You are missing the point, Dear really does not matter how good the rest of the team was. It's a shame the entire school and those players on the team should take a hit for the indiscretions of the few guilty, but that is the way we operate in a free society......and that is exactly how the rules of the NCAA and the UIL operate also. I was merely pointing out this could be the end result for Carthage regarding this incident. Whether it was regaleagle or some other poster that wrote about this possibility......many readers and knowledgeable fans are very aware of this possible consequence. If it's not a big deal, then why would you post the above slamming me to deflect and protect your dear Carthage. I'm not the culprit here.......although I did allow myself to be ridiculed by some by simply posting an opinion that may turn out proven to be correct. I don't see any pats on the back for what has occurred at Carthage.......regardless of the success of the program or Coach Scott Surratt......including all of the talented players. Right is right and wrong is wrong as long as the day is long.......end of story. They don't call it a TEAM sport for nothing. The treatment of this entire issue by those culpable within CISD had a direct relatlionship with the Carthage football program......whether regarding only one player or was done to protect the football program......not the basketball, baseball, or track program.....or the Carthage band program. Again.....this is only my opinion and you can take it for what it's worth......and have a big laugh if you like. To say this entire ordeal is unfortunate for the many in Carthage is a huge understatement.