WOW - just WOW!

We loaded our Lady Leopards on the bus this morning and sent them down the interstate headed to the Big Show!

Our high school graduation is Thursday night at 7:00. Our 9 seniors will miss graduation. SO - our fabulous new superintendent scheduled a pep rally last night at 8:00 to send them off. BUT - the festivities started with a separate graduation ceremony for our senior softball players (who wore their uniforms, cleats and the whole bit under their gowns, with their gowns unzipped and their caps on). They marched them across home plate to give them their diplomas. They conducted it just like they will the big ceremony on Thursday. It was complete with one heckuva fireworks display at the end of the pep rally. I'm telling you - it was just the COOLEST thing I've ever seen…… unbelievable…

So for a bunch of girls that have devoted every summer of their lives so far to this game - can it get any better? Oh yeah - 2 more wins would be pretty awewome..... Go Lady Leopards!