I've been obliglated to following Oklahoma HS football for three years now, and though the stadiums compare to those in Texas, and all TV stations go nuts covering the games on their Friday Night shows, Oklahoma high school football does not have the feel of Texas High School football.

Part of the reason is lack of competition due to low population.
Every season, either Tulsa Union, Tulsa Jenks or Putnam City school (OKC suburb) will be the #1 school in 6A. There are only 4 6A districts in the state, meaning that when the Top 10 polls come out, every team with a winning record gets ranked.

There is no mystery of any team, you don't play schools in towns you've never heard of, you know every school color, every mascot, and I know that for the umpteenth year in a row, a school from Tulsa will play a school from OKC in the state title game-- all it takes is two playoff wins, and you're in the chamionship game.

We've all heard that Texas football has no comparison, and that truth is grilled in to me every Fall Friday.