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08-26-2009, 11:52 AM
This is a theory I came up with last season, once I actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans.

This is my expressed opinion. Like it, hate it, hate me. As you people already know, I DON"T CARE. This is not a shot at Celina. It is more a shot at Region II as a whole.

Celina's Geographic Location is their X-Factor

It isn't that Celina doesn't have good athletes, they do. It isn't that they don't have a good coach, they do. It isn't because they don't know how to win and have a great tradition, they do. Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window. Sure, within the scope of the 2A or 3A Classifications, class is irrelevant and has nothing to do with it. We will go ahead and say that if a team is in a classification, they are where they should be and all is fair.

Typical Celina Season Breakdown:

Their schedule and district is usually soft. They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7. They destroy each mediocre team week after week. Usually in this situation, you have the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest. (This is unconfirmed-but figured it would be this way). The fans are happy, high-fiving, resting in a false sense of accomplishment (the Celina fans will also claim all day long that no good teams will play them). I bet if they tried, Coach Ford could get some great 3A non-district matchups and some good 4A matchups. I don't buy the "no good teams will play us" bit. That would go against their state championship formula, don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.

The Typical Celina schedule is not the X-Factor. It does play a big role. Even if they get beat in non-district (like last season), they are going to make the playoffs because of their horrible district. I know you are probably saying, what about Prosper? Prosper had a good season last year and won it all, but I am not buying the fact that they are a prominent program. Talent? Sure. Program? Not yet. The X-Factor of Geographic Location also helped them.

By now you are saying, "Rocket, this is just making you sound stupid and people are going to hate you even more." Sure, but let me bring all of this theory together.

Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row? It is a formula fueled by a weak schedule and even weaker Region. Typically, they kill everybody in their district. The first team is not playing full games. No way. They have limited injuries and exhaustion. They are not having to battle anybody. They do have talent, don't get me wrong, they just aren't having to exhaust themselves. Then they enter into the Playoffs. Now Region II is even more diluted because of 2 Divisions. They play 1 to 2 more mediocre teams putting them in the third round with little effort. This is typically the first real opponent they will play in a must-win situation (still not guaranteed to play a strong opponent because we are still in Region II.) By then, they are well-rested, limited injuries, and chomping at the bit, while their opponent has battled tough through district, clawed their way through a much tougher Region I, and usually is fighting more injuries and more exhaustion because the first team is having to play the whole game. Celina comes in with a definite advantage and will usually win, putting them in the Semis, and this will typically be the 2nd or 3rd Game the starters will have to play a complete game. At this point, Celina has begun to play on a more level playing field, but they still have a slight advantage. Teams in other Regions that make it that deep are battle-tested and usually loaded with talent on both sides of the ball, but may have some injuries and battling some level of exhaustion.

The chances for Celina for a State Championship Appearance are MUCH MUCH better because of this formula. They aren't having to perform like other Region Champs, week in and week out. Also, not saying other Region Champs didn't play weak opponents. Just more weak opponents overall in Region II.

I am not taking a shot at Celina, they win. The only thing I question is their non-district scheduling. They don't push the envelope. Ever. Last year they did a little and they ended up losing and started doubting their coach because the formula wasn't working. They were ready to hang Ford on 2 losses. I understand the District Schedule is out of their control, and this is where the X-Factor comes in. The weak district and the overall weak Region II allows Celina to dominate year after year. Why? Because they have talent, tradition (8 State Championships), longevity in coaching (they know exactly what to do to win and don't change it up), and most importantly, a program and strong community support. Name another 2A or 3A Region II Team on the same level?

I know my theory holds some water because FINALLY a team with some talent rose up in Region II and not only DESTROYED Celina, but rode that same wave to a State Championship. The same wave that Celina is used to riding. The formula worked for both Celina and Prosper last season. Prosper had the magic to win it, and Celina had the formula to get them to a State Game, just didn't have the magic to win it all, as we suspected, after seeing them lose to Dangerfield and Prosper.

This is just a theory I came up with and it probably has a lot of holes in it. You can add to it or disprove it. I thought it would be fun to put it out there and talk about it. It may be a common theory, and if so, I never heard it. OK, let's have at it.

08-26-2009, 11:56 AM
I'm not saying I agree or disagree...but I find some of these thoughts interesting...


08-26-2009, 12:04 PM
I like you having theories ... :clap:

Keep 'em guessing coach Ford! ROFLMAO

08-26-2009, 12:04 PM
I hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest.:clap:

08-26-2009, 12:07 PM
Lets see.... Prosper and Dangerfield..... 3a state champ and 2a state champ. That is pretty tough in my book.

08-26-2009, 12:07 PM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
I hope you feel better now that you got that off your chest.:clap:

Just trying to find something to talk about. Brownwood SUCKS gets old after Week 0 is over.

08-26-2009, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Just trying to find something to talk about. Brownwood SUCKS gets old after Week 0 is over.

Brownwood sucks never gets old. I happen to agree with most of your theory. Although it is very tough to prove because Celina has the talent to win those titles.

08-26-2009, 12:09 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Lets see.... Prosper and Dangerfield..... 3a state champ and 2a state champ. That is pretty tough in my book.

You missed the point. The losses had nothing to do with them possibly missing the playoffs or their Division road.

08-26-2009, 12:10 PM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
Brownwood sucks never gets old. I happen to agree with most of your theory. Although it is very tough to prove because Celina has the talent to win those titles.

Yes, but you are leaving out the factor of having to play at a high level week in and week out.

08-26-2009, 12:10 PM
Sounds like the same theory Brownwood used when they were winning state championships back in the day.

08-26-2009, 12:12 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You missed the point. The losses had nothing to do with them possibly missing the playoffs or their Division road.

You said their schedule is soft. That aint soft.

08-26-2009, 12:12 PM
cut the poor little lions pity party, rocket. sickening.

08-26-2009, 12:13 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
Sounds like the same theory Brownwood used when they were winning state championships back in the day.

You mean formula? Again, not a shot at Celina. They have earned the respect, I just think things would have gone different if they were playing in a tougher district and Region.

08-26-2009, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Yes, but you are leaving out the factor of having to play at a high level week in and week out.

No, I get that. I'm just saying there really is no way to prove your theory when they have a solid team. Now if they were obviously a weak team and always made it that far then it would be a slam dunk case. I also don't buy the nobody will play them BS. I'm fairly confident that there are a number of very good programs that would love to play them.

08-26-2009, 12:14 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
You said their schedule is soft. That aint soft.

LOL So according to you, Celina had a tough schedule last season?

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 12:14 PM
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
I will consider the source. :D

08-26-2009, 12:15 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
cut the poor little lions pity party, rocket. sickening.

LOL wow... you didn't read my post.

08-26-2009, 12:18 PM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
No, I get that. I'm just saying there really is no way to prove your theory when they have a solid team. Now if they were obviously a weak team and always made it that far then it would be a slam dunk case. I also don't buy the nobody will play them BS. I'm fairly confident that there are a number of very good programs that would love to play them.

True... BUT nobody can have a team with that talent EVERY year. The formula puts them in a position to win. That is all I am saying. A good (not a great) Celina team in Region II with the formula puts them DEEP every season.

08-26-2009, 12:19 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:blahblah: :blahblah: :blahblah:
I will consider the source. :D

Wow, intellectual response there. As expected... Can't wait for the pic garcia is going to post... coming soon, I'm sure.

08-26-2009, 12:20 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL So according to you, Celina had a tough schedule last season?

Whitehouse and Dangerfield are both Reg 3. They played and are playing 2 defending state champs this year. Do you consider that weak?

08-26-2009, 12:22 PM
I read your thesis. surprisingly your grammar and spelling looked pretty good.

08-26-2009, 12:22 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
True... BUT nobody can have a team with that talent EVERY year. The formula puts them in a position to win. That is all I am saying. A good (not a great) Celina team in Region II with the formula puts them DEEP every season.

About the talent level. I wonder how many kids over the years have played for Celina because their parents wanted their children to go to a small school outside of the metromess. Not saying they moved to the school for football only just that the parents knew their kids could go to a small school with lots of pride that happened to be good in football too. I am in no way saying that is happening I just wonder how often if at all it does happen. The school is growing so I don't think of Celina as a town that has had all their kids having lived there all their life.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 12:31 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Wow, intellectual response there. As expected... Can't wait for the pic garcia is going to post... coming soon, I'm sure. :D I am sure you won't be waiting long. LE has only played Region 1 teams 3 times. Our only loss being Gainsville. The other 2 games were easy double digit victories. We played a very tough district and non district schedule and came into playoffs pretty beat up. Work on that theory all you want.:thinking: If we are lucky enough to make it out West after playing our schedule your theory will be just a little BB material. Thanks:D

08-26-2009, 12:42 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Wow, intellectual response there. As expected... Can't wait for the pic garcia is going to post... coming soon, I'm sure.

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/wtg.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/wtg.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-fc/wtg.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

08-26-2009, 12:42 PM
It is good that you are deep-thinking and trying to spark some discussion, Rocket. IMO, your theories about Celina do not hold up for one reason----In Texas HS football, if your team goes the distance and wins the title----they usually have to run the gauntlet in the playoffs and face some of the best HS teams in the nation, usually from the Quarters on to the end. To me it doesn't matter the road that a team travelled to get to the title---it is the fact that to become a state champion they took on and beat all comers regardless of Region. There may have been some years where luck of the draw played a big part in a team's road to the title----but to say this about a team like Celina that has done it 8 times puts the "fluke", "luck", and "weak schedule" arguments to rest in my book.

08-26-2009, 12:48 PM
I may be wrong, but the only teams from Region 1 that have won a state championship this decade are Everman and Abilene Wylie. Liberty Hill wasn't in Region 1 when they won theirs.

08-26-2009, 12:48 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
It is good that you are deep-thinking and trying to spark some discussion, Rocket. IMO, your theories about Celina do not hold up for one reason----In Texas HS football, if your team goes the distance and wins the title----they usually have to run the gauntlet in the playoffs and face some of the best HS teams in the nation, usually from the Quarters on to the end. To me it doesn't matter the road that a team travelled to get to the title---it is the fact that to become a state champion they took on and beat all comers regardless of Region. There may have been some years where luck of the draw played a big part in a team's road to the title----but to say this about a team like Celina that has done it 8 times puts the "fluke", "luck", and "weak schedule" arguments to rest in my book.

All good points. I am not taking the State Titles away from them at all. No way. they earned them. I am talking about the points that they are in a MUCH better position to avoid what most teams have to go through to get there.

08-26-2009, 12:51 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
I may be wrong, but the only teams from Region 1 that have won a state championship this decade are Everman and Abilene Wylie. Liberty Hill wasn't in Region 1 when they won theirs.

What does that have to do with this thread?

08-26-2009, 12:53 PM
What is the toughest region, in your opinion?

08-26-2009, 12:54 PM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
About the talent level. I wonder how many kids over the years have played for Celina because their parents wanted their children to go to a small school outside of the metromess. Not saying they moved to the school for football only just that the parents knew their kids could go to a small school with lots of pride that happened to be good in football too. I am in no way saying that is happening I just wonder how often if at all it does happen. The school is growing so I don't think of Celina as a town that has had all their kids having lived there all their life.

I think a town's reputation means a lot to parents who have kids that are good athletes. It happens more than you would think.

08-26-2009, 12:55 PM
I am aware there is unfortunately no playoff system in BCS, but apply this theory there and explain how Florida has won 2 NCs in the past 3 years coming out of the toughest conference ever known to man....every week in the SEC is a blood bath.

08-26-2009, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
All good points. I am not taking the State Titles away from them at all. No way. they earned them. I am talking about the points that they are in a MUCH better position to avoid what most teams have to go through to get there.

Problem is Rocket---What team could not say that about themselves? If you asked for opinions on this, I'll wager nearly every truly strong team in the playoff hunt could make a strong case along the lines of "Well, if we hadn't had to play team X or team Y along the way, we could have won the title."

08-26-2009, 12:56 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
What is the toughest region, in your opinion?

Not real sure. Not Region 2, which is why my theory holds water.

08-26-2009, 12:58 PM
Can't be region 1 because they don't have the trophies to show for it.

08-26-2009, 12:59 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
I am aware there is unfortunately no playoff system in BCS, but apply this theory there and explain how Florida has won 2 NCs in the past 3 years coming out of the toughest conference ever known to man....every week in the SEC is a blood bath.

Whole different mindset and whole different dynamic. You are talking about a 1 month wait for the national championship. Everybody is rested and healed up, if possible.

Good point, though.

08-26-2009, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
Can't be region 1 because they don't have the trophies to show for it.

So now you are saying an OVERALL REGION is better because of a state championship? LOL My theory is what jacks all that up. So NO, I strongly disagree.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Not real sure. Not Region 2, which is why my theory holds water. :o The water keeps going down every time I push down on the silver handle.:clap:

08-26-2009, 01:02 PM
It is not a bad theory but not actually correct. There have been several great teams from Celina's district over the years. In 05 Prosper lost in round 4, Argyle was runner up d1 and we won. All these teams were in the same district. That year the number 4 team in our district could have won some districts. And that is not the only year. Plus we have played larger schools and deeper teams most of the last 10 years. Even now we are the smallest school in our district. By a large margin. What wins here is the program and participation. We are usually the smaller school in predistrict and district. The key is we get more participation and therefore more even distribution of athletes of less varying talent than the average 2a or 3a schools. 143 boys on the field for football this year. Probably more than the Wood.
And ya'll just came down from 4A.

08-26-2009, 01:03 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Problem is Rocket---What team could not say that about themselves? If you asked for opinions on this, I'll wager nearly every truly strong team in the playoff hunt could make a strong case along the lines of "Well, if we hadn't had to play team X or team Y along the way, we could have won the title."

Don't get me wrong, State Championships are SPECIAL. No matter how you win one. But how can a team like Celina be in the hunt year in and year out if not for an X-Factor. I blame it on the Region.

08-26-2009, 01:04 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
What is the toughest region, in your opinion?

I would have to say Region 3. I'm sure everyone wants to think their region is the best. I have watched Liberty Hill play teams in every region in the last few years. The best teams week after week came out of Region 3. Every team was loaded with speed, speed, and more speed. This is just my HSO.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:05 PM
Originally posted by RunTheFollow
Can't be region 1 because they don't have the trophies to show for it. :clap: :clap:

08-26-2009, 01:05 PM
Whole different mindset? Football is football man. Line up and stomp a mud whole in the guy across from you all night long. Your weak region bit is just that...weak. All these kids can do is play who they're scheduled to play. What do you suggest the UIL does to fix this atrocity so you can sleep better at night?

08-26-2009, 01:06 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Don't get me wrong, State Championships are SPECIAL. No matter how you win one. But how can a team like Celina be in the hunt year in and year out if not for an X-Factor. I blame it on the Region.

An X-factor as you call it implies that there is only one reason for Celina to be in the hunt. I think it is a combination of many things. One of which might just be your theory. Other factors are talent move-ins. Home grown talent in the conditioning program and coaching. Also don't forget luck. Luck played a huge part of my Panthers playoff runs. We were lucky by not having injuries those two years.

08-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Don't get me wrong, State Championships are SPECIAL. No matter how you win one. But how can a team like Celina be in the hunt year in and year out if not for an X-Factor. I blame it on the Region.

Why would you blame a team for winning? I dont get your theory. If Celina had won 1 state title you may have a point that they had a weak predistrict, district, and road to the title. Celina has been winning ballgames year in and year out. They have gone up and down in classification and still proven themselves.

08-26-2009, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
It is not a bad theory but not actually correct. There have been several great teams from Celina's district over the years. In 05 Prosper lost in round 4, Argyle was runner up d1 and we won. All these teams were in the same district. That year the number 4 team in our district could have won some districts. And that is not the only year. Plus we have played larger schools and deeper teams most of the last 10 years. Even now we are the smallest school in our district. By a large margin. What wins here is the program and participation. We are usually the smaller school in predistrict and district. The key is we get more participation and therefore more even distribution of athletes of less varying talent than the average 2a or 3a schools. 143 boys on the field for football this year. Probably more than the Wood.
And ya'll just came down from 4A.

I agree. Program is everything. No knock against Celina either. Like I said, you guys win. The participation numbers you stated are amazing. Wow. PROGRAM.

Is your district always that strong?

08-26-2009, 01:10 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
how can a team like Celina be in the hunt year in and year out if not for an X-Factor.

It's called tradition man. Kids going to games as babies and growing up dreaming of wearing that uniform on Friday nights. There are many teams in other classes that are in the hunt year after year, particularly 4 and 5A schools. Westlake, Permian, Judson, to name just a couple.

08-26-2009, 01:11 PM
No but it is usually pretty decent. We have had 3 teams in the top 20 in state a couple of times and 2 teams in the top 20 alot.
The year I mentioned we romped over those teams.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:11 PM
Originally posted by LHexPlayer
I would have to say Region 3. I'm sure everyone wants to think their region is the best. I have watched Liberty Hill play teams in every region in the last few years. The best teams week after week came out of Region 3. Every team was loaded with speed, speed, and more speed. This is just my HSO. :clap: :clap: Thats what I am screaming. We are in region 2, which is a little weak, but we are loaded with speed. You cannot prepare for it.

08-26-2009, 01:13 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
Whole different mindset? Football is football man. Line up and stomp a mud whole in the guy across from you all night long. Your weak region bit is just that...weak. All these kids can do is play who they're scheduled to play. What do you suggest the UIL does to fix this atrocity so you can sleep better at night?

If that is true, then schedule more than 1 ranked 3A and 4A opponent in non-district. WON'T HAPPEN.

I agree and I believe I said in my post that they have no control over it. I am not losing sleep at all. Just trying to figure out how a team can be this successful.

I don't lie awake at night wondering about Celina. LOL I hope Brownwood can play them this season.

08-26-2009, 01:14 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
It's called tradition man. Kids going to games as babies and growing up dreaming of wearing that uniform on Friday nights. There are many teams in other classes that are in the hunt year after year, particularly 4 and 5A schools. Westlake, Permian, Judson, to name just a couple.

By in the hunt, I mean Quarterfinals or later. Most of the teams you listed meet STRONG opposition early in the playoffs, which takes us back to the theory. :D

08-26-2009, 01:17 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:clap: :clap: Thats what I am screaming. We are in region 2, which is a little weak, but we are loaded with speed. You cannot prepare for it.

Speed - Program - No Discipline = Mediocrity. Speed is not a valid X-Factor. In my opinion... Brownwood has destroyed many teams with "speed" in the past. Speed doesn't scare me by itself.

08-26-2009, 01:18 PM
Sounds like you want a BCS-style HS football playoff system, Rocket. And we all know where that has ended up---even more controversy about which is the best NCAA team in the country.

08-26-2009, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
They have gone up and down in classification and still proven themselves.

Hmmmm, what remained? Region 2.


08-26-2009, 01:18 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
If that is true, then schedule more than 1 ranked 3A and 4A opponent in non-district. WON'T HAPPEN.

flip the script and imagine solid teams trying to schedule competitive non-district games with no luck because most coaches believe this part of season (non-district) is to evaluate what works for their team and what doesn't...save the head bustins for district and playoffs. hell, look at mack browns non conference schedules year after year.

08-26-2009, 01:20 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Sounds like you want a BCS-style HS football playoff system, Rocket. And we all know where that has ended up---even more controversy about which is the best NCAA team in the country.

No..I hate the BCS system. I love the playoffs. I am just stating a theory.

08-26-2009, 01:22 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
flip the script and imagine solid teams trying to schedule competitive non-district games with no luck because most coaches believe this part of season (non-district) is to evaluate what works for their team and what doesn't...save the head bustins for district and playoffs. hell, look at mack browns non conference schedules year after year.

Nope, you are implying that Celina's District is comparable to the Big 12 in being talented throughout. LOL Um no..

08-26-2009, 01:22 PM
I wouldn't oppose a NCAA basketball seeding/matchup selection used in the highschool playoffs. Might give fits on the travel, though.

08-26-2009, 01:24 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Hmmmm, what remained? Region 2.


Lets see, teams like Gainesville, Pilot Point, Dallas Madison, Atlanta.

08-26-2009, 01:26 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Lets see, teams like Gainesville, Pilot Point, Dallas Madison, Atlanta.

You aren't going to win an argument that Region 2 is overall a good region. No way.

08-26-2009, 01:27 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
I wouldn't oppose a NCAA basketball seeding/matchup selection used in the highschool playoffs. Might give fits on the travel, though.

That would be perfection. Take location out of the equation. That would really shed some light on the theory. Travel would be nuts.

08-26-2009, 01:30 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Nope, you are implying that Celina's District is comparable to the Big 12 in being talented throughout. LOL Um no..

no, i'm simply referring to UL Monroe, Wyoming, UTEP being longhorns 2009 non conference games...and it's been much weaker in recent years. some call it smart coaching. some call it cushioning for ranking purposes.

08-26-2009, 01:34 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You aren't going to win an argument that Region 2 is overall a good region. No way.

LOL, its your theory man not mine. You said to discuss and I am. I am just throwing out stuff to try to disprove your theory. You asked for it.

08-26-2009, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
All good points. I am not taking the State Titles away from them at all. No way. they earned them. I am talking about the points that they are in a MUCH better position to avoid what most teams have to go through to get there.

I have to agree with you on the avoidance of a good rival. Not necessarily Celina but just in general. We have to put everything and then some on the field every week just to stay respectful in our district (173A). By the time we get to the end of district play we are exhausted. We have been in the playoffs 7 ot of the last 9 years I think//////but one game in and then out. We play a tough district and we take our licks but it is what is and we are where we are. Region 3...tough district....that's football. You play what they tell you. Maybe you get lucky like Celina maybe you don't.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Speed - Program - No Discipline = Mediocrity. Speed is not a valid X-Factor. In my opinion... Brownwood has destroyed many teams with "speed" in the past. Speed doesn't scare me by itself. :thinking: 3 words Texarkana Texas High ... Don't think ya'll exactly destroyed them. Your theory can be tested with that year. I promise you T High will play anyone. They played a much tougher schedule then Bwd and how do ya say...scoreboard:inlove: :D

08-26-2009, 01:36 PM
Originally posted by handNthedirt
no, i'm simply referring to UL Monroe, Wyoming, UTEP being longhorns 2009 non conference games...and it's been much weaker in recent years. some call it smart coaching. some call it cushioning for ranking purposes.

Right and you are talking about a sport that is decided on opinion. I love college football, but it is the only sport where a man's opinion holds weight (which there is no possible way a sportswriter can watch all games and turn in a right opinion). That is what I meant by a whole different dynamic. If the Big 12 is strong, why wear yourself out in non-conference? Region 2 and Celina's District? Not strong.

08-26-2009, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
LOL, its your theory man not mine. You said to discuss and I am. I am just throwing out stuff to try to disprove your theory. You asked for it.

My theory is that a Strong program in a weak region provides deep playoff runs. Region 2 is a weak Region. That is a given.

08-26-2009, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:thinking: 3 words Texarkana Texas High ... Don't think ya'll exactly destroyed them. Your theory can be tested with that year. I promise you T High will play anyone. They played a much tougher schedule then Bwd and how do ya say...scoreboard:inlove: :D

Texas High is a good program. That 2002 Team was awesome. I didn't say we destroyed every team with speed. I said we have played teams with plenty of it and it didn't matter because they weren't disciplined enough to even stand in a huddle.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:41 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
LOL, its your theory man not mine. You said to discuss and I am. I am just throwing out stuff to try to disprove your theory. You asked for it. :thinking: It is won everytime region 2 and 1 meet.:rolleyes:

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:44 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Texas High is a good program. That 2002 Team was awesome. I didn't say we destroyed every team with speed. I said we have played teams with plenty of it and it didn't matter because they weren't disciplined enough to even stand in a huddle. Point taken :clap:

08-26-2009, 01:45 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:thinking: It is won everytime region 2 and 1 meet.:rolleyes:

LOL...because Region 1 is run down from playing good teams. MY THEORY!

Every time? You and garcia have to be brothers.... So Region 1 vs. Region 2 in the playoffs. Region 2 is undefeated?

08-26-2009, 01:48 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
My theory is that a Strong program in a weak region provides deep playoff runs. Region 2 is a weak Region. That is a given.

I think tho that you can say region 2 is stronger than 4 and close to 1. It is only this last alignment where I would say 1 is stronger than two. Before we were close enough to even. Remember in our 07 run we beat a region one team 33-7. And that year we were suffering from the injury bug. One other thing. Many teams we play do not believe they will win sometimes. But they do believe that they can hurt us and hit us hard hard hard. We do tend to be some of these teams superbowls. Hard phenomenon to overcome.

08-26-2009, 01:52 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL...because Region 1 is run down from playing good teams. MY THEORY!

Every time? You and garcia have to be brothers.... So Region 1 vs. Region 2 in the playoffs. Region 2 is undefeated?

So do you think Celina will be run down this year after playing Whitehouse, Daingerfield, Prosper, Argyle?

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:56 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL...because Region 1 is run down from playing good teams. MY THEORY!

Every time? You and garcia have to be brothers.... So Region 1 vs. Region 2 in the playoffs. Region 2 is undefeated? :thinking: LE played Navasota, Gilmer and at least 2 4A teams in 06. If ya'll call our coaches and meet us halfway we will play you. That will put your theory to an end.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 01:59 PM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
I think tho that you can say region 2 is stronger than 4 and close to 1. It is only this last alignment where I would say 1 is stronger than two. Before we were close enough to even. Remember in our 07 run we beat a region one team 33-7. And that year we were suffering from the injury bug. One other thing. Many teams we play do not believe they will win sometimes. But they do believe that they can hurt us and hit us hard hard hard. We do tend to be some of these teams superbowls. Hard phenomenon to overcome. :clap: :clap:

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 02:00 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
So do you think Celina will be run down this year after playing Whitehouse, Daingerfield, Prosper, Argyle? :clap: :clap: :clap:

Ranger Mom
08-26-2009, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL...because Region 1 is run down from playing good teams. MY THEORY!

Every time? You and garcia have to be brothers.... So Region 1 vs. Region 2 in the playoffs. Region 2 is undefeated?

Region 1 Greenwood defeated Region 2 Daingerfield back in 2002!!!:D

08-26-2009, 02:11 PM
I just smell excuses. Your theory while it sounds good does not hold water with each realignment the regions change. Go here and you can see for yourself

from wos87 http://texashsfootball.com/board/index.php?showtopic=24383&pid=401401&st=0&#entry401401

08-26-2009, 02:16 PM
Rocket are you saying that every region 2 is weak in all classifications, Or just the two classifications that Celina is in?

08-26-2009, 02:20 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
My theory is that a Strong program in a weak region provides deep playoff runs. Region 2 is a weak Region. That is a given.

all i have to say is cuero in RIV.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 02:21 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL...because Region 1 is run down from playing good teams. MY THEORY!

Every time? You and garcia have to be brothers.... So Region 1 vs. Region 2 in the playoffs. Region 2 is undefeated? :thinking: Not everytime, but the great majority of the time. It is not the schedule, it's the speed. All things being equal speed wins. Canyons coach was interviewed before we played them in 06 and said speed was not going to be a problem. it ended up being a big problem.

08-26-2009, 02:22 PM
Originally posted by marler1972
Rocket are you saying that every region 2 is weak in all classifications, Or just the two classifications that Celina is in?

Go back and read my post again. This time read it. I listed why you guys are good, but there is an X-Factor here. Nobody can be that talented and lucky year in and year out.

08-26-2009, 02:23 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:thinking: Not everytime, but the great majority of the time. It is not the schedule, it's the speed. All things being equal speed wins. Canyons coach was interviewed before we played them in 06 and said speed was not going to be a problem. it ended up being a big problem.

Who is we? Not sure what team you are representing.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 02:31 PM
Originally posted by marler1972
I just smell excuses. Your theory while it sounds good does not hold water with each realignment the regions change. Go here and you can see for yourself

from wos87 http://texashsfootball.com/board/index.php?showtopic=24383&pid=401401&st=0&#entry401401 I smell something ?:hairpunk:

08-26-2009, 02:33 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Go back and read my post again. This time read it. I listed why you guys are good, but there is an X-Factor here. Nobody can be that talented and lucky year in and year out.

Actually we have been for a long time. Last losing season was 83 I think. Now I do not think region 2 is the issue for that long a period. Besides we also won in class b in the 60's and 74 a state crown. Go back 50 years and we have been doin ok.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 02:34 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Who is we? Not sure what team you are representing. That particular year it was LE. You can substitute any # of Northeast Texas teams in there though.:D

08-26-2009, 02:42 PM
Originally posted by marler1972
I just smell excuses. Your theory while it sounds good does not hold water with each realignment the regions change. Go here and you can see for yourself

from wos87 http://texashsfootball.com/board/index.php?showtopic=24383&pid=401401&st=0&#entry401401

If my theory were true, which Region would have the most state championships?

08-26-2009, 02:48 PM
I have my own theory:

While Rocket says he is not taking a shot at Celina he truly is.

Rocket suffers from trophy envy. Brownwood's cabinet has been bare for a while and I think maybe he licking his wounds. Can someone please hug Rocket maybe the fortunes of Brownwood will change?

Rocket indicates he doesn't lay awake thinking about Celina. It appears that is not the case unless he saves Celina for his dreams. Rocket would you like me to send you something orange to cuddle with?

08-26-2009, 02:49 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Go back and read my post again. This time read it. I listed why you guys are good, but there is an X-Factor here. Nobody can be that talented and lucky year in and year out.

Rocket, I've seen Celina this year in our scrimmage. I can only tell you that their players look like they have been hitting the weights, have good size, and have good fundamentals. When you have a program which turns out program-commited, tradition-rich, disciplined, well-coached athletes in great numbers--year-in-year-out and who are willing to work to develop their bodies, combined with a large, well-trained, and experienced coaching staff---you lend meaning to the old saying "The harder I work---the luckier I get." IMO, the only way you can beat the "D" of a team like Celina is to make sure your team executes well, is fundamentally sound and your players take them out at the point of attack---miss a block and their player makes the tackle. The only way you keep them from driving the field on you consistently is to have enough players on your "D" players who are not afraid to hit, can tackle surely 1-on-1, recognize pass patterns quickly, and gang tackle.
Do I think Celina is invincible and better than everbody else?--certainly not. Any team can beat them, but they must be fundamentally sound, physically conditioned, and willing to match their efforts each play for 4 quarters. IMO, it is Celina's devotion to these things which has made them the program they are year-after-year. They use consistency like a weapon.

08-26-2009, 02:54 PM


08-26-2009, 02:56 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
I have my own theory:

While Rocket says he is not taking a shot at Celina he truly is.

Rocket suffers from trophy envy. Brownwood's cabinet has been bare for a while and I think maybe he licking his wounds. Can someone please hug Rocket maybe the fortunes of Brownwood will change?

Rocket indicates he doesn't lay awake thinking about Celina. It appears that is not the case unless he saves Celina for his dreams. Rocket would you like me to send you something orange to cuddle with?

I have a different theory as well... called "The Celina Cult". It is very interesting...

It would take more room than the theory post.

08-26-2009, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Rocket, I've seen Celina this year in our scrimmage. I can only tell you that their players look like they have been hitting the weights, have good size, and have good fundamentals. When you have a program which turns out program-commited, tradition-rich, disciplined, well-coached athletes in great numbers--year-in-year-out and who are willing to work to develop their bodies, combined with a large, well-trained, and experienced coaching staff---you lend meaning to the old saying "The harder I work---the luckier I get." IMO, the only way you can beat the "D" of a team like Celina is to make sure your team executes well, is fundamentally sound and your players take them out at the point of attack---miss a block and their player makes the tackle. The only way you keep them from driving the field on you consistently is to have enough players on your "D" players who are not afraid to hit, can tackle surely 1-on-1, recognize pass patterns quickly, and gang tackle.
Do I think Celina is invincible and better than everbody else?--certainly not. Any team can beat them, but they must be fundamentally sound, physically conditioned, and willing to match their efforts each play for 4 quarters. IMO, it is Celina's devotion to these things which has made them the program they are year-after-year. They use consistency like a weapon.

You just described a TRUE program. Add what you said together with a weak Region 2, and you have my theory. Celina is not the only team with this. That is my point.

08-26-2009, 02:57 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
Rocket, I've seen Celina this year in our scrimmage. I can only tell you that their players look like they have been hitting the weights, have good size, and have good fundamentals. When you have a program which turns out program-commited, tradition-rich, disciplined, well-coached athletes in great numbers--year-in-year-out and who are willing to work to develop their bodies, combined with a large, well-trained, and experienced coaching staff---you lend meaning to the old saying "The harder I work---the luckier I get." IMO, the only way you can beat the "D" of a team like Celina is to make sure your team executes well, is fundamentally sound and your players take them out at the point of attack---miss a block and their player makes the tackle. The only way you keep them from driving the field on you consistently is to have enough players on your "D" players who are not afraid to hit, can tackle surely 1-on-1, recognize pass patterns quickly, and gang tackle.
Do I think Celina is invincible and better than everbody else?--certainly not. Any team can beat them, but they must be fundamentally sound, physically conditioned, and willing to match their efforts each play for 4 quarters. IMO, it is Celina's devotion to these things which has made them the program they are year-after-year. They use consistency like a weapon. Gee Bull, what a rationale post. It has no place on this thread. :D :D

08-26-2009, 03:01 PM
Well the only time I have seen Celina we put a stop to all there mess. I don't like someone coming up from 2a and bragging about all there winning.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
I have my own theory:

While Rocket says he is not taking a shot at Celina he truly is.

Rocket suffers from trophy envy. Brownwood's cabinet has been bare for a while and I think maybe he licking his wounds. Can someone please hug Rocket maybe the fortunes of Brownwood will change?

Rocket indicates he doesn't lay awake thinking about Celina. It appears that is not the case unless he saves Celina for his dreams. Rocket would you like me to send you something orange to cuddle with? :inlove: :inlove: Beast , Trashcan , sounds like a job for you.:inlove: :inlove:

08-26-2009, 03:04 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Well the only time I have seen Celina we put a stop to all there mess. I don't like someone coming up from 2a and bragging about all there winning. ROFL!

08-26-2009, 03:06 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
I have a different theory as well... called "The Celina Cult". It is very interesting...

It would take more room than the theory post.

Would that require me to send you two things orange and cuddly?

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Well the only time I have seen Celina we put a stop to all there mess. I don't like someone coming up from 2a and bragging about all there winning. :clap: You guys know bout this weak region. :clap:

08-26-2009, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:clap: You guys know bout this weak region. :clap:

Man we have lost to the state camps the last 5 years in a row. In like the first round and the 3 round and in the State Game. Play someone worth a anything them tell me how good you are. Or maybe beat GILMER and tell me how good you are.

08-26-2009, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You just described a TRUE program. Add what you said together with a weak Region 2, and you have my theory. Celina is not the only team with this. That is my point.
But you could postulate that it is strictly the program and system and coaching. consider, Celina has not changed systems since 1988. How many coaches has the wood gone thru since then?
Then I can conclude with the fact that maybe Celina just makes everybody look like they aint that good. Only maybe that aint that bad.

08-26-2009, 03:14 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Man we have lost to the state camps the last 5 years in a row. In like the first round and the 3 round and in the State Game. Play someone worth a anything them tell me how good you are. Or maybe beat GILMER and tell me how good you are.

You are funny. If you wear some of your orange you can cuddle with Rocket.

08-26-2009, 03:18 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
You are funny. If you wear some of your orange you can cuddle with Rocket.

No cuddling here, Just the facts

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:19 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You just described a TRUE program. Add what you said together with a weak Region 2, and you have my theory. Celina is not the only team with this. That is my point. :mad: You have no point, only a potential excuse. The best teams from each district play until 1 is left. That is the way it has always been. Was region 1 weak when Brownwood was winning? Don't therorize why this happens and that happens. This game runs in cycles. What comes around goes around. Celina will eventually falter, everyone does.

08-26-2009, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:mad: You have no point, only a potential excuse. The best teams from each district play until 1 is left. That is the way it has always been. Was region 1 weak when Brownwood was winning? Don't therorize why this happens and that happens. This game runs in cycles. What comes around goes around. Celina will eventually falter, everyone does.

Yea, everyone goes down at sometime or another. Take for instance next week the Gilmer LE game :p :p

08-26-2009, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
But you could postulate that it is strictly the program and system and coaching. consider, Celina has not changed systems since 1988. How many coaches has the wood gone thru since then?
Then I can conclude with the fact that maybe Celina just makes everybody look like they aint that good. Only maybe that aint that bad.

And who do you play?

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:25 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Man we have lost to the state camps the last 5 years in a row. In like the first round and the 3 round and in the State Game. Play someone worth a anything them tell me how good you are. Or maybe beat GILMER and tell me how good you are. :thinking: No, I am saying you guys were in this region and know that it is not that weak. I believe when you beat Celina you were in this region. I am speaking bout region in general.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Yea, everyone goes down at sometime or another. Take for instance next week the Gilmer LE game :p :p :thinking: Um, check ur schedule thats 2 weeks. Don't get ahead of yourself. Gonna be fun!!

08-26-2009, 03:29 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:thinking: Um, check ur schedule thats 2 weeks. Don't get ahead of yourself. Gonna be fun!!

Ahh yes in 2 weeks we have to go to Tyler and play that power house RAINS lol

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:34 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Ahh yes in 2 weeks we have to go to Tyler and play that power house RAINS lol :clap: Yeah better watch those Rains guys. They are loaded. :eek:

08-26-2009, 03:39 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:clap: Yeah better watch those Rains guys. They are loaded. :eek:

at least it in Tyler have something to do after the game

08-26-2009, 03:54 PM
Although I joined a while ago, this is my first post. I hope I get this right.

You wrote:

“actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans”. Your description of the Bobcats success story is probably a typical perspective for someone not from here. It would be interesting to read your comments about the Bobcats if you had lived here for a while.

“Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window.” This is an assumption. I will try to give the facts as I know them.

“They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7.” We say these things because our opponents deserve our respect. Many fans actually think this way.

“the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest.” True. But you did not mention that this allows the future starters to gain experience too. It’s not all about, that game, or that season.

“false sense of accomplishment”. Something must have been accomplished. BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING. Sorry, I could not resist.

“they don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.” You did not hear this from a Bobcat fan. Our opponents leave it all on the field. But the fact that the Bobcat’s have had to make some long trips these past couple of season’s to get games, and with our old arch rival PP bowing out too, it appears it may stay that way for a while.

“Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row?” Well, if that’s your logic, why didn’t you write: “Texas is overall a weak state. How can the same team be so dominant in one State so many years in a row?”

“They are not having to battle anybody.” Please come to one of our practices and then write that. Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, “45-7”). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 03:54 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
at least it in Tyler have something to do after the game Yeah, I like playing in Tyler. The drive kinda sucks but always plenty to do.

08-26-2009, 04:01 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
And who do you play?

Oh 9 state finalists over the last 12 years with 7 titles. How bout you?

08-26-2009, 04:03 PM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
Oh 9 state finalists over the last 12 years with 7 titles. How bout you?

Give Rocket some credit. They played some tough teams last year. Oh wait a second...they lost.

08-26-2009, 04:05 PM
Originally posted by Old&Crusty
Although I joined a while ago, this is my first post. I hope I get this right.

You wrote:

“actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans”. Your description of the Bobcats success story is probably a typical perspective for someone not from here. It would be interesting to read your comments about the Bobcats if you had lived here for a while.

“Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window.” This is an assumption. I will try to give the facts as I know them.

“They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7.” We say these things because our opponents deserve our respect. Many fans actually think this way.

“the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest.” True. But you did not mention that this allows the future starters to gain experience too. It’s not all about, that game, or that season.

“false sense of accomplishment”. Something must have been accomplished. BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING. Sorry, I could not resist.

“they don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.” You did not hear this from a Bobcat fan. Our opponents leave it all on the field. But the fact that the Bobcat’s have had to make some long trips these past couple of season’s to get games, and with our old arch rival PP bowing out too, it appears it may stay that way for a while.

“Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row?” Well, if that’s your logic, why didn’t you write: “Texas is overall a weak state. How can the same team be so dominant in one State so many years in a row?”

“They are not having to battle anybody.” Please come to one of our practices and then write that. Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, “45-7”). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week.

I like your username & I like this post! :D Welcome!

Ranger Mom
08-26-2009, 04:06 PM
Originally posted by Old&Crusty
Although I joined a while ago, this is my first post. I hope I get this right.

You wrote:

“actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans”. Your description of the Bobcats success story is probably a typical perspective for someone not from here. It would be interesting to read your comments about the Bobcats if you had lived here for a while.

“Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window.” This is an assumption. I will try to give the facts as I know them.

“They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7.” We say these things because our opponents deserve our respect. Many fans actually think this way.

“the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest.” True. But you did not mention that this allows the future starters to gain experience too. It’s not all about, that game, or that season.

“false sense of accomplishment”. Something must have been accomplished. BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING. Sorry, I could not resist.

“they don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.” You did not hear this from a Bobcat fan. Our opponents leave it all on the field. But the fact that the Bobcat’s have had to make some long trips these past couple of season’s to get games, and with our old arch rival PP bowing out too, it appears it may stay that way for a while.

“Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row?” Well, if that’s your logic, why didn’t you write: “Texas is overall a weak state. How can the same team be so dominant in one State so many years in a row?”

“They are not having to battle anybody.” Please come to one of our practices and then write that. Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, “45-7”). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week.

Welcome Old & Crusty!! I already like ya!!:D

08-26-2009, 04:08 PM
Or about 227-15 over the last 14 years with those titles. Ya see, when you do not get out of district you only play 140 games over the same time frame. We played 242. Or about another 100 games. Talk about opportunity for injuries.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
Oh 9 state finalists over the last 12 years with 7 titles. How bout you? :clap: :clap: :clap:

08-26-2009, 04:25 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
I have my own theory:

While Rocket says he is not taking a shot at Celina he truly is.

Rocket suffers from trophy envy. Brownwood's cabinet has been bare for a while and I think maybe he licking his wounds. Can someone please hug Rocket maybe the fortunes of Brownwood will change?

Rocket indicates he doesn't lay awake thinking about Celina. It appears that is not the case unless he saves Celina for his dreams. Rocket would you like me to send you something orange to cuddle with?

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

08-26-2009, 04:27 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
Give Rocket some credit. They played some tough teams last year. Oh wait a second...they lost.
http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-laughing024.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

08-26-2009, 05:45 PM
What is ironic about Rocket is that he supports a 4a dropdown that went 3-7 in its first year in 3a, yet questions a 3a moveup that has been to the 3a state title game the last 3 years. :thinking:

08-26-2009, 05:47 PM
Originally posted by Old&Crusty
Although I joined a while ago, this is my first post. I hope I get this right.

You wrote:

“actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans”. Your description of the Bobcats success story is probably a typical perspective for someone not from here. It would be interesting to read your comments about the Bobcats if you had lived here for a while.


“Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window.” This is an assumption. I will try to give the facts as I know them.


“They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7.” We say these things because our opponents deserve our respect. Many fans actually think this way.


“the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest.” True. But you did not mention that this allows the future starters to gain experience too. It’s not all about, that game, or that season.


“false sense of accomplishment”. Something must have been accomplished. BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING. Sorry, I could not resist.


“they don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.” You did not hear this from a Bobcat fan. Our opponents leave it all on the field. But the fact that the Bobcat’s have had to make some long trips these past couple of season’s to get games, and with our old arch rival PP bowing out too, it appears it may stay that way for a while.


“Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row?” Well, if that’s your logic, why didn’t you write: “Texas is overall a weak state. How can the same team be so dominant in one State so many years in a row?”


“They are not having to battle anybody.” Please come to one of our practices and then write that. Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, “45-7”). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week.


08-26-2009, 05:56 PM
Hey WOS87. I would love to see Celina's schedule over the last 10 years in Regular season and add all that up. Basically, their opponent's combined records.And then look at their playoff opponent's as well. Especially the first 3 Rounds. Probably open A LOT of eyes.

Thanks to all of you have sent me PM's agreeing with me and saying I make a lot of valid points. I appreciate it.

To all of you Celina fans, I knew you would take it as a shot, but I honestly didn't mean it that way. I gave you props. Just pointed out an XFactor that I thought adds a lot to the equation. JUST A THEORY.

08-26-2009, 06:04 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
Give Rocket some credit. They played some tough teams last year. Oh wait a second...they lost.

You played 2 good opponents last year and what happened. You get beat by a 2A and DESTROYED by Prosper. THEN, you start doubting your coach. LOL Simply put, you didn't win the big games. We just had way more big games than you did.

08-26-2009, 06:07 PM
This is getting good!

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 06:30 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You played 2 good opponents last year and what happened. You get beat by a 2A and DESTROYED by Prosper. THEN, you start doubting your coach. LOL Simply put, you didn't win the big games. We just had way more big games than you did. :doh: Still at it I see!! :thinking: still wrong :spitlol: but still at it.:nerd:

08-26-2009, 06:43 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
We just had way more big games than you did.

Did you win them?

08-26-2009, 06:44 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Hey WOS87. I would love to see Celina's schedule over the last 10 years in Regular season and add all that up. Basically, their opponent's combined records.And then look at their playoff opponent's as well. Especially the first 3 Rounds. Probably open A LOT of eyes.

Thanks to all of you have sent me PM's agreeing with me and saying I make a lot of valid points. I appreciate it.

To all of you Celina fans, I knew you would take it as a shot, but I honestly didn't mean it that way. I gave you props. Just pointed out an XFactor that I thought adds a lot to the equation. JUST A THEORY.

LOL, dont pawn the work off on WOS87. You do the research. Its your theory you are trying to prove, not WOS87's.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 06:54 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Originally posted by Old&Crusty
Although I joined a while ago, this is my first post. I hope I get this right.

You wrote:

``actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans``. Your description of the Bobcats success story is probably a typical perspective for someone not from here. It would be interesting to read your comments about the Bobcats if you had lived here for a while.


``Put Celina in Region I or Region III, and a lot of those State Championships will fly out the window.`` This is an assumption. I will try to give the facts as I know them.


``They will claim all day that a team they are playing that week is good to make themselves feel better and then they win, 45-7.`` We say these things because our opponents deserve our respect. Many fans actually think this way.


``the starters only playing 1/2 to 3/4 of the game, limiting injuries and giving them rest.`` True. But you did not mention that this allows the future starters to gain experience too. It`s not all about, that game, or that season.


``false sense of accomplishment``. Something must have been accomplished. BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING, BLING. Sorry, I could not resist.


``they don't play anybody worth a crap until the Semi's or possibly Quarter's.`` You did not hear this from a Bobcat fan. Our opponents leave it all on the field. But the fact that the Bobcat`s have had to make some long trips these past couple of season`s to get games, and with our old arch rival PP bowing out too, it appears it may stay that way for a while.


``Region II is overall a weak region. How can the same team be so dominant in one Region so many years in a row?`` Well, if that`s your logic, why didn`t you write: ``Texas is overall a weak state. How can the same team be so dominant in one State so many years in a row?``


``They are not having to battle anybody.`` Please come to one of our practices and then write that. Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, ``45-7``). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week.

YOU HAVE TO BE KIDDING ME. THE REASON THEY ARE SCORING PARTIES ON FRIDAY NIGHTS IS BECAUSE 8 OUT OF THE 10 REGULAR SEASON GAMES ARE AGAINST, UM, NOBODY. :hand:Now you understand that my dog in this fight is that you said Region 2 was scheduling weak opponents.which I take exception . LE has Gilmer 4a Mt pleasant and 7 time consecutive Arkansas 4a champ Nashville as well as Paris and North Lamar, both just down from 4a. If you want to call out Celina, go ahead, just don't lump the whole region together based on 1 team. :thinking: :evilgrin:

08-26-2009, 07:03 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Did you win them?

Please see the post I was responding to. I didn't bring it up, he did.

08-26-2009, 07:04 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
LOL, dont pawn the work off on WOS87. You do the research. Its your theory you are trying to prove, not WOS87's.

I wouldn't know where to begin. I imagine he already has all the info.

08-26-2009, 07:06 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:doh: Still at it I see!! :thinking: still wrong :spitlol: but still at it.:nerd:

I see you are still making useless posts that aren't real funny. LE? Little Elm? I still have no idea what team is LE? Probably some one year wonder of a team...

08-26-2009, 07:09 PM
Rocket is starting to turn me with his passion ...

... I think ol' Benny ... is developing ... a man crush! :inlove:

08-26-2009, 07:09 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
I wouldn't know where to begin. I imagine he already has all the info.

Idiocy is no excuse for laziness.

08-26-2009, 07:20 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
This is a theory I came up with last season, once I actually paid attention to the team, their schedule, and their fans.

This is just a theory I came up with and it probably has a lot of holes in it. You can add to it or disprove it. I thought it would be fun to put it out there and talk about it. It may be a common theory, and if so, I never heard it. OK, let's have at it.

Ironic--the opposite is said about Calallen

If this was true, CC Calallen would probably have won at least once, but they didn't, so i don't buy it.

Our tougher non-district schedule last year didn't hurt us in the playoffs-you cant have it both ways

08-26-2009, 07:25 PM
Originally posted by charlesrixey
Ironic--the opposite is said about Calallen

If this was true, CC Calallen would probably have won at least once, but they didn't, so i don't buy it.

Our tougher non-district schedule last year didn't hurt us in the playoffs-you cant have it both ways

Smithson Valley, SA Madison as well.

08-26-2009, 07:27 PM
Originally posted by BobcatBenny
Rocket is starting to turn me with his passion ...

... I think ol' Benny ... is developing ... a man crush! :inlove:

If you would see him you would not have acrush on him! lol

08-26-2009, 07:29 PM
Rocket are you living in Hobbs?

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 07:44 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
I see you are still making useless posts that aren't real funny. LE? Little Elm? I still have no idea what team is LE? Probably some one year wonder of a team... :clap: Come on Little Elm?? You're losing your touch. :weeping: :weeping: :weeping: I think I made my point quite well if you want to go after 1 team for a weak schedule, go for it. If you want to make a case against the whole region, better back it up. That is where your theory conflicts with fact. :thinking:

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Please see the post I was responding to. I didn't bring it up, he did. So, since you have put no effort into research, what we are really debating is a hypothesis. I, believe if you will put a little research into this hypothesis as it applies to region 2 you will find your logic is flawed.

08-26-2009, 08:04 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You played 2 good opponents last year and what happened. You get beat by a 2A and DESTROYED by Prosper. THEN, you start doubting your coach. LOL Simply put, you didn't win the big games. We just had way more big games than you did.

Hey Rocket, whether you believe or not you were taking a shot. Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist to take care of your pent up frustrations (probably not only related to football). I know Rocket... we never win "big games". I realize you are trying to minimize the accomplishments of others to make you feel better about yours. It really is quite pathetic. I am beginning to wonder if you really got those PM's.

With regard to our losses, no excuses there we were beat. What's your excuse Mr. 3-7? We made it to the championship when noone thought we could. I believe you were spouting off from day one. I realize it is difficult for you to accept that you no longer have the most state championships. Maybe you can go try on your old cheerleading outfit and relive the glory years.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 08:10 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
Hey Rocket, whether you believe or not you were taking a shot. Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist to take care of your pent up frustrations (probably not only related to football). I know Rocket... we never win "big games". I realize you are trying to minimize the accomplishments of others to make you feel better about yours. It really is quite pathetic. I am beginning to wonder if you really got those PM's.

With regard to our losses, no excuses there we were beat. What's your excuse Mr. 3-7? We made it to the championship when noone thought we could. I believe you were spouting off from day one. I realize it is difficult for you to accept that you no longer have the most state championships. Maybe you can go try on your old cheerleading outfits and relive the glory years. :clap:Yep, you got it.

Daddy D 11
08-26-2009, 08:21 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You played 2 good opponents last year and what happened. You get beat by a 2A and DESTROYED by Prosper. THEN, you start doubting your coach. LOL Simply put, you didn't win the big games. We just had way more big games than you did.

LH wasn't a good team? :D

I have to admit though, I'm loving this conspiracy theory crap.
But I must ask, when's the last time you actually made a Celina game?

Yes I agree that their location is a huge factor, but by saying that they don't load up their pre-district is dumb....
Who cares what they do? Didn't you say that losing HARD pre district games doesn't matter because it's just pre district. Well Rocket..Isn't winning EASY pre district games the same thing?? If the outcome of one doesn't matter..then how can the other?

08-26-2009, 08:27 PM
Originally posted by Daddy D 11

Yes I agree that their location is a huge factor,

I agree that their location is an advantage, but Celina is not the only small school surrounding DFW. Why aren't the other small schools in the area winning 8 titles? Because coaching and tradition is what wins ball games.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 08:53 PM
:confused: where Ya at Rocket?? Think several posters have taken objection to your hypothesis . I still have not heard any dispute on mine? This is nothing more than a ploy. Gives you an excuse for a playoff loss to a Region 2 team.:clap:

08-26-2009, 10:09 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:confused: where Ya at Rocket?? Think several posters have taken objection to your hypothesis . I still have not heard any dispute on mine? This is nothing more than a ploy. Gives you an excuse for a playoff loss to a Region 2 team.:clap:

Little Elm, rockets posts are almost always in fun. Take it easy brother. You are gonna wind up in the ER with heart trouble. Me on the other hand, if you want to call me out, Ill be your huckleberry. Remember though, I didn't swipe Celina or Tex LE. Take it easy man.


08-26-2009, 10:11 PM
Originally posted by BEAST
Little Elm, rockets are almost always in fun. Take it easy brother. You are gonna wind up in the ER. Me on the other hand, if you want to call me out, I will be your huckleberry. Remember though, I didn't swipe Celina or Tex LE. Take it easy man.


Take it easy bro.:D

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 10:19 PM
Originally posted by BEAST
Little Elm, rockets posts are almost always in fun. Take it easy brother. You are gonna wind up in the ER with heart trouble. Me on the other hand, if you want to call me out, Ill be your huckleberry. Remember though, I didn't swipe Celina or Tex LE. Take it easy man.

BEAST :clap: :clap: Easy dude, I am just having fun, read Brownwood thread. :D

08-26-2009, 10:26 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:clap: :clap: Easy dude, I am just having fun, read Brownwood thread. :D

Me too. I threw that at you before we made nice on the other thread.


08-26-2009, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by BEAST
Me too. I threw that at you before we made nice on the other thread.


Aww you two or three go get a room.

08-26-2009, 10:48 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
Idiocy is no excuse for laziness.

Dude, you are no match for me.

08-26-2009, 10:49 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
I agree that their location is an advantage, but Celina is not the only small school surrounding DFW. Why aren't the other small schools in the area winning 8 titles? Because coaching and tradition is what wins ball games.

What in teh SAM HILL does being a small school have to do with anything? You probably failed reading comprehension in school, huh...

08-26-2009, 10:50 PM
Originally posted by marler1972
If you would see him you would not have acrush on him! lol

Don't be jealous, Jimmy. I know you are still upset about how I used to crush you in fantasy football.

Yep, I am in Hobbs now...

08-26-2009, 10:51 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
So, since you have put no effort into research, what we are really debating is a hypothesis. I, believe if you will put a little research into this hypothesis as it applies to region 2 you will find your logic is flawed.

I think you are flawed. IT IS A THEORY!

08-26-2009, 10:52 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
I am beginning to wonder if you really got those PM's.

Oh lord, here we go again :rolleyes:

Rocket has been a friend of mine since BEFORE WO-S dropped to 3A back in '04 and I have actually contributed historical data to his website. I guarantee you 100% he got those PM's.

LE Dad... welcome to the board. I hope you get to stay longer than I'm predicting you will because you sure know how to stir things up. I would suggest you get to know people a little better before you start trying to push buttons. We are overall a very nice bunch of folks!

Here's the data you requested Rocket. All of you are welcome to interpret it anyway you like. I'm not giving an opinion on this one at all other than to mention that 3 of the 4 losses Celina had in 2008 were to eventual State Champs ...that's all I'll say about that.

Good luck to all in your season openers this week or next week!

The column in blue on the far right is the final season win-loss record of all of Celina's opponents since they first competed in 3A in 2002. That's all I had time to put together tonight. I do not have the records for the handful of private schools they played in those 7 seasons.


08-26-2009, 10:55 PM
Originally posted by Daddy D 11
LH wasn't a good team? :D

I have to admit though, I'm loving this conspiracy theory crap.
But I must ask, when's the last time you actually made a Celina game?

Yes I agree that their location is a huge factor, but by saying that they don't load up their pre-district is dumb....
Who cares what they do? Didn't you say that losing HARD pre district games doesn't matter because it's just pre district. Well Rocket..Isn't winning EASY pre district games the same thing?? If the outcome of one doesn't matter..then how can the other?

Daddy! What's up man... I hate when you come around because you actually make sense and then I have to think. these other nimrod's like LE are too easy to deal with.

It is just a theory dude. I just wanted to entertain everybody for a day and I think I did that. If you will all go back and read the original post, I showed respect to Celina, i just threw in a theory on an X-Factor that most people may be overlooking. I am not scared to take on the Orange Nation. I think my theory does hold water. That is my God Given right to think so. So all you knuckleheads can just deal with it. besides, it's just me. One man's opinion. LOL

It was fun.... my next theory is "The Celina Cult". Coming Soon...

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 11:01 PM
Originally posted by WOS87
Oh lord, here we go again :rolleyes:

Rocket has been a friend of mine since BEFORE WO-S dropped to 3A back in '04 and I have actually contributed historical data to his website. I guarantee you 100% he got those PM's.

LE Dad... welcome to the board. I hope you get to stay longer than I'm predicting you will because you sure know how to stir things up. I would suggest you get to know people a little better before you start trying to push buttons. We are overall a very nice bunch of folks!

Here's the data you requested Rocket. All of you are welcome to interpret it anyway you like. I'm not giving an opinion on this one at all other than to mention that 3 of the 4 losses Celina had in 2008 were to eventual State Champs ...that's all I'll say about that.

Good luck to all in your season openers this week or next week!

The column in blue on the far right is the final season win-loss record of all of Celina's opponents since they first competed in 3A in 2002. That's all I had time to put together tonight. I do not have the records for the handful of private schools they played in those 7 seasons.

http://idisk.mac.com/cboehme69-Public/stats/rockettheory.gif Lol thank WOS087 wasn't trying to push your buttons. Sorry if it seemed like that. Thats why I got out when I saw that thread going downhill.

08-26-2009, 11:06 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Dude, you are no match for me.

LOL, match for what? We supposed to fight or something?

08-26-2009, 11:11 PM

Thanks man! I knew you would come through. After seeing this, I would say the 2 State Championship years, the theory holds water. Easy Road to State. The theory is strong because most years they did quite well against teams with good records in the playoffs, but eventually lost. So with this bit of info, I would say that for Celina to win a State Championship, they have to have the theory active, the 3 easy opening games of the playoffs. The formula and the theory.

I would love to know WOS87's opinion on the weakest overall Region in 3A.

08-26-2009, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
LOL, match for what? We supposed to fight or something?

Nahh, a battle of wits and you came unarmed.

LE Dad
08-26-2009, 11:12 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
I think you are flawed. IT IS A THEORY! LOL...:clap: :clap: :clap: Thats a good one coach...

08-26-2009, 11:26 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Nahh, a battle of wits and you came unarmed.

I came unarmed? Im not the one that is relying on other people to do the homework to help prove a theory. Seems to me you are the one who is unarmed.

orange machine
08-27-2009, 12:03 AM
Bottom line is that Celina would kick the crap out of Brownwood just like most other teams.

08-27-2009, 07:20 AM
Originally posted by Rocket

I agree and I believe I said in my post that they have no control over it. I am not losing sleep at all. Just trying to figure out how a team can be this successful.


only because you are jealous!:)

08-27-2009, 07:26 AM
Originally posted by BobcatBenny
Rocket is starting to turn me with his passion ...

... I think ol' Benny ... is developing ... a man crush! :inlove:



08-27-2009, 07:29 AM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
Hey Rocket, whether you believe or not you were taking a shot. Maybe you need to see a psychiatrist to take care of your pent up frustrations (probably not only related to football). I know Rocket... we never win "big games". I realize you are trying to minimize the accomplishments of others to make you feel better about yours. It really is quite pathetic. I am beginning to wonder if you really got those PM's.

With regard to our losses, no excuses there we were beat. What's your excuse Mr. 3-7? We made it to the championship when noone thought we could. I believe you were spouting off from day one. I realize it is difficult for you to accept that you no longer have the most state championships. Maybe you can go try on your old cheerleading outfit and relive the glory years.

Hey BleedOrange! It's El Tres Siete to You!:mad: :D ;)

08-27-2009, 08:10 AM
Congrats Rocket on starting this thread. It provided lots of talk and entertainment for us.

08-27-2009, 08:11 AM
Theory flipside--If Celina played tougher Schedules, they would actually win more titles. It's really hard to step it up when you meet those Super Teams in the quarterfinals(if you really buy that). Look at last year as a proving point. Celina was in reloading mode. Got punched a couple times early in the year and adjusted to it, moved up the performance a few notches and made it to State and put a lot of points on the awesome Carthage team. If we had a truly weak early schedule, we might have lost early. Look---4 losses, 3 to State Champs---weak??.

Maybe your little postulations are actually proving the opposite of your point. Be thankful Celina hasn't had to fight more in pre-season and district. It could be the case we would win bigger and more often...as much as approaching 100% from 97% or whatever it is we've been the last several years.

08-27-2009, 08:15 AM
I have actually enjoyed it. What I would like for him to do now to validate his theory is look at the guys with the most titles and analyze their seasons to see if this is a valid theory. Because you can make numbers for one solution set mean or say anything.
To have a valid test case comparisons must be made with others with the same variables and records. Oh wait, he can't do that.
To much work. And nobody else has the number one record. HMMMMMMM

08-27-2009, 08:38 AM
Rocket, if we were to assume your theory of a weak region 2 to be true, which I don't, then we could also assume that schools in a stronger region with a 200 to 400 larger student enrollment than Celina, would have greater depth to withstand that stronger region and come out of that region not only healthier than Celina, but also more experienced against better competition than Celina has faced. Advantage should be to the bigger schools from the much better region. What am I missing?

08-27-2009, 09:00 AM
Your theory might hold water if Celina hadn't destroyed each Region I team they have played in the semis ... if the games had been close, then maybe.

2006 - Vernon (9-5) 30-13
2007 - Snyder (12-2) 33-7
2008 - Liberty Hill (14-0) 40-12

Seems like even an injury plagued great Region I team could have kept the games interesting if Celina hadn't played anyone up to that point.

08-27-2009, 09:12 AM
Originally posted by BILLYFRED0000
I have actually enjoyed it. What I would like for him to do now to validate his theory is look at the guys with the most titles and analyze their seasons to see if this is a valid theory. Because you can make numbers for one solution set mean or say anything.
To have a valid test case comparisons must be made with others with the same variables and records. Oh wait, he can't do that.
To much work. And nobody else has the number one record. HMMMMMMM

Validate? Are you kidding? Just be glad that Rocket understood the concept of theories.

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 09:28 AM
Originally posted by garciap77

:D :clap: :nerd: :clap:

08-27-2009, 10:01 AM
Originally posted by OldNavy
Rocket, if we were to assume your theory of a weak region 2 to be true, which I don't, then we could also assume that schools in a stronger region with a 200 to 400 larger student enrollment than Celina, would have greater depth to withstand that stronger region and come out of that region not only healthier than Celina, but also more experienced against better competition than Celina has faced. Advantage should be to the bigger schools from the much better region. What am I missing?

Go back to 2a and win some more state titles.:D :D

08-27-2009, 10:03 AM
Originally posted by garciap77
Hey BleedOrange! It's El Tres Siete to You!:mad: :D ;)

My apologies. It will not happen again. I am looking forward to Rocket's most current treatise "The Celina Cult". I am sure everyone will be enlightened. I cannot wait to read the second chapter which I understand will be entitled "The Impact of Cult Living and Causation of El Tres Siete in Brownwood"

08-27-2009, 10:22 AM
Originally posted by orange machine
Bottom line is that Celina would kick the crap out of Brownwood just like most other teams.

Nice theory. LOL Hope we get the chance to see if it holds any water. We aren't exactly Ferris. LOL

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 10:23 AM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
My apologies. It will not happen again. I am looking forward to Rocket's most current treatise "The Celina Cult". I am sure everyone will be enlightened. I cannot wait to read the second chapter which I understand will be entitled "The Impact of Cult Living and Causation of El Tres Siete in Brownwood" :clap: :clap: :devil: :devil: :clap: :clap:

08-27-2009, 10:25 AM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
My apologies. It will not happen again. I am looking forward to Rocket's most current treatise "The Celina Cult". I am sure everyone will be enlightened. I cannot wait to read the second chapter which I understand will be entitled "The Impact of Cult Living and Causation of El Tres Siete in Brownwood"

I am kidding about the Cult post, although that theory would hold much water.

08-27-2009, 10:41 AM
Sure is a lot of "Celina envy" going on. They win regardless of what region they are in. A few more losses, but they would make their playoff runs and get those titles regardless.

Celina has tried to get games with 4A's and 5A's. Most of the bigger boys are scared Celina would give them a game or gawd forbid beat them. Why not look at what they are doing to win so
much and emulate it rather than knock their success with crackpot theories?

08-27-2009, 10:44 AM
Originally posted by Rocket
I am kidding about the Cult post, although that theory would hold much water.

I was truly looking forward to more of your pot stirring. LOL

08-27-2009, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Rocket
Nice theory. LOL Hope we get the chance to see if it holds any water. We aren't exactly Ferris. LOL

At least Ferris went 4-6 last year.

08-27-2009, 11:15 AM
Originally posted by bevodidit
Sure is a lot of "Celina envy" going on. They win regardless of what region they are in. A few more losses, but they would make their playoff runs and get those titles regardless.

Celina has tried to get games with 4A's and 5A's. Most of the bigger boys are scared Celina would give them a game or gawd forbid beat them. Why not look at what they are doing to win so
much and emulate it rather than knock their success with crackpot theories?

probably not with the 4a and 5a's like you say... that would come down to the fact that those schools usually have two freshman teams, a JV and a varsity which smaller schools do not have, plus some also have a sophomore team so you are spending time trying to find teams to send one team to play a game and it is a nightmare...

08-27-2009, 11:30 AM
Originally posted by themsu97
probably not with the 4a and 5a's like you say... that would come down to the fact that those schools usually have two freshman teams, a JV and a varsity which smaller schools do not have, plus some also have a sophomore team so you are spending time trying to find teams to send one team to play a game and it is a nightmare...

Well we have a freshman team and two jv's and a varsity. Aint that the same?

08-27-2009, 11:36 AM
should be...
I just know from working at a bigger school that when smaller schools do not have the same amount of teams it is a headache so most of the time you try not to schedule them unless you have to...
Celina may be the exception but who knows...
but that is the main reason why 4 and 5 a's will not play schools in smaller classifications...

08-27-2009, 01:23 PM
most of our lifetimes Region ! has been about as weak overall as Region 4....for a guy in Region 1 that lost to a myriad of weak, mediocre Region 1 teams last year to claim that if Celina had been in that region they would not have their record is plain nuts....Celina has historically KILLED the Region 1 teams they play in the playoffs, so the absolute best the region has to offer just can't stand up to the Bobcats....

Region 3? tough about every year...

Region 1? until just last year they were pure patsies...those Region 3 teams moving over for some psycho reason are the only tough teams out west

08-27-2009, 01:39 PM
Originally posted by Black Flag
Well the only time I have seen Celina we put a stop to all there mess. I don't like someone coming up from 2a and bragging about all there winning.

I realize smarts are in short supply over in Gilmer, but just to help out, the word would be "THEIR" in both cases...

and then of course the fact - Celina has won at the 3A level since Gilmer has....try to keep up with us, will ya?

we ain't gonna drop out of the playoffs for 8-9 years just to give you guys a chance, so you better start workin harder

08-27-2009, 01:42 PM
Really hope we get the play each other again.:D :D

08-27-2009, 01:55 PM
I think that about says it all ... regarding this thread. :D

08-27-2009, 01:56 PM
Celina kids just expect to win. And since most kids from almost any school over-estimate their opponent (and their own team-mates) it gives Celina has an intimidation factor that's off the charts. Celina players may mistake it for "spirit" or whatever but anytime anyone feels superior they have the edge.

08-27-2009, 02:01 PM
Originally posted by BleedOrange
My apologies. It will not happen again. I am looking forward to Rocket's most current treatise "The Celina Cult". I am sure everyone will be enlightened. I cannot wait to read the second chapter which I understand will be entitled "The Impact of Cult Living and Causation of El Tres Siete in Brownwood"


08-27-2009, 02:07 PM
If Celina played in the Wood's district Celina would be district champs....the Wood can't even muster up a winning record or make the playoffs...

now go back to the WOS stats he gathered for the rocket...DeLeon was a given to be a bad game but that was 2 buddies as coaches making a game that only lasted 1 year....the other 4 3A teams were being played when Celina was 2A and 2 of those 3A teams were playoff teams the previous year - hardly dodging good teams with that schedule....then the Royse City years we played and beat those guys 2 years in a row and 1 of those years RC was in the D1 finals....we won all those 3A games those years pretty well also....

last year Celina loses 3 before the playoffs and Rocket claims there were fans mad at the coach for that? I did not hear a single complaint about the coach around here - must have been some more of those phantom PMs he claims to receive...Celina played some good teams and we lost a few games, but for sure we did NOT go 3-7 nor did we fire our coach for havin a team that sucked.....that all was some weak team over in weak Region 1, which if I recall did not get a single team in the 3A finals because they was so weak....Butch Ford has done more and had more success here in Celina than all the coaches combined have done for B'Wood in those same years...

my theory is this....the 'Wood is gonna have to beg Wylie to go 4A, or go back to 4A themselves, to get a chance to be somethin again.....

go ahead rocket....we need to schedule some games for the next 2 years....call up that new coach and have him call up Butch - we'd all love to see some orange whippin up on maroon in a week0 contest for 2 years say in Arlington in a big new stadium on a Saturday in late August....get it done....we ain't skeered

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 02:09 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
lol GP77, :clap:

08-27-2009, 02:13 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
At least Ferris went 4-6 last year.

:clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:

08-27-2009, 03:00 PM
I think I lost my mind. I've been reading this off and on all day and thinking "this is crazy". Then I realized I'm the crazy one.

Just quit reading it I told myself. :hairpunk:

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 03:44 PM
Originally posted by lulu
I think I lost my mind. I've been reading this off and on all day and thinking "this is crazy". Then I realized I'm the crazy one.

Just quit reading it I told myself. :hairpunk: :thinking: That may just make u the only sane 1 on this board!:confused:

08-27-2009, 03:49 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
If Celina played in the Wood's district Celina would be district champs....the Wood can't even muster up a winning record or make the playoffs...

now go back to the WOS stats he gathered for the rocket...DeLeon was a given to be a bad game but that was 2 buddies as coaches making a game that only lasted 1 year....the other 4 3A teams were being played when Celina was 2A and 2 of those 3A teams were playoff teams the previous year - hardly dodging good teams with that schedule....then the Royse City years we played and beat those guys 2 years in a row and 1 of those years RC was in the D1 finals....we won all those 3A games those years pretty well also....

last year Celina loses 3 before the playoffs and Rocket claims there were fans mad at the coach for that? I did not hear a single complaint about the coach around here - must have been some more of those phantom PMs he claims to receive...Celina played some good teams and we lost a few games, but for sure we did NOT go 3-7 nor did we fire our coach for havin a team that sucked.....that all was some weak team over in weak Region 1, which if I recall did not get a single team in the 3A finals because they was so weak....Butch Ford has done more and had more success here in Celina than all the coaches combined have done for B'Wood in those same years...

my theory is this....the 'Wood is gonna have to beg Wylie to go 4A, or go back to 4A themselves, to get a chance to be somethin again.....

go ahead rocket....we need to schedule some games for the next 2 years....call up that new coach and have him call up Butch - we'd all love to see some orange whippin up on maroon in a week0 contest for 2 years say in Arlington in a big new stadium on a Saturday in late August....get it done....we ain't skeered

Hey that would be cool with me. Love to see that maroon get oranged. sides I do like to see teams from that area. Grew up in Bronte and we did some regional tennis and stuff in b'wood occassionally. That Underwoods sure had some great cobbler to go with the bbq.

08-27-2009, 03:59 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
If Celina played in the Wood's district Celina would be district champs....the Wood can't even muster up a winning record or make the playoffs...

now go back to the WOS stats he gathered for the rocket...DeLeon was a given to be a bad game but that was 2 buddies as coaches making a game that only lasted 1 year....the other 4 3A teams were being played when Celina was 2A and 2 of those 3A teams were playoff teams the previous year - hardly dodging good teams with that schedule....then the Royse City years we played and beat those guys 2 years in a row and 1 of those years RC was in the D1 finals....we won all those 3A games those years pretty well also....

last year Celina loses 3 before the playoffs and Rocket claims there were fans mad at the coach for that? I did not hear a single complaint about the coach around here - must have been some more of those phantom PMs he claims to receive...Celina played some good teams and we lost a few games, but for sure we did NOT go 3-7 nor did we fire our coach for havin a team that sucked.....that all was some weak team over in weak Region 1, which if I recall did not get a single team in the 3A finals because they was so weak....Butch Ford has done more and had more success here in Celina than all the coaches combined have done for B'Wood in those same years...

my theory is this....the 'Wood is gonna have to beg Wylie to go 4A, or go back to 4A themselves, to get a chance to be somethin again.....

go ahead rocket....we need to schedule some games for the next 2 years....call up that new coach and have him call up Butch - we'd all love to see some orange whippin up on maroon in a week0 contest for 2 years say in Arlington in a big new stadium on a Saturday in late August....get it done....we ain't skeered

You are smoking crap. We have 2 losing records in the last 50 years and now all of the sudden Brownwood isn't a winner? You are ignorant at best.

Butch won't schedule Brownwood. We don't fit his formula. And yeah, I heard from inside sources that Butch had to calm people down and tell them to trust him. You guys got some serious issues over there.

Until Brownwood plays celina and celina wins, you have nothing on Brownwood in my book. Just another 2A team that won alot of games. Wow, good job.

08-27-2009, 04:04 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You are smoking crap. We have 2 losing records in the last 50 years and now all of the sudden Brownwood isn't a winner? You are ignorant at best.

Butch won't schedule Brownwood. We don't fit his formula. And yeah, I heard from inside sources that Butch had to calm people down and tell them to trust him. You guys got some serious issues over there.

Until Brownwood plays celina and celina wins, you have nothing on Brownwood in my book. Just another 2A team that won alot of games. Wow, good job.

LMAO man, I'm glad I decided to read this before I went home for the day. Best laugh I've had all day! :clap:


08-27-2009, 04:07 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
LMAO man, I'm glad I decided to read this before I went home for the day. Best laugh I've had all day! :clap:



I tried to play nice with celina and respect them (somewhat), but they pissed me off. I can't wait until we kill them in the Semi's, if they can even make it that far.

08-27-2009, 04:09 PM
Celina might make the Downlow GOTW for Region 2 IF YOU WILL ACTUALLY SCHEDULE A TEAM THAT COULD BEAT YA.

08-27-2009, 04:10 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Just another 2A team that won alot of games. Wow, good job.

You keep going, Rocket, and you are going to replace The Chief as one of my all-time 3ADL outrageous personalities. :D

And Southlake is just another 3A, no wait- 4A, no-5A team that just won a lot of games.

08-27-2009, 04:11 PM


Ranger Mom
08-27-2009, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
You keep going, Rocket, and you are going to replace The Chief as one of my all-time 3ADL outrageous personalities. :D

Dang DUDE!!!!!:eek:

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 04:11 PM
Originally posted by Rocket

I tried to play nice with celina and respect them (somewhat), but they pissed me off. I can't wait until we kill them in the Semi's, if they can even make it that far. :cool:

08-27-2009, 04:12 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
You keep going, Rocket, and you are going to replace The Chief as one of my all-time 3ADL outrageous personalities. :D

And Southlake is just another 3A, no wait- 4A, no-5A team that just won a lot of games.

Celina is not even the same league as Southlake Carroll. Although Celina does believe they would have beat them in their 5A haydays a few years back. Yeah I actually heard a few of them claim that. LOL I still chuckle a little about that.

08-27-2009, 04:19 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Dang DUDE!!!!!:eek:

That is a back-handed complement to Rocket, RM. The Chief used to be responsible for more replies, albeit usually seeking his hide, from posters than everybody else put together. Rocket seems to have that self-installed on the roof "lightning rod" personna, also.

Ranger Mom
08-27-2009, 04:22 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
That is a back-handed complement to Rocket, RM. The Chief used to be responsible for more replies, albeit usually seeking his hide, from posters than everybody else put together. Rocket seems to have that self-installed on the roof "lightning rod" personna, also.

Remember back in the day when we considered Keith7 our "whipping boy"...no matter what he said someone argued with him.

That is kind of how I look at Rocket this year.....he has that target!!

08-27-2009, 04:34 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
That is a back-handed complement to Rocket, RM. The Chief used to be responsible for more replies, albeit usually seeking his hide, from posters than everybody else put together. Rocket seems to have that self-installed on the roof "lightning rod" personna, also.

LOL...it's al in fun. I love it.

I REALLY have respect for any team that can win like Celina has. I also like talking about stuff even if it is theories. But if you will notice, i never brought up or said that Brownwood is better. I just said Region 2 is weak, and they were ready to hang me like they were ready to hang Coach Ford last season after 3 losses... Those people are relentless... sheesh... !!! LOL

08-27-2009, 04:36 PM
Originally posted by Rocket

I tried to play nice with celina and respect them (somewhat), but they pissed me off. I can't wait until we kill them in the Semi's, if they can even make it that far.

I bet the score would be 8-7 Celina.

08-27-2009, 04:39 PM

08-27-2009, 04:40 PM
Well, I have to admit (I feel like I am in an AA meeting or at church confessing or something) that I have read this stupid thing. I definitely do not have a dog in this fight. But, I do have to say that I think it is totally laughable, stupid, crazy, irrational, etc. to take a team that has 8, eight, ocho STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS in their trophy case and downplay, put them down, make it seem like they haven't outright earned them or basically that they were just handed to them. It isn't like they have just done it once or twice- I would say you could chalk that up to maybe luck of the draw, but 8? Seriously??
Rocket, look at it this way- because I have seen the pre-season from both angles. You play all 'soft' teams (as you put it) and then your all injury free and energized and ready for District. Then your District is 'soft' so then your all energized and injury free for the playoffs. What about the flipside of that? What about a team that has played 'nobody' and beat teams 77-7 practically all season and goes to the playoffs and is not really prepared? It is totally overwhelming to them... It happens- I promise. So how do you explain that away.
Don't take anything away from Celina with your theory crap. Or I guess you can do what you want- it is your opinion and this is just mine.....:D

08-27-2009, 04:43 PM
Also, I know a lot of towns in Texas that are ready to get rid of their coaches after they are used to winning all the time and then a season doesn't go the way the 'townspeople' thinks it should. It happens all the time. Wasn't your dad a coach? Surely you know about this...:thinking:

08-27-2009, 04:45 PM
Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue

Don't take anything away from Celina with your theory crap. Or I guess you can do what you want- it is your opinion and this is just mine.....:D

Woman, you are out of your mind. First off, I didn't take anything away from them. I just started arguing with them when they took my theory as a shot. Secondly, I will do whatever I please, thank you very much. You might talk to your husband like this and get away with it, but I will not put up with it. HOW DARE YOU.

Remember, Brownwood has 7 State Titles, and we are already written off as one of the worse teams to ever touch the field. LOL

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
LOL...it's al in fun. I love it.

I REALLY have respect for any team that can win like Celina has. I also like talking about stuff even if it is theories. But if you will notice, i never brought up or said that Brownwood is better. I just said Region 2 is weak, and they were ready to hang me like they were ready to hang Coach Ford last season after 3 losses... Those people are relentless... sheesh... !!! LOL :clap: :clap: I agree both Celina and Brownwood have proud histories. Now let's get to 2009 football and work on enhancing those trophy cases. Who knows maybe you guys will meet up? I will be there. Good luck to both programs.:clap: :clap:

08-27-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Woman, you are out of your mind. First off, I didn't take anything away from them. I just started arguing with them when they took my theory as a shot. Secondly, I will do whatever I please, thank you very much. You might talk to your husband like this and get away with it, but I will not put up with it. HOW DARE YOU.

Remember, Brownwood has 7 State Titles, and we are already written off as one of the worse teams to ever touch the field. LOL
HOW DARE I? wow.... That is freakin' hilarious!! I'm sure 'my husband' will think so, too. Ok, now I'm d-u-n.:D

08-27-2009, 04:48 PM
Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
Also, I know a lot of towns in Texas that are ready to get rid of their coaches after they are used to winning all the time and then a season doesn't go the way the 'townspeople' thinks it should. It happens all the time. Wasn't your dad a coach? Surely you know about this...:thinking:

He was and so was I... I KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT. But I would think that Celina would support Coach Ford ( he has earned it), and keep on supporting him no matter what the record is. I know for a fact that he had to address his supporters. After 3 losses? LOL Somebody did explain to me that Practice is the real games and Friday nights were practice? That didn't make much sense to me though.

08-27-2009, 04:49 PM
Originally posted by RedWhiteBlue
HOW DARE I? wow.... That is freakin' hilarious!! I'm sure 'my husband' will think so, too. Ok, now I'm d-u-n.:D

I am rolling...

08-27-2009, 04:51 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
If Celina played in the Wood's district Celina would be district champs....the Wood can't even muster up a winning record or make the playoffs...

now go back to the WOS stats he gathered for the rocket...DeLeon was a given to be a bad game but that was 2 buddies as coaches making a game that only lasted 1 year....the other 4 3A teams were being played when Celina was 2A and 2 of those 3A teams were playoff teams the previous year - hardly dodging good teams with that schedule....then the Royse City years we played and beat those guys 2 years in a row and 1 of those years RC was in the D1 finals....we won all those 3A games those years pretty well also....

last year Celina loses 3 before the playoffs and Rocket claims there were fans mad at the coach for that? I did not hear a single complaint about the coach around here - must have been some more of those phantom PMs he claims to receive...Celina played some good teams and we lost a few games, but for sure we did NOT go 3-7 nor did we fire our coach for havin a team that sucked.....that all was some weak team over in weak Region 1, which if I recall did not get a single team in the 3A finals because they was so weak....Butch Ford has done more and had more success here in Celina than all the coaches combined have done for B'Wood in those same years...

my theory is this....the 'Wood is gonna have to beg Wylie to go 4A, or go back to 4A themselves, to get a chance to be somethin again.....

go ahead rocket....we need to schedule some games for the next 2 years....call up that new coach and have him call up Butch - we'd all love to see some orange whippin up on maroon in a week0 contest for 2 years say in Arlington in a big new stadium on a Saturday in late August....get it done....we ain't skeered

OK! Rocket!:rolleyes:

08-27-2009, 04:52 PM
Originally posted by lulu
I think I lost my mind. I've been reading this off and on all day and thinking "this is crazy". Then I realized I'm the crazy one.

Just quit reading it I told myself. :hairpunk:

You know you love it lulu!:D

08-27-2009, 04:59 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
You are smoking crap. We have 2 losing records in the last 50 years and now all of the sudden Brownwood isn't a winner? You are ignorant at best.

Butch won't schedule Brownwood. We don't fit his formula. And yeah, I heard from inside sources that Butch had to calm people down and tell them to trust him. You guys got some serious issues over there.

Until Brownwood plays celina and celina wins, you have nothing on Brownwood in my book. Just another 2A team that won alot of games. Wow, good job.

http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-gen013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)Go! Rocket!http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-gen013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)GO!http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-gen013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)GO! Rocket!http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-gen013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)GO!http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys/smiley-gen013.gif (http://www.freesmileys.org/smileys.php)

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 05:04 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
OK! Rocket!:rolleyes: Senor Seite por favor.:D

08-27-2009, 05:15 PM
Originally posted by Ranger Mom
Remember back in the day when we considered Keith7 our "whipping boy"...no matter what he said someone argued with him.

That is kind of how I look at Rocket this year.....he has that target!!


08-27-2009, 05:20 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
Senor Seite por favor.:D


08-27-2009, 05:23 PM
let's see....rocket "hears" stuff in Celina.....no, not really....some of these guys around here are more uptight than Jerry Jones face but the fact is even all these pretend experts around here know better than to question what Butch is doing....we all knew it was tough last season getting the 5 non-district games, and since we play for TITLES around here and not for win count, we can handle it...Butch speaks to his supporters every single week at the QB Club breakfast, but I can bet you dollars to donuts no one condemns Butch at all there for the team's play during the season, so when he says to trust him, he is not calming down the fans, he is just filling in time during his portion of the program....we ain't used to losing 3 games in a year here like you 'Wood boys are, but we don't panic either

and until Brownwood guts up and beats Celina you are just another mediocre 4A team that is not good enough to handle dropping to 3A....maybe it was just GORDON that was good back in those days and not really Brownwood at all? How is that theory workin for ya?

are you guys winners? over the long haul, yes you are....but this past year? nope, you is LOSERS

yes we have serious issues...I'll give you that....we built a new high school and the trophy case was built too small....we still have not figured out the solution to that issue yet...

08-27-2009, 05:27 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
yes we have serious issues...I'll give you that....we built a new high school and the trophy case was built too small....we still have not figured out the solution to that issue yet...
We are in the process of finishing up the new addition to our High School and the new gym- I wish I could say that this was going to be a problem for us!!! That is a very nice problem to have....:clap: :D

08-27-2009, 06:20 PM
Originally posted by WildTexan972
let's see....rocket "hears" stuff in Celina.....no, not really....some of these guys around here are more uptight than Jerry Jones face but the fact is even all these pretend experts around here know better than to question what Butch is doing....we all knew it was tough last season getting the 5 non-district games, and since we play for TITLES around here and not for win count, we can handle it...Butch speaks to his supporters every single week at the QB Club breakfast, but I can bet you dollars to donuts no one condemns Butch at all there for the team's play during the season, so when he says to trust him, he is not calming down the fans, he is just filling in time during his portion of the program....we ain't used to losing 3 games in a year here like you 'Wood boys are, but we don't panic either

and until Brownwood guts up and beats Celina you are just another mediocre 4A team that is not good enough to handle dropping to 3A....maybe it was just GORDON that was good back in those days and not really Brownwood at all? How is that theory workin for ya?

are you guys winners? over the long haul, yes you are....but this past year? nope, you is LOSERS

yes we have serious issues...I'll give you that....we built a new high school and the trophy case was built too small....we still have not figured out the solution to that issue yet...

Good post! Good luck to you guys this season. Can you imagine Week 15 if we are both still standing? Oh man...a war!

You are right, we are losers (so far in 3A). Still had an amazing offense. Probably one of the best air offenses 3A has seen in a while. Not alot to brag about last season for us, but I will brag about that. We dropped down and nobody could stop us. We just couldn't do anything to stop anybody else and this was crazy because we are not used to seeing this in Brownwood.

I don't know about Celina, but Brownwood as a whole is ready for the season to start! Can't wait!

08-27-2009, 06:24 PM
Originally posted by turbostud
I bet the score would be 8-7 Celina.

No way. The 10-1 would get exposed. Brownwood would shut that up. Hard.

08-27-2009, 07:38 PM
I made an account for the sole purpose of responding to this thread. Here's my question to Rocket:

Let's assume your theory is true for a minute. Who says it's a bd thing to schedule weak opponents? Is there some kind of underlying rule that says a team must schedule the most difficult opponents at all costs and are mandated to be as tired and beaten up as possible come playoff time?

Is it not strategy to do what Coach Ford has done and done successfully?

If this truly was the "x-factor" then why don't other teams play "weak schedules" and win championship after championship?

If it was as easy as that, hell I'd be the first one trying to get a bunch of cupcakes?

And then, you have the opposite side of the spectrum. You could always schedule the absolute best and end up with a 3-7 team and no playoffs... right?

The way I look at, if it's a formula... great??? It works. Obviously better than Brownwood's formula last year. Maybe you guys should invest in the "Celina Theory."

Just my .02.

Take it however you want. :)

08-27-2009, 07:46 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I made an account for the sole purpose of responding to this thread. Here's my question to Rocket:

Let's assume your theory is true for a minute. Who says it's a bd thing to schedule weak opponents? Is there some kind of underlying rule that says a team must schedule the most difficult opponents at all costs and are mandated to be as tired and beaten up as possible come playoff time?

Is it not strategy to do what Coach Ford has done and done successfully?

If this truly was the "x-factor" then why don't other teams play "weak schedules" and win championship after championship?

If it was as easy as that, hell I'd be the first one trying to get a bunch of cupcakes?

And then, you have the opposite side of the spectrum. You could always schedule the absolute best and end up with a 3-7 team and no playoffs... right?

The way I look at, if it's a formula... great??? It works. Obviously better than Brownwood's formula last year. Maybe you guys should invest in the "Celina Theory."

Just my .02.

Take it however you want. :)


08-27-2009, 07:49 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I made an account for the sole purpose of responding to this thread. Here's my question to Rocket:

Let's assume your theory is true for a minute. Who says it's a bd thing to schedule weak opponents? Is there some kind of underlying rule that says a team must schedule the most difficult opponents at all costs and are mandated to be as tired and beaten up as possible come playoff time?

Is it not strategy to do what Coach Ford has done and done successfully?

If this truly was the "x-factor" then why don't other teams play "weak schedules" and win championship after championship?

If it was as easy as that, hell I'd be the first one trying to get a bunch of cupcakes?

And then, you have the opposite side of the spectrum. You could always schedule the absolute best and end up with a 3-7 team and no playoffs... right?

The way I look at, if it's a formula... great??? It works. Obviously better than Brownwood's formula last year. Maybe you guys should invest in the "Celina Theory."

Just my .02.

Take it however you want. :)

Well put. Brownwood's theory is: Complain about the best team in Texas High School Football not being as good as they claim. Then they put out a random 22 on the field and hope for the best = 3-7, and maybe an early exit this year.

08-27-2009, 07:53 PM
Originally posted by d0tc0m
Well put. Brownwood's theory is: Complain about the best team in Texas High School Football not being as good as they claim. Then they put out a random 22 on the field and hope for the best = 3-7, and maybe an early exit this year. I think Brownwood will be fine this year. Not as good as their fans seem to think, but they'll be okay. Probably 2 rounds depending on how the coach switch goes.

But I'm just lost when it comes to Rocket. It sounds like he's accusing Celina of doing whatever it takes to win. ????????? I'm lost. I thought you SHOULD do whatever you think will get you to win. And seriously, if it was that simple.... there would be TONS of other teams scheduling nobodies. And for the record, I think Celina's schedule is pretty stout.

How many eventual state champs did Brownwood play last year?

08-27-2009, 07:55 PM
Yeah I apologize for my post, I wasn't attacking brownwood as a school, or brownwood fans, just rocket and his uninformed bitter opinion. I do think Brownwood will do alright in a tough district, but no hardware to hold at the end of the year.

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 08:06 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
http://i220.photobucket.com/albums/dd185/garciap77/referee-1-1.jpg :hand: Hey GP77, I didn't get that nice of a welcome. All I got was Rocket.:doh: :doh:

08-27-2009, 08:11 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I think Brownwood will be fine this year. Not as good as their fans seem to think, but they'll be okay. Probably 2 rounds depending on how the coach switch goes.

But I'm just lost when it comes to Rocket. It sounds like he's accusing Celina of doing whatever it takes to win. ????????? I'm lost. I thought you SHOULD do whatever you think will get you to win. And seriously, if it was that simple.... there would be TONS of other teams scheduling nobodies. And for the record, I think Celina's schedule is pretty stout.

How many eventual state champs did Brownwood play last year?

I hope they get a chance to play Celina! Nothing against Celina, but if it happens I'm going with the Lions!

08-27-2009, 08:14 PM
Originally posted by garciap77
I hope they get a chance to play Celina! Nothing against Celina, but if it happens I'm going with the Lions! I don't think they can hang this year. The offense Brownwood had last year would have kept them up with anyone... including Celina.... but not this year.

How long is Shipley supposed to be out?

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 08:24 PM
Originally posted by Bullaholic
That is a back-handed complement to Rocket, RM. The Chief used to be responsible for more replies, albeit usually seeking his hide, from posters than everybody else put together. Rocket seems to have that self-installed on the roof "lightning rod" personna, also. :D

08-27-2009, 08:29 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I don't think they can hang this year. The offense Brownwood had last year would have kept them up with anyone... including Celina.... but not this year.

How long is Shipley supposed to be out?

Not sure, but he will be ready come playoff time!

08-27-2009, 08:30 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:hand: Hey GP77, I didn't get that nice of a welcome. All I got was Rocket.:doh: :doh:



08-27-2009, 08:31 PM
My theory is that the 2009 Douchie awards were done WAY to soon.

LE Dad
08-27-2009, 08:40 PM
Originally posted by garciap77

:D :D :clap: :clap: :D Luvin it GP77!

08-27-2009, 08:45 PM
Originally posted by LE Dad
:D :clap: :clap: :D Luvin it GP77!


08-27-2009, 09:45 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I don't think they can hang this year. The offense Brownwood had last year would have kept them up with anyone... including Celina.... but not this year.

How long is Shipley supposed to be out?

Our offense will be as good or better than it was last year. Moving the ball and scoring will not be a problem. We may have some problems adjusting and getting going, but we will be fine. We didn't break out last year until we played Liberty Hill in Week 4. We will be more balanced this year, which should help with clock control much more.

Defensively, it will be like night and day.

Shipley will be out 4-6 Weeks.

08-27-2009, 09:48 PM
Originally posted by garciap77

Garcia and LE... :inlove: :inlove: :inlove: :inlove:

08-27-2009, 09:50 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Our offense will be as good or better than it was last year. Moving the ball and scoring will not be a problem. We may have some problems adjusting and getting going, but we will be fine. We didn't break out last year until we played Liberty Hill in Week 4. We will be more balanced this year, which should help with clock control much more.

Defensively, it will be like night and day.

Shipley will be out 4-6 Weeks. I think you missed my first post.

08-27-2009, 10:14 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I made an account for the sole purpose of responding to this thread. Here's my question to Rocket:

Let's assume your theory is true for a minute. Who says it's a bd thing to schedule weak opponents? Is there some kind of underlying rule that says a team must schedule the most difficult opponents at all costs and are mandated to be as tired and beaten up as possible come playoff time?

Is it not strategy to do what Coach Ford has done and done successfully?

If this truly was the "x-factor" then why don't other teams play "weak schedules" and win championship after championship?

If it was as easy as that, hell I'd be the first one trying to get a bunch of cupcakes?

And then, you have the opposite side of the spectrum. You could always schedule the absolute best and end up with a 3-7 team and no playoffs... right?

The way I look at, if it's a formula... great??? It works. Obviously better than Brownwood's formula last year. Maybe you guys should invest in the "Celina Theory."

Just my .02.

Take it however you want. :)

OK.. here we go...

The cupcake reference dilutes the bragging on almost never losing games. How can you sit there and never schedule anybody good and then say, we won X amount of games like you accomplished something hard. Also, it is boring. It's like hearing your neighbor's son beat his little brother in a game of one-on-one, again. When the big brother invites somebody over that is his age, I might be interested in knowing if he won or not. Oh and then hearing the big brother walk over and say, "I beat my little brother 178 games in a row." Wow, whoopdy doo for you. Like tonight, for example. Negative yards at halftime for Ferris. LOL Wow, what a fun evening. You might enjoy watching and hearing about that mess, I could care less, and I know alot of people agree with me on that. YAWN.

According ot the results from 2002 to present, when Celina meets a tough opponent earlier than the 3rd Round, they do not win a state championship. You wanna know why? See my theory post.

The main X-Factor that I addressed is this. Weak Playoff Opponents thanks to a weak region.See the results from 2005 and 2007. The first 3 games of the playoffs, they played Ferris type opponents and wowsers, they won it all. Theory still holds water.

If I was a head coach scheduling, I would schedule 3 of the toughest opponents that would play me in non-district and 2 cupcakes. That is just me. The head coach gets to decide it. I don't have to like it, or do I? I guess you say I don't have a right to voice an opinion on this. I say, you don't like it, don't read it.

You also skipped over all of the factors that said why I think Celina is successful and holds good longevity. I wasn't actually cruel. I just stated a theory on an XFactor that a lot of people, including yourself, may have never thought of. SHOOT ME! LOL

If you didn't notice, everything about last year and Brownwood is gone. And unless you have been at practice every week or seen a scrimmage, I would say your opinion on how we are going to do is pointless. :D

how dare I say what I said to the Almighty Celina? Dude, you can take that mess and shove it up your nose. This is America, or has most of the country forgot that. I can say what I want about who I want. Even if they won 15 State Titles in 1A, or 2A..whatever.


08-27-2009, 10:15 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
He was and so was I... I KNOW WHAT IT IS ABOUT. But I would think that Celina would support Coach Ford ( he has earned it), and keep on supporting him no matter what the record is. I know for a fact that he had to address his supporters. After 3 losses? LOL Somebody did explain to me that Practice is the real games and Friday nights were practice? That didn't make much sense to me though.

Actually, the post was "Our kids take such beatings during practice that the Friday night games are scoring parties. (You know, like you wrote, “45-7”). The games are won on the practice field earlier that week." This was actually paraphrased from a newspaper article written in one of our opponents newspapers. Unlike your post, it was written by a sports writer that actually came to Celina and saw for himself.

08-27-2009, 10:18 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
I don't think they can hang this year. The offense Brownwood had last year would have kept them up with anyone... including Celina.... but not this year.

How long is Shipley supposed to be out?

Hey ref, tell me about our offense. You must have been to some practices or something. Please fill me in. I think I know as well as anyone what our offense can and will do. Perhaps I am wrong. Tell me what you know.


08-27-2009, 10:23 PM
Originally posted by BEAST
Hey ref, tell me about our offense. You must have been to some practices or something. Please fill me in. I think I know as well as anyone what our offense can and will do. Perhaps I am wrong. Tell me what you know.

BEAST lol. You also swore up and down that yall would own 3a. So I guess that makes any point you have... well pointless.

My best guess says that since the all everything QB is gone... the air attack won't be as potent. We shall see.

08-27-2009, 10:24 PM
Originally posted by C'monRef!
lol. You also swore up and down that yall would own 3a. So I guess that makes any point you have... well pointless.

My best guess says that since the all everything QB is gone... the air attack won't be as potent. We shall see.

Wow. One season is all we get to prove ourselves? LOL you are very ignorant, dude. You might want to really think about getting into it with us. You are a rookie. Go find Garcia and Pick6 and LE...they are more your speed.

08-27-2009, 10:28 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
OK.. here we go...

The cupcake reference dilutes the bragging on almost never losing games. How can you sit there and never schedule anybody good and then say, we won X amount of games like you accomplished something hard. Also, it is boring. It's like hearing your neighbor's son beat his little brother in a game of one-on-one, again. When the big brother invites somebody over that is his age, I might be interested in knowing if he won or not. Oh and then hearing the big brother walk over and say, "I beat my little brother 178 games in a row." Wow, whoopdy doo for you. Like tonight, for example. Negative yards at halftime for Ferris. LOL Wow, what a fun evening. You might enjoy watching and hearing about that mess, I could care less, and I know alot of people agree with me on that. YAWN.

According ot the results from 2002 to present, when Celina meets a tough opponent earlier than the 3rd Round, they do not win a state championship. You wanna know why? See my theory post.

The main X-Factor that I addressed is this. Weak Playoff Opponents thanks to a weak region.See the results from 2005 and 2007. The first 3 games of the playoffs, they played Ferris type opponents and wowsers, they won it all. Theory still holds water.

If I was a head coach scheduling, I would schedule 3 of the toughest opponents that would play me in non-district and 2 cupcakes. That is just me. The head coach gets to decide it. I don't have to like it, or do I? I guess you say I don't have a right to voice an opinion on this. I say, you don't like it, don't read it.

You also skipped over all of the factors that said why I think Celina is successful and holds good longevity. I wasn't actually cruel. I just stated a theory on an XFactor that a lot of people, including yourself, may have never thought of. SHOOT ME! LOL

If you didn't notice, everything about last year and Brownwood is gone. And unless you have been at practice every week or seen a scrimmage, I would say your opinion on how we are going to do is pointless. :D

how dare I say what I said to the Almighty Celina? Dude, you can take that mess and shove it up your nose. This is America, or has most of the country forgot that. I can say what I want about who I want. Even if they won 15 State Titles in 1A, or 2A..whatever.

NEXT!!!!! Right. I can see ur point about the big brother little brother thing. My point is... that little brother was a full grown man 3 times last season.

You may not like the way they win..... but you didn't asnwer my question. When did it become wrong for the to schedule weaker opponents like that? Obviously it's working. It doesn't satisfy you that they aern't in a dogfight every week... so somehow that's the wrong way to coach?

08-27-2009, 10:30 PM
Originally posted by Rocket
Wow. One season is all we get to prove ourselves? LOL you are very ignorant, dude. You might want to really think about getting into it with us. You are a rookie. Go find Garcia and Pick6 and LE...they are more your speed. ROFLMAO. I'm a rookie huh?

Poor Rocket. He has no idea.