Fantom Drive 2006

Brothers as we look forward to an excellent 2006-2007 semester and season, we the founding fathers of FANTOM wish to extend to you an invitation to join the Gamma Chapter of FANTOM.

Chapter History
In 2003, Green Monster, a junior at time, spent the summer at a Ranch where he met Chuck Norris, the founding father of Texas. Through talking with Norris and by the direction of the testosterone, a vision for a 3adownlow chapter at fell on ol’Green’s heart. After that summer, he immediately contacted other male members to share the vision the Red Bull had given him. A core group of about five men began to work powerfully to establish FANTOM at to fulfill the needs of accountability and brotherhood among these men of the keyboard.

After a long fall of planning, Fantome was started in the spring of 2004. Eighty-two men became part of the Gamma Charter Class. In the fall of 2005, the Gamma Chapter became an official chapter of Male Brothers Under Testosterone.