Quote Originally Posted by panther89 View Post
No teacher works 9 months a year. None. I work from the beginning of August to the middle of June almost. I get a month and a half off. No, wait, I don't because I have professional development workshops I go to through out the summer.

Yes, I knew what I was signing up for when I began teaching 18 years ago, and I can't see myself doing anything else, but don't think that teachers have it easy with our "three" months off during the summer and our 4 weeks we have off for various holidays and such.

I work in a small district, and my pay is not even what you quoted above, but again that was my choice to work here because of the lack of stress from working in a huge district.
Again, I’m not a teacher so my perspective is probably skewed... but my best friend is a teacher and he gets his summers off mostly. Sure there is a week or so that he has things he needs to do, but he again gets paid extra to attend those conferences. If he chooses to work the summer, he gets paid. Maybe that’s not the case for all of you.

Maybe you’re not off the full 3 months, but there is substantial time off.

Your regularly scheduled hours are no different than the rest of us who put in extra time every week. I find it very disingenuous for you all to pretend like you work long hours every single week.

Somebody else on this thread just tried to tell me their wife worked until 10pm 5 days in a row and then on Saturday. That may be the case once, but that’s not every week. We’ve ALL had weeks like that, if not worse.

I worked 56 hours just last week, and then worked 4 hours Saturday and 6 hours Sunday, and I got into the office at 4:30am this morning - granted I have a big deliverable this week. That’s not every week.

I have worked 112 hour work weeks offshore before and plenty of 80+ hour weeks offshore and in Louisiana. I have worked until 2 am to submit deliverables. To me the “12 months worth of work in 9 months” is BS.

Sorry, maybe it’s just me but I have 0 sympathy for crying about working long hours. Apparently no one else works long hours at work. Maybe the rest of the world works 8-5 M-F