Quote Originally Posted by hookandladder View Post
I will be willing to bet if Strong is still losing 4 to 5 games a year after 3 years and I am talking beat downs like atm has taken the last two weeks, Strong will be gone. That will not fly at Texas, fair are not.
And thus I retort about UT's fair weathered fans. It sucks for their players, for their fans to leave in droves. It happens everywhere, but especially at UT. Maybe they are all just in a hurry to go to Schultz's. Nope, cancel that. Last year they left early at the state fair for fried foods.

Sure, if A&M was suffering beat downs week in and week out, I would think there would be mumblings going on towards the end of next year. But you have to factor in who we are playing. Look at Nick Saban, he almost had to pull the rest of his hair out against Arkansas. It is heavy in the SEC West. Heavy.