First, I must say, it has been quite a few years since I have been so embarrassed by some of the fans in our stands. It was the most overwhelming display of poor sportsmanship I've seen in a while, mainly by a large extended family. Granted, some of it was understandable, such as when the kids running the chains turned around to our fans, one of them showing us with his fingers several times that we were number 1 - or something similar. For the most part, though, it was uncalled for. My oldest was able to attend and stated that actions like that really looked good for our kids.

Now to the game. The Wimberley team played a great game. The QB has quite a bit of skill and should develop over the upcoming years into a really good one for the Texan team. He can scramble & has a fairly decent passing arm. But, as good as they were, they could not contain us. #55, great job blocking - you're part of the reason our backs can get the yards they get. Sorry you didn't get to play on defense. Final score, 24-10. Great job, boys & coaches!

I know the 8th B team won as well. Freshman game was starting just as we left to come home. JV scoreboard was just turned off right before we got there, so I don't have results of any other games.