-1 225 LB SO Bentonville, Ark. Northwestern State
50 Harrison Gillaspy 5-11 220 LB SO Amarillo, Texas Crown College
51 Demetrion Amie 6-4 250 DE RS FR Fort Worth, Texas Hill School
51 Austin Schlottman 6-6 300 C SO Brenham, Texas Brenham High School
52 Trey Elliott 6-4 280 OT RS FR Dallas, Texas Jesuit College Prep School
53 George Cullen 6-0 210 LB RS FR Atlanta, Ga. Chadwick School
55 Joey Hunt 6-3 295 C SR El Campo, Texas El Campo High School
56 Frank Kee 6-4 330 OG JR Arlington, Texas Tyler JC
57 Davion Pierson 6-2 305 DT SR Oklahoma City, Okla. Millwood High School
58 Patrick Morris 6-3 288 OG SO Denton, Texas Guyer High School
60 Thomas Walsh 6-3 295 OL RS FR Grapevine, Texas Heritage High School
61 Michael MacCrory 6-1 275 OG JR Houston, Texas Stratford High School
63 Garrett Altman 6-4 272 C SO Brenham, Texas Brenham High School
64 Matt Pryor 6-7 350 OT SO Long Beach, Calif. Lakewood High School
65 Brady Foltz 6-4 320 OG SR Rose Hill, Kan. Rose Hill High School
66 Pakamiaiaea Davis 6-2 240 DL RS FR Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Kamehameha Schools
68 Joseph Noteboom 6-5 310 OT SO Plano, Texas Plano High School
69 Aviante Collins 6-6 295 OT SR Houston, Texas Willowridge High School
70 Lloyd Tunstill 6-4 305 OL JR Santa Clarita, Calif. College of the Canyons
71 Matt Boggs 6-0 205 SN SO Benton, La. Benton High School
72 Bobby Thompson 6-6 310 OG SR Midland, Texas Midland Christian
74 Halapoulivaati Vaitai 6-6 308 OT SR Haltom, Texas Haltom High School
75 Ryan Griswold 6-5 270 OT RS FR Pearland, Texas Pearland High School
76 Chad Childs 6-5 300 OG JR La Grange, Texas La Grange High School
77 Jamelle Naff 6-4 325 OG SR Del City, Okla. Del City High School
78 Ty Barrett 6-5 316 OL RS FR Dallas, Texas Skyline High School
79 Luke Benuska 6-6 295 OT SR San Marino, Calif. San Marino High School
80 Buck Jones 6-4 255 TE JR Matthews, N.C. Weddington High School
81 Ja'Juan Story 6-4 208 WR SR Brooksville, Fla. Florida
82 Charlie Reid 6-4 225 WR SO Fort Worth, Texas All Saints' Episcopal School
83 Keaton Duhon 6-0 180 WR RS FR Southlake, Texas Carroll High School
84 Dominic Merka 6-4 230 TE SR Crosby, Texas Crosby High School
85 Corey McBride 6-1 187 WR RS FR Dutchtown, La. Dutchtown High School
86 Bryson Burtnett 6-5 244 TE SO Springtown, Texas Springtown High School
87 Griffin Gilbert 6-5 220 WR JR Austin, Texas Lake Travis High School
88 Nathan Hernandez 5-8 160 WR JR Coppell, Texas Coppell High School
88 Cole Novak 6-6 240 TE SO Georgetown, Texas Texas State
89 Andre Petties-Wilson 6-1 190 WR RS FR San Diego, Calif. Mission Bay High School
90 Terrell Lathan 6-5 280 DE SR Chatham, La. West Monroe High School
91 L.J. Collier 6-4 275 DE RS FR Munday, Texas Munday High School
92 Bryson Henderson 6-6 275 DE SO Mansfield, Texas Summit High School
93 Michael Mosharrafa 6-3 210 DE JR Phoenix, Ariz. Brophy College Preparatory
93 Mike Tuaua 6-3 253 DE SR Rohnert Park, Calif. Santa Rosa JC
94 Josh Carraway 6-4 250 DE JR Flower Mound, Texas Marcus High School
95 Aaron Curry 6-2 280 DT JR Keller, Texas Nebraska
97 Chris Bradley 6-2 255 DT SO Shreveport, La. Evangel Christian Academy
98 Casey McDermott Vai 6-4 276 DT RS FR Raytown, Mo. Raytown South High School
99 Tevin Lawson 6-4 280 DT JR Denham Springs, La. Denham Springs High School
Jaelan Austin 6-0 192 WR FR Grand Prairie, Texas South Grand Prairie High School
Sam Awolope 6-6 265 OT FR Missouri City, Texas Fort Bend Marshall High School
David Bolisomi 6-6 290 OT FR Denton, Texas Ryan High School
Joseph Broadnax 6-0 305 DT FR Dallas, Texas Bryan Adams High School
Arico Evans 6-2 190 S FR Dallas, Texas Hillcrest High School
Tipa Galeai 6-5 220 DE FR Euless, Texas Trinity High School
Jeff Gladney 6-0 175 CB FR New Boston, Texas New Boston High School
TreVontae Hights 6-3 180 WR FR Yoakum, Texas Yoakum High School
Cordel Iwuagwu 6-3 290 OG FR Houston, Texas Westfield High School
Tony James 5-10 165 WR FR Arlington, Texas Bowie High School
Julius Lewis 5-10 170 CB FR Mansfield, Texas Mansfield High School
Jozie Milton 6-2 310 C FR Clinton, La. Silliman Institute
Breylin Mitchell 6-4 255 DE FR Round Rock, Texas Round Rock High School
Niko Small 5-10 187 S FR Arlington, Texas Bowie High School
Jarrison Stewart 5-11 177 WR FR Mesquite, Texas Horn High School
Semaj Thomas 6-2 225 LB FR Fort Worth, Texas Southwest High School
KaVontae Turpin 5-9 165 WR FR Monroe, La. Neville High School
Montrel Wilson 6-3 198 S FR Keller, Texas Fossil Ridge High School

Gary Patterson - Head Coach | 15th Season
Jarrett Anderson - Offensive Line Coach | 18th Season
Rusty Burns - Outside Receivers Coach | 7th Season
DeMontie Cross - Co-Defensive Coordinator/Linebackers Coach | 3rd Season
Sonny Cumbie - Co-Offensive Coordinator/QBs Coach | 2nd season
Zarnell Fitch - Director of High School Relations | 1st Season
Chad Glasgow - Co-Defensive Coordinator/Safeties Coach | 14th Season
Matt Lewis - Director of Football Operations | 12th Season
Curtis Luper - Running Backs Coach | 3rd Season
Doug Meacham - Co-Offensive Coordinator/Inside WRs | 2nd season
Dan Sharp - Defensive Line Coach | 24th season
Jake Brown - Graduate Assistant - Offense | 1st Season
David Gable - Associate Director of Sports Medicine | 12th Season
Bryson Oliver - Graduate Assistant - Offense | 1st Season
Don Sommer - Head Strength and Conditioning Coach | 14th Season
Jason Teague - Graduate Assistant - Defense | 2nd Season
Jeremy Modkins - Defensive Analyst | 1st Season
Matt Parker - Assoc. Strength and Conditioning Coach | 9th Season
Paul Gonzales - Cornerbacks Coach | 1st Season
Nelly Gonzalez - Assistant Director of Football Operations | 1st Season
Hudson Fuller - Offensive Analyst | 1st Season
Eric Russell - Director of Player Personnel - Special Teams | 1st Season

TCU Football

04-22-2015, 10:32 PM
2015-2016 SCHEDULE
0-0 Home
0-0 Away
Date Opponent / Event Location Time / Result
09/03/15 at Minnesota Minneapolis, Minn. TBA
09/12/15 vs. Stephen F. Austin Fort Worth, Texas TBA
09/19/15 vs. SMU Fort Worth, Texas TBA
09/26/15 at Texas Tech Lubbock, Texas TBA
10/03/15 vs. Texas Fort Worth, Texas TBA
10/10/15 at Kansas State Manhattan, Kan. TBA
10/17/15 at Iowa State Ames, Iowa TBA
10/29/15 vs. West Virginia Fort Worth, Texas TBA
11/07/15 at Oklahoma State Stillwater, Okla. TBA
11/14/15 vs. Kansas Fort Worth, Texas TBA
11/21/15 at Oklahoma Norman, Okla. TBA
11/27/15 vs. Baylor Fort Worth, Texas TBA

04-22-2015, 10:54 PM
Saturday9.5.15FootballTBATallahassee, FLA
Texas State
Florida State

Saturday9.12.15FootballTBASan Marcos, Texas
Texas State
Prairie View A&M

Saturday9.19.15FootballTBASan Marcos, Texas
Texas State
Southern Miss

Saturday9.26.15FootballTBAHouston, Texas
Texas State

Saturday10.10.15FootballTBALafayette, LA
Texas State
UL Lafayette

Saturday10.24.15FootballTBASan Marcos, Texas
Texas State
South Alabama

Thursday10.29.15FootballTBAStatesboro, GA
Texas State
Georgia Southern

First seven games.

04-23-2015, 09:43 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/11170324_923498817703072_200734646644223436_n.jpg? oh=aafa5daa5ba3f6eaeae8ec12343c81a2&oe=55E5449D

04-23-2015, 09:54 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/10660149_1038839026126703_2133295291478427843_n.jp g?oh=2213c87882ec9d5ad68b0435a97f2a75&oe=55A0E9ED
Going to regionals! Great job boys!
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/t1.0-9/11159525_1038879712789301_313603112575506175_n.jpg ?oh=c46ddd4bd117a6af4fc892707706eb97&oe=55E2C0C1
Medal #2. WTG Landon!!

04-23-2015, 10:26 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/10628618_1038912976119308_5992721016080582591_n.jp g?oh=1a591f1e33ca0e6cf1a4149c074734a4&oe=55D9DED8
And medal #3!

04-24-2015, 09:56 PM
GHS track teams shine at area meet; grab 19 regional spots
Tori Cummings
Cara Cowser won the 100-meter hurdles and finished second in the 300-meter hurdles. Cowser set a new Graham High School record in the 100 hurdles in 14.77 seconds. (Tori Cummings)
The Graham track teams took five individual area championships, set three school records on Thursday and punched 19 tickets to the Region I meet.

The Steers finished fourth overall with 92 points behind Abilene-Wylie (132), Vernon (103) and Mineral Wells (97). The Lady Blues finished fifth with 68 points. Wylie won the area with 140 points. The top four finishers in each event advanced to the Region I meet in Lubbock on Friday, May 1 and Saturday, May 2.

“We are very pleased with all of our area track contestants,” coach Jim Walton said. “Bradley Little, Lana Plaster and Conner Smith, all stood out in the field events. Both of 1600-meter relays qualified for regional with season best times. This is a very strong area and to advance from this meet was no small task. We feel like we are sending a strong group out to Lubbock and several that have a chance to advance to state.”

The Steers took three individual area titles, highlighted by another record-breaking performance from Chanse Moss. Moss dominated the shot put by resetting the Graham High School record at 54 feet, 8 inches, more than four feet better than the runner up. Moss broke the 59-year-old record last Monday at the district meet.

Connor Smith took first in the discus by almost four feet at 150 feet, 3 inches. Bradley Little pole vaulted 13 feet for the area crown.

The Lady Blues had two area champions. Lanna Plaster won the girls shot put with a throw of 38 feet. Cara Cowser took the area title in the 100-meter hurdles in 14.77 seconds, which broke the school record from 2005 of 14.97. Cowser placed second in the 300-meter hurdles in 46.98.
Read the full story in this weekend's Graham Leader.
Hunter Baca jumped a season-best 6'2" in the high jump and finished fifth. (Clint Foster/Mineral Wells Index)

04-27-2015, 06:38 PM
Pictures from the Area round track meet....thanks! David Flynn..

04-28-2015, 10:11 AM
An old steer #65 from 2012 signed with Howard Payne over the weekend to play TE

04-28-2015, 10:18 AM
An old steer #65 from 2012 signed with Howard Payne over the weekend to play TE
Rowdy....that's awesome. .thanks

04-28-2015, 11:01 AM
Rowdy....that's awesome. .thanks

Yeah, pretty excited to be playing again.

04-29-2015, 01:33 PM
Yeah, pretty excited to be playing again.

Great Memories...

Ragin Red
04-30-2015, 05:58 AM
I totally agree, great memories with a great group of young men and hopefully great memories for them and their families as adults.

05-01-2015, 11:43 PM
http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/high-school-softball-playoffs-may-1-2015/47090/wDm6EqvK1kGvucSpCSEtzQ media video about the Lady Blues Sweep of Iowa Park... Friday

05-04-2015, 08:01 PM
Chanse Moss Wins Shot for Region 1...Now on to State...Congrats! Chanse

05-04-2015, 08:59 PM
http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/high-school-softball-playoffs-may-1-2015/47090/wDm6EqvK1kGvucSpCSEtzQ media video about the Lady Blues Sweep of Iowa Park... Friday

I see it says clinched the Bi-District title....wouldn't that be The district Champs Mineral Wells who beat WF Hirschi 26-0 in their bi-district game?

05-04-2015, 09:58 PM
I see it says clinched the Bi-District title....wouldn't that be The district Champs Mineral Wells who beat WF Hirschi 26-0 in their bi-district game?
If you win a bi-district round.. You win a bi-district title.. So Cool congrats to y'all as well..please start a M.W. thread I would love it read it

05-04-2015, 10:42 PM
Graham 2015 Schedule
09/04 7:00p @ Vernon (Vernon, TX) Location: Vernon High School
09/11 7:00p Brownwood (Brownwood, TX) Location: Graham High School
09/18 7:30p @ Argyle (Argyle, TX) Location: Argyle High School
10/02 7:00p @ Big Spring (Big Spring, TX) Location: Big Spring High School
10/09 7:00p Gainesville (Gainesville, TX) Location: Graham High School
10/16 7:30p @ Burkburnett (Burkburnett, TX) Location: Burkburnett High School
10/23 7:30p @ Mineral Wells (Mineral Wells, TX)Game Details: Ram Stadium
10/30 7:00p Hirschi (Wichita Falls, TX) Location: Graham High School
11/06 7:30p @ Decatur (Decatur, TX)Game Details: Eagle Stadium, Decatur

WHAT NO WYLIE!!!!! hum

Ragin Red
05-05-2015, 06:42 AM
I see it says clinched the Bi-District title....wouldn't that be The district Champs Mineral Wells who beat WF Hirschi 26-0 in their bi-district game?


05-05-2015, 08:47 AM

Guess I'm old school and can remember when Only the District Champ went to the playoffs. The winner of the first playoff game between district Champs was the Bi-District champ. Things are so watered down today. Course, if that was the case Mineral Wells would have played the District winner of that district and not the 3rd place team...

05-05-2015, 10:16 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfp1/v/l/t1.0-9/11013423_410035349167402_8845520434585443085_n.jpg ?oh=63eaa463919ed2fb8af3290e7aaa9368&oe=55C98C58
Baseball playoff update:
Graham and Vernon will play game one on Friday at 7 p.m. in Wichita Falls. Games two and three (if necessary) will be in Henrietta on Saturday starting at 6 p.m.

05-05-2015, 10:19 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11054358_382685455248854_429037316913664121_n.jpg? oh=081366e17d47845e45218e32356bcf15&oe=55E2980F
Lady Blues swept the Iowa Park Lady Hawks for the Bi-District Championship! Next Kennedale! We will play a 3 game series starting Friday.
games are 1st game at home at 7pm Friday night and at Kennedale Saturday at 1pm and 3 pm if needed.https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xaf1/t31.0-8/858315_103025963214806_412237327_o.jpg

Ragin Red
05-06-2015, 07:43 AM
Guess I'm old school and can remember when Only the District Champ went to the playoffs. The winner of the first playoff game between district Champs was the Bi-District champ. Things are so watered down today. Course, if that was the case Mineral Wells would have played the District winner of that district and not the 3rd place team...

I totally agree with what you about being watered down.....

05-06-2015, 09:51 AM
Graham 2015 Schedule
09/04 7:00p @ Vernon (Vernon, TX) Location: Vernon High School
09/11 7:00p Brownwood (Brownwood, TX) Location: Graham High School
09/18 7:30p @ Argyle (Argyle, TX) Location: Argyle High School
10/02 7:00p @ Big Spring (Big Spring, TX) Location: Big Spring High School
10/09 7:00p Gainesville (Gainesville, TX) Location: Graham High School
10/16 7:30p @ Burkburnett (Burkburnett, TX) Location: Burkburnett High School
10/23 7:30p @ Mineral Wells (Mineral Wells, TX)Game Details: Ram Stadium
10/30 7:00p Hirschi (Wichita Falls, TX) Location: Graham High School
11/06 7:30p @ Decatur (Decatur, TX)Game Details: Eagle Stadium, Decatur

WHAT NO WYLIE!!!!! hum
Source:maxprepsMaxpreps is wrong. They only have us down for 5 games... we play ya'll there 3rd game.

05-06-2015, 09:57 AM
Maxpreps is wrong. They only have us down for 5 games... we play ya'll there 3rd game.
Yeah that's our normal slot... Good .. Thanks

05-06-2015, 10:20 AM
Will be a rebuilding (reload?) year for us... we'll try to give ya'll a game. ;)

05-06-2015, 12:41 PM
Will be a rebuilding (reload?) year for us... we'll try to give ya'll a game. ;)

I still think y'all will win your district...

05-06-2015, 02:39 PM
I still think y'all will win your district...I think Brownwood will surprise a lot of people as the year goes on. Their Jr class is loaded.

05-06-2015, 02:51 PM
I think Brownwood will surprise a lot of people as the year goes on. Their Jr class is loaded.
I think the kids at Brownwood are great.. I think the staff and certain rules that the isd has posed to them... is lacking. ..imo

05-06-2015, 06:36 PM
http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/sports-spotlightgrahams-candice-martin/40950/7mQtwDuy0EimG4a0eRiJqQ please watch this media video on Candice Martin...

05-07-2015, 10:31 PM
2015 AAAA Region One Tack and Field
May 1 and 2, 2015
Texas Tech University
Lubbock, Texas
Thanks David Flynn

05-12-2015, 08:00 PM
Great Win in extra inning thriller against Vernon.... Bi-district champs.. Congrats! boys..

05-13-2015, 08:45 PM
Baseball playoff update v. Decatur:
Game 1: Thursday, 7:30 p.m.
Game 2: Friday, 7:30 p.m.
Game 3: Saturday, 1 p.m. (if needed)
All games will be at Henrietta

05-14-2015, 11:17 PM
Steers take game 1...1-0

05-15-2015, 09:06 PM
Graham wins game 2 ... 10-1 Graham Area Champs! Awesome guys! Great Job!!

05-16-2015, 08:29 PM

05-17-2015, 10:11 PM
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpa1/v/t1.0-9/11216591_10206463424535543_571748770581926933_n.jp g?oh=a4f06ab33b72ccd651c498fc30c42c67&oe=55C16379
https://scontent-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpt1/v/t1.0-9/11165254_10206469620210431_2565185054414258851_n.j pg?oh=b5fbd6784d7f3c00558956571abd9522&oe=56003474
It's official... David will be playing college baseball at Howard-Payne University.

05-19-2015, 02:33 PM
you play with shades at night? congrats Steers!! should be a great series with Venus!!

05-19-2015, 02:34 PM
you play with shades at night? congrats Steers!! should be a great series with Venus!!
Hehe that game started at 7... wish I could go..

05-19-2015, 10:37 PM
WTG Chanse! at State meet.. good job young man!

05-19-2015, 10:38 PM
WTG Derek rocking the meet in Austin as well.. Good Job!

05-19-2015, 10:44 PM
WTG Lana... State touney....check that off your to do list...great job.. young lady..

05-19-2015, 10:47 PM
The man on the left of Derek is David Flynn.. He thankfully gave me the right to use his powerful and fantastic photos...thank David..

05-20-2015, 05:27 PM
Here is a little write up from BI Staff reporter and the Texas State D-Tackles Coach.
We go one on one with Texas State Defensive Tackles Coach, Kyle Tatum, for the latest on his unit heading into the summer and beyond.
Both starting defensive tackles return from last year's squad, in fact, all four tackles in the 2-deep return for another year of Texas State football. D-Tackle's Coach Kyle Tatum talked to BI about his group, who he see's playing on field, expectations of the newcomers, schemes, and more.
Talk to us in general about the progress, improvements, or areas still needing work for your unit heading into summer?
Our starters, the ones and twos, those guys that really collectively as a group, they all performed and bought into working and understanding what we're trying to do as a defense. Coming out of the spring we feel good about the direction we're heading and excited about the summer.
Going into the summer, are your starters Dallas McClarty (Jr.) and Mershaad Dillon (Sr.) or is it an open competition?
Right now you look at Dallas and Mershaad. They're two guys who played a lot of ball last year and they started every game. Right now those two guys are the most consistent guys, but that doesn't mean that it could change. Will Trevillion (Jr.) Dondre Elvoid (Sr.), Herbert Gonzalez (Sr.), some of those guys that are behind them pushing, Darius Hood (Sr.) and other guys that we got coming in. Steven Eddings, Javier Edwards, Josh Uluocha, whose to say that those guys don't come in and have an impact. It's looking good, we're going to have competition in summer and fall camp.
You mentioned Eddings and Edwards, any news on their status?
We're just going to see how everything shapes up academically. They've definitively progressed and we just gotta see how things finish out and we hope to get them to camp come August. We're really hoping for that and feeling really good about it.
Talk more about 2015 signees Landon Beck, Dustin McWhorter and Josh Uluocha. Could they come in and see PT right away?
What we tell all of our guys is don't prepare yourself to sit out a year. Why would you ever do that. Sometimes you get red shirted and it's not a bad deal. I was red shirted as a college player. It can help you grow as a player, get ready, but we're going to tell all those guys you need to be ready to go. All those guys need to make sure that they're ready. We recruited them for a reason and for them to make an impact up front. Really expect them to come in and compete.
Do you expect any of these signees to possibly move to D-End?
No doubt, McWhorter for sure, and Landon, they'll start there. They're big guys, so who knows how they develop. That position has to be versatile, but those guys, Mershaad, Will and others, play the 3 technique, but they also play a little 4 technique, that 5 technique is outside. They have to be versatile.
We could see them doing some of that down the road, Landon Beck is a big old guy. He's going to start out at defensive end, the same with McWhorter. Those guys are the real deal.
https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xpf1/v/t1.0-9/10522095_10200090361139599_2680007956890996506_n.j pg?oh=002709fa1963347c9746096a5666e0cf&oe=56077341
thanks Rattler

05-21-2015, 09:14 PM
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Baseball/2015-Baseball-Steers-vs-Vernon-3/i-HVT5jDk/0/X3/BB_2015-05-09_3011-X3.jpgGraham wins game 1.. 2-1. Dillon Rodgers throws a 1-hitter. ..we lead Venus 1 to 0...Awesomeness!

05-22-2015, 09:15 AM
Best part of Graham Steers Football?

Seeing that video from Princeton, I'd say their left hook's and jabs.

05-22-2015, 12:18 PM
Best part of Graham Steers Football?

Seeing that video from Princeton, I'd say their left hook's and jabs.


05-22-2015, 01:56 PM
Best part of Graham Steers Football?

Seeing that video from Princeton, I'd say their left hook's and jabs.
where can you see the video at?

Ragin Red
05-22-2015, 02:49 PM
Best part of Graham Steers Football?

Seeing that video from Princeton, I'd say their left hook's and jabs.

apparently you didn't watch the video

05-22-2015, 02:50 PM
I just saw it ..... and it is clear the the Kuan kid started it..and our boys finished it

05-22-2015, 02:52 PM
Here is the video...judge for yourself...IMO Graham is clearly defending itself

05-22-2015, 09:32 PM
Graham loses game 2.. 8-3 playing game 3 tonight instead of tomorrow due to weather.. Graham is home team. first pitch in 30 minutes.. Series tied 1-1

05-22-2015, 10:08 PM
rumor has it that Graham's 7 on 7 team is flying to Florida to compete in the national 7 on 7 tournament..............http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2013-7on7-State-Champs/i-TjjzdG3/0/X3/7on7_2013-07-12_3596-X3.jpg

05-22-2015, 10:27 PM
Definitely Kaufman player instigated the ruckus.....no question whatsoever. Can't expect the Graham players to not retaliate against that sort of incident.

05-26-2015, 10:04 PM
Congratulations to this years Senior Class... We will miss you... What a great ride you took us all on.. May all your dreams come true and a life full of love, prosperity, and happiness.. God Bless

05-31-2015, 10:42 PM
Q&A: Former GHS standout pitcher talks national titles
Tori Cummings


(Photo courtesy Michelle Johnston)
After spending two years on the Tyler Junior College baseball team, former Graham High School pitcher Garrett Johnston has some new rings.

Those rings represent years of hard work and dedication resulting in back-to-back NJCAA Division III College World Series titles. The Apaches defeated Joliet (Illinois) Junior College 10-9 at Grainger Stadium in Kinston, North Carolina, Wednesday night.

TJC finished the season 41-8 and capped it off with a 16-game winning streak.

Johnston, who was Pitcher of the Year and District MVP at Graham, finished his Apache career Wednesday and took time during the ride back to Tyler Thursday to answer some questions about becoming a two-time national champion.

Tori: How does it feel to be a two-time national champion?
Garrett: I think it's a hard feeling to explain to people that haven't experienced winning a championship, but it's why we do what we do. Playing a team sport is about being a part of something bigger than yourself. We came together in August with one common goal, and that was the goal we accomplished, to be the last team standing. Coach (Doug) Wren has a way of getting his team to buy into the system. Each individual knew their roles, and it took everyone pulling on the rope to do what we did. Over nine months spending countless hours with these guys and going through the ups and downs together, you become a family. To be able to dog pile at the end of the season as champions is any team player's dream. I'm blessed that I got to experience it two years in a row.
T: During the championship, Joliet closed the gap to 10-9 in the ninth inning. What was going through your mind at the end of the game when Joliet made it so tight?
G: Everyone knows in baseball everything isn't going to be perfect. We walked a few batters, and some calls didn't go our way there in the middle innings that allowed Joliet to climb back in the game but we stayed relaxed and confident. We knew coming in to the tournament that we would face adversity and pressure. We were prepared for it and performed in the big moments late in the game, a quality that every championship team shows.
T: TJC beat Joliet earlier in the tournament so you guys just had to win one game to take the title. Did that put any extra pressure on the team or was it easier knowing you needed one win?
G: I don't think it added any extra pressure. The whole postseason we were taking one game at a time. When we reached the championship game, we treated it like every other game in the tournament. Guys having experience from last year helped. We went out with the same approach, and I don't think anyone was planning on playing two.

05-31-2015, 10:46 PM
Groves signs with Howard Payne
Tori Cummings

David Groves signed to play baseball at Howard Payne on Wednesday morning. (Tori Cummings)
Ever since David Groves started playing Little League baseball, he wanted to play baseball at an elite level.

Groves officially took the next move toward that level Wednesday morning in the GHS library when he signed to play baseball with Howard Payne University.

“I always dreamed of playing at the big stage and this is a step toward that,” Groves said.

The senior pitcher and third baseman played in all 33 games and helped the Steers reach the regional quarterfinals and win the area championship for the first time in five consecutive tries.

Groves had 13 appearances on the pitching mound and finished with a 4-4 record with a 2.33 ERA. He had four complete games, including a 3-0 shut out against Mineral Wells on May 1 that gave Graham the third seed in District 6.

06-01-2015, 10:23 PM
http://www.texomashomepage.com/story/d/story/sports-sunday-sitdown-garrett-johnston/33849/Aq_8zD0vX0-7ISoG7DIBzA Interview with two time national champ and former Graham Steer Garrett Johnston...check it outhttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Baseball/2013-Baseball-Steers-vs-Vernon/i-JRcRwhQ/1/X3/BB_2013-03-19_0030-X3.jpg

06-04-2015, 12:21 PM
A few scouts in Graham today...Humm wonder why.. I seen TA&M.... OK state.. and Houston ....Guess they are just passing through. ...hehe

06-04-2015, 09:20 PM
https://scontent-atl1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/t31.0-8/s960x960/11312735_10207186498047741_4239767269126426980_o.j pg

06-06-2015, 12:59 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xaf1/v/t1.0-9/11390278_10204026405930752_5168522967618886936_n.j pg?oh=2882426df94c0832ca8d013bb620f223&oe=55FCE8B0
At the Texas Food Truck Championship! ..... Still going on... come one come all.......downtown at the square..

06-07-2015, 10:48 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11109514_10204032533083927_2027831016851013564_n.j pg?oh=6de812775d0ca8353934033c18098655&oe=56334510
2015 Oil Bowl Rosters
Sabraun Adams, 5-9, 165 WR, CB, Seminole (MidAmerica Nazarene University)
Marquis Askew, 5-11, 190 RB, Burkburnett (Midwestern State University)
Tyler Baker, 5-11, 180 HB, LB-SS, Borger (TSU)
Cedric Battle, Jr., 5-10, 180 RB, Wichita Falls Hirschi (Trinity Valley Community College)
Avery Anton Blagg, 6-2, 175 WR, DB, Windthorst (Undecided)
Nicholas Evan Bowerman, 6-2, 200 LB, Amarillo (Texas A&M Kingsville)
Justin Breitling, 6-0, 223 DE, Amarillo (Southern Nazarene University)
Christian Castro, 6-1, 240 C, DE, Midlothian (Southwestern Assemblies of God University)
David Correa, 5-11, 260 C-G-T, NT, Bowie (Undecided)
D. J. Coursey, 6-1, 175 WR, C, Wichita Falls City View (Oklahoma Panhandle University)
L. J. Dabbs, 5-10, 150 WR-SLOT, FS, Wichita Falls (Wayland Baptist University)
Austan Davis, 6-5, 238 OT, Sulphur Springs (Midwestern State University)
Byron Edwards, 5-9, 165 R, CB, Mansfield Legacy (Oklahoma Panhandle State University)
Landon Gonzales, 5-8 1/2, 158 WR, CB, Graham (Texas State University)
Aaron Gonzalez, 6-3, 298 OT, Wichita Falls (HBU)
*Hunter Harris, 6-5, 240 T, Keller Timber Creek (Tyler Junior College)
Micah Lasater, 6-4, 300 T, Alvarado (Howard Payne University)
Kendell Mays, 5-9, 202 LB, Arlington Mansfield Timberview (Angelo State University)
Barry “B.J.” Mayze, 5-7, 170 S, Wichita Falls (Midwestern State University)
Zack McMahen, 6-1, 195 T, LB, Vernon (Midwestern State University)
Jake Michener, 6-2, 180 QB-R, S-CB, Kennedale (Northeastern State University, Okla)
Draven Montgomery, 5-11, 160 DB, Wichita Falls Rider (Cisco Junior College)
*Wade Mouton II, 5-9, 240 C-G, DT-LB, Liberty (Undecided)
Kirk Mitchell Parsley, 6-1, 190 QB-RB, S-CB, Crowell (Texas A&M Commerce)
Mason Quinn, 6-0, 175 WR-RB, DB, Midlothian (Undecided)
Joe Randall, 6-0, 190 RB-R, S, Alvord (Midwestern State University)
Tanner Reed, 5-9, 145 K, Cedar Park Vista Ridge (Undecided)
Kyle Rickman, 6-3, 260, T, E (Seminole (Wayland Baptist University)
Kenneth Robinson, 5-9, 215 FB-RB, OLB-MLB, Ft Worth Western HIlls (Undecided)
Jared Sanderson, 5-10, 300 G, Midlothian (Southern Nazarene University)
Quentin Sims, 5-10, 190 RB, LB, Wichita Falls (Sterling College)
Dante Thomas, 6-2, 220 DE, Rockwall (Texas A&M Commerce)
Jarric Weber, 5-9, 170 WR, CB, Borger (Undecided)
DeVonta Wilkerson, 5-11, 180 RB-WR, LB-C, Fort Worth Western HIlls (Navarro Junior College)

06-07-2015, 11:06 PM
Is Landon walking on to Texas State or did he get a scholarship?

06-07-2015, 11:07 PM
He has an invite for now..but I know he will show them his best stuff

06-10-2015, 08:55 AM
A few scouts in Graham today...Humm wonder why.. I seen TA&M.... OK state.. and Houston ....Guess they are just passing through. ...hehe

haha do you actully know why? or actually have no idea?

06-10-2015, 08:58 AM
haha do you actully know why? or actually have no idea?
I do know why...one of them was here last week... the others not so much..but one of the scouts I know personally...and I can't say...BUT I will say that he was doing business....hehe

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

06-10-2015, 10:05 PM
Landon #5
Colton #20
Dustin #76/99
Chanse #54
Todd #15

06-10-2015, 10:13 PM
Jim Bob #8
Derek #9
Skeeter #18
One Last Time
http://flynnpc.smugmug.com/School/2015-GHS-Graduation/i-3t74CHZ/0/X2/Grad_2015-05-29_0842-X2.jpghttp://flynnpc.smugmug.com/Sports/Graham/Football/2014-03-FB-Steers-vs-Vernon/i-ThbfxQm/0/X3/FB_Steers_2014-08-29_3697-X3.jpgWe will never forget!

06-14-2015, 11:19 AM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xtf1/v/t1.0-9/11412309_1033203536690212_8995171815777468991_n.jp g?oh=d7063306cf818d41952c3efa7e121cd2&oe=55FEAF8E
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xta1/v/t1.0-9/11391741_1593108134310907_29619261643961695_n.jpg? oh=4b6209f33c233f2c95f02f249b339376&oe=55F76F50
Congrats to Dustin playing in the FCA allstar game & Landon the Oil Bowl!

06-14-2015, 11:21 AM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xft1/v/t1.0-9/11391274_633802330088579_4281590826362558769_n.jpg ?oh=fdfcca1736831631bb231a3b85d9ce57&oe=562FC8B4
First place at lineman challenge in Flower Mound. Qualified for state. Good job men.

06-14-2015, 01:52 PM
https://scontent-dfw1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11109514_10204032533083927_2027831016851013564_n.j pg?oh=6de812775d0ca8353934033c18098655&oe=56334510
2015 Oil Bowl Rosters
Sabraun Adams, 5-9, 165 WR, CB, Seminole (MidAmerica Nazarene University)
Marquis Askew, 5-11, 190 RB, Burkburnett (Midwestern State University)
Tyler Baker, 5-11, 180 HB, LB-SS, Borger (TSU)
Cedric Battle, Jr., 5-10, 180 RB, Wichita Falls Hirschi (Trinity Valley Community College)
Avery Anton Blagg, 6-2, 175 WR, DB, Windthorst (Undecided)
Nicholas Evan Bowerman, 6-2, 200 LB, Amarillo (Texas A&M Kingsville)
Justin Breitling, 6-0, 223 DE, Amarillo (Southern Nazarene University)
Christian Castro, 6-1, 240 C, DE, Midlothian (Southwestern Assemblies of God University)
David Correa, 5-11, 260 C-G-T, NT, Bowie (Undecided)
D. J. Coursey, 6-1, 175 WR, C, Wichita Falls City View (Oklahoma Panhandle University)
L. J. Dabbs, 5-10, 150 WR-SLOT, FS, Wichita Falls (Wayland Baptist University)
Austan Davis, 6-5, 238 OT, Sulphur Springs (Midwestern State University)
Byron Edwards, 5-9, 165 R, CB, Mansfield Legacy (Oklahoma Panhandle State University)
Landon Gonzales, 5-8 1/2, 158 WR, CB, Graham (Texas State University)
Aaron Gonzalez, 6-3, 298 OT, Wichita Falls (HBU)
*Hunter Harris, 6-5, 240 T, Keller Timber Creek (Tyler Junior College)
Micah Lasater, 6-4, 300 T, Alvarado (Howard Payne University)
Kendell Mays, 5-9, 202 LB, Arlington Mansfield Timberview (Angelo State University)
Barry “B.J.” Mayze, 5-7, 170 S, Wichita Falls (Midwestern State University)
Zack McMahen, 6-1, 195 T, LB, Vernon (Midwestern State University)
Jake Michener, 6-2, 180 QB-R, S-CB, Kennedale (Northeastern State University, Okla)
Draven Montgomery, 5-11, 160 DB, Wichita Falls Rider (Cisco Junior College)
*Wade Mouton II, 5-9, 240 C-G, DT-LB, Liberty (Undecided)
Kirk Mitchell Parsley, 6-1, 190 QB-RB, S-CB, Crowell (Texas A&M Commerce)
Mason Quinn, 6-0, 175 WR-RB, DB, Midlothian (Undecided)
Joe Randall, 6-0, 190 RB-R, S, Alvord (Midwestern State University)
Tanner Reed, 5-9, 145 K, Cedar Park Vista Ridge (Undecided)
Kyle Rickman, 6-3, 260, T, E (Seminole (Wayland Baptist University)
Kenneth Robinson, 5-9, 215 FB-RB, OLB-MLB, Ft Worth Western HIlls (Undecided)
Jared Sanderson, 5-10, 300 G, Midlothian (Southern Nazarene University)
Quentin Sims, 5-10, 190 RB, LB, Wichita Falls (Sterling College)
Dante Thomas, 6-2, 220 DE, Rockwall (Texas A&M Commerce)
Jarric Weber, 5-9, 170 WR, CB, Borger (Undecided)
DeVonta Wilkerson, 5-11, 180 RB-WR, LB-C, Fort Worth Western HIlls (Navarro Junior College)heck yeah!!

06-14-2015, 09:15 PM
awesome... I should of told you... sorry..

06-14-2015, 09:32 PM
Check out a little Landon Gonzales on his way to Texas State...
Thanks Tino

06-14-2015, 09:42 PM
https://scontent-mia1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xfa1/v/t1.0-9/11401422_10207169451383609_1043837076024439564_n.j pg?oh=38fcd83fc6cb9a5fce1a2c1d380b3e76&oe=55F01088
Lady Blues are your 12U State Champs!!
thanks Jacque

06-15-2015, 12:38 PM
FCA all*star game...Slingshot take a look
Thanks Dustin

06-20-2015, 05:37 PM
https://scontent-sea1-1.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-xat1/v/t1.0-9/11536149_10204094455831957_8158074813037477815_n.j pg?oh=62e0067fef815c488b283b842583b969&oe=562E8C3E
This years schedule same as last yr just H/V swapped..

06-20-2015, 05:45 PM
http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/06/20/41eef8180a0e1dfc9a159476a49e7c3e.jpg Decatur at 20....I like that..

Sent from my SCH-I545 using Tapatalk

06-20-2015, 05:47 PM
http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/06/20/0be45701a7556c08f550c52e24f74722.jpg this I really like! !

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06-21-2015, 07:29 PM
Almost time for a campfire...:evilgrin:

06-25-2015, 10:36 AM
I heard a freshman in graham has already grown some interest from a few d1 colleges. Not a very reliable source, but has anyone else heard it?

06-25-2015, 11:47 AM
I heard a freshman in graham has already grown some interest from a few d1 colleges. Not a very reliable source, but has anyone else heard it?
Yes as well as a very large 10th grader..but to early to say who..hehe

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06-25-2015, 11:55 AM
I am talking about a incoming 10th grader, my bad! and im sure we are talking about the same one!

06-25-2015, 11:58 AM
I am talking about a incoming 10th grader, my bad! and im sure we are talking about the same one!
Yeah I think he won't have much trouble finding a ride.. if he stays on track

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06-25-2015, 11:59 AM
Yeah I think he won't have much trouble finding a ride.. if he stays on track

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hes a big boy. just hope injurys dont get him. i know his back is hurt right now..

06-25-2015, 12:00 PM
hes a big boy. just hope injurys dont get him. i know his back is hurt right now..
I think the linemen are going to be a real strength this year

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06-25-2015, 12:06 PM
I think they will have one weak link at the opposite side tackle of him this year. they basically return 4. 3 that had started majoirty of the time. im worried about the d line.

06-25-2015, 12:11 PM
I worked with the O-line and D-line for a little this offseason. O-line looks strong, but D-line is small. Really quick though, be good pass rushers.

06-25-2015, 12:49 PM
I worked with the O-line and D-line for a little this offseason. O-line looks strong, but D-line is small. Really quick though, be good pass rushers.
I think Juan is gonna have a great yr

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06-25-2015, 12:55 PM
i think he will be fine, just the D-ends. Does Juan have a back up? Same one as last year or did they move him to D-end? I think thatd be a better fit for him, he has that speed.

06-25-2015, 01:01 PM
i think he will be fine, just the D-ends. Does Juan have a back up? Same one as last year or did they move him to D-end? I think thatd be a better fit for him, he has that speed.
Not sure.. I talked to him the other day but we didn't cover that.....I will check...

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06-25-2015, 11:42 PM
7 on 7 play starts tomorrow... in Florida at the National tournament. ....

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06-25-2015, 11:46 PM
7 on 7 play starts tomorrow... in Florida at the National tournament. ....

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Cool... Was wondering when that was going to happen! Do you have a link to the tournament?

06-25-2015, 11:47 PM
Cool... Was wondering when that was going to happen! Do you have a link to the tournament?
Just the players but I will ask around for the official site

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06-25-2015, 11:55 PM
http://images.tapatalk-cdn.com/15/06/25/578bdd962f4c638fd7d925b16ed99992.jpg this is a picture of Reddell at practice today in Florida. .apparently Drew Brees is there

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06-26-2015, 12:25 AM
Just the players but I will ask around for the official site

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Sounds good brotha!

06-26-2015, 08:10 AM
Game #1 vs. Pahokee HS (Florida)...Steers lead 58-13 about 5 minutes left.

06-26-2015, 08:12 AM
Game #1 vs. Pahokee HS (Florida)...Steers lead 58-13 about 5 minutes left.
Awesome please keep us posted..

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06-26-2015, 08:15 AM
Won Game #1 67-15...Game #2 vs. Landmark Christian (Georgia)

06-26-2015, 08:17 AM
Won Game #1 67-15...Game #2 vs. Landmark Christian (Georgia)
Love it love ti..thank you soooo much!

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06-26-2015, 08:18 AM
Revision...Game #1 Final 73-15...getting updates via text, bear with me.

06-26-2015, 08:46 AM
Steers lead game 2...27-6...7 minutes left, first half.

06-26-2015, 08:50 AM
Steers lead game 2...27-6...7 minutes left, first half.
Thank you !!!

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06-26-2015, 08:53 AM
Steers lead 36-12 at the half