Both were made in the mid 60s late in his career but they were good one. One was Do You Know This Voice and the other one was really fantastic called Walk a Tightrope. Unfortunately tv has neglected these two movies. Walk a Tightrope is fantastic. It takes place in England and Patricia Owns is married to a successful English Businessman and is very much in love with him and they have a happy marriage. But unfortunately she left America and left another husband there and never got a divorce from him. (All this happens early in the movie so this isn't really a spoiler.) The first husband shows up to blackmail her for some money so she hires Duryea to kill him. She tells her first husband to meet her at her house where Duryea is to kill him and she and Duryea get ready. The problem is that the English husband she loves comes home early and Duryea kills the wrong husband.
