Lol... gotta love the title of this thread.
First 66 invites me to his place after 75 had to work the next day and bowed out. He brings out this almost maroonish (funny the color of the Pirates) iced liquid and he calls it wine. I'm game, while he pours me a cup he warns me it's a little stronger than most wines. I first smell it and raise an eyebrow hmmmmm. We talk Pirate football as I take the first sip and low and behold, this shtuff is good. I've had wine plenty of times and this is above average. No kidding. After a cup and a half, I notice the trees start to look greener and the sky bluer. Then I realize it's still night... Hehe, it was a little strong. Just kidding on the last part.
66, is a great guy and good wine maker...
Nice talking to ya buddy...