Actually it will be outside of Taft somewhere, But Sinton should see lots of benefits from it. The project will have 123 turbines I think, and will be starting around November 1. I'll probobly be down there through most of October getting things mobilized and set up.

So who from Sinton volunteers to show me around and intoduce me to the folks I need to know? I'll need to know where all the electical supply houses, hardware stores, lumber yards, etc.... are located, where I can get some accounts set up and start spending money. We also like to get involved with the communities as much as possible and spread some good PR, so I'd really like to meet some of the civic and community leaders soon after I get there, if someone could help me out with that.

Also, if you know some healthy young men and/or ladies that arent alergic to hard work that is rewarded with a dang good paycheck, and the oppertunity for lots of overtime and an even bigger paycheck, send them my way. And if thay're willing to stick with it and travel, they can be making some SERIOUS money in just a couple years. People scared of heights and hard work need not apply.