I'll steal a word from something Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson recently said. Snowflakes! My comment said "always been." Come on Saggy, let's talk about shot taking. lol Salty, retirement home, that's funny. I have been on this site going on 9 years now. It has been a release for me. Greatly enjoy the football banter. The crazy road trip stories. The off the wall subjects. Even the sharing of heart felt struggles that life brings each and every day including death. Call this site what you want but there are good people here. Very good people. You don't get that at any other venue. So sorry they don't allow the smut driven trash talk of some other sites. Frankly, I can appreciate that.
Just a side note. I work for a school district. I have family in the teaching profession. I know a little bit about what it entails.