Not too far up the road there was another fight going on in Yoakum. This one was between Bulldogs and Blue Jays if you can believe it! Sometimes Blue Jays can be pesky and downright aggressive......even to Bulldogs. This team of Blue Jays came from Needville and descended upon the turf of the Yoakum Bulldogs. They were making all kinds of noises and just being very annoying. Well those Yoakum Bulldogs weren't gonna just sit they growled and chased down those Blue Jays all over Bulldog Stadium last night. Both teams came into this meeting at 2-1, and it was really something to watch. Bulldogs chasin' Blue Jays up and down that field, flags flying all over the place the whole game, and lots of scoring. Them Yoakum Bulldogs played a heckuva game and defended their turf like Champions......they scored in every quarter and won 42-21 against a high-flying offense from Needville. I guess them Blue Jays ain't gonna pick a fight with the Yoakum Bulldogs least not on Bulldog turf, LOL.