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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Fort Worth, TX

    Post OK lets' talk about Wylie...

    Ok since we have a lot of Wylie posters...I wanna know WHY they are gonna be better this year than last year...I mean last year they were a tremendous team but they only have 3-2 back....losing 9 starters from that defense has gotta hurt..there is no denying that...true the 5 guys ya'll have back are all tremendous players..but most of the other top teams in 3A have everyone back..what is gonna put Wylie over the top?? Now that being said I still think Wylie will likey win their first 13 games but I think if they run into either Forney or Everman in the semi's it will be their last game..So Wylie posters give me some info on what is gonna put you guys over the top..

  2. #2


    No one ever said we were going to be better, we just said we are just going to have the talent and sheer determination that could win a state championship. There are several teams out that have there that have the talent to beat us, but i guarantee no one wants it more than us after the loss last year. We may only have 3-2 returners, but there is about 10-15 other guys that played just as much as the starters that will be back, and they did just as good of a job as the starter. Also, our soon to be Juniors went 10-0 last year on j.v., so they will help out a lot too. Plus, we already have about 6 move-ins from different schools that would have been starting for sure in their other schools, plus whoever else shows up for equipment handouts. True,our defense will hurt from losing 9 starters, but the upcoming players will help out a lot. When it comes to offense on the other hand, I think we'll have one of the strongest offenses in the state. Our determination and will to win will put us over the top.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Fort Worth, TX


    Ok determination...well that is all well and good..but that doesn't convince me..LOL
    Basically because I think that there are a lot of other squads out there just as motivated and just as hungry as Wylie..but I forgot about the move-ins ya'll got..I hear the kid from Brownwood is supposed to be a player..what will convince me about Wylie is when the season starts if they are as dominant as they were last year...because like Forney defense carried Wylie...because without a stout D you will be makin an early exit..that is what worries me about Everman..

  4. #4


    i am sick and tired of evreyone doubting wylie...i know it was lasy year but everyone doubted us...but we went out week after week and proved yall wrong...that is what we thrive on is everyone out there that doubts us...we feed off of that and that is what makes us want it more than anything!!!!
    state champs 01!!!!!

  5. #5


    matthew328, i dont think you understand it's not about how awesome some players are on a team, but the actual team concept. Studs on a team dont make a team. These guys want it more then any 3a team in texas. this guys are well coach athletes. losing starters means nothing. These guys work hard as a team, win as a team and lose as a team. yea there are teams that are more talented, but they lack as a team, never can a bunch of individuals defeat a team effort. They help each other up when one is down and praise each other when one is up. See talent and losing starters means nothing no one can beat a team, not talent not fans not anything. they work harder then any team in the summer that is a promise. Matthew just promise these boys one thing come watch them play in december.O hey if you still dont get it just keep putting stuff and i'll keep helping you out.

  6. #6


    wylie football is way different then a lot of places. they are not built on single players or one man shows. year in and year out they are senior led teams that graduate almost all the starters offensively and defensively. then totally rebuild the next year on a new crop of seniors that have proven themselves in offseason. they are all about the team concepts and base what they do on hard work, team work, and unity. they out hustle their opponents. they are not in it for stats or glory but for the benefit of the team. one man helping another, picking each other up play after play. going 100% when they are tired and hurting because they know their teamate right beside them is doing the same and they wouldnt dare be the reason the team failed. add these ingredients to one of the best coaching staffs in the state and what more do you need?
    2001 the year of the DOGS!

  7. #7


    This is the kid from brownwood. I know some of yall prolly saw that it was posted that i ran a 4.12 40 on ***********. You don't need me to tell you, but thats not right. I did run a 4.35 though. I don't know that i'm a player, but i have a lot of heart. I'm pumped to get to play with the guys at Wylie. They want it more than any team i have been around. They don't have a lot of starters coming back, but they do have some players with a lot of varsity experience. They have some athletes no one will know about till the season starts. But they want it more than ever and are gonna wear some people out. They are continually doubted but the 2001 season will put those doubts to rest.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2001
    Fort Worth, TX


    LOL OK fellas...I see you are playing the heart and determination card..and that's all gravy...last year Wylie did have a lot of heart and determination...but they also had a hell of a team..and don't sell some of those guys short they were talented..I made the mistake of selling them short last year and then I saw them go out and beat my team..LOL BUT I still think it is extremely difficult to lose as many guys as Wylie did and go out and duplicate or even top what they did last season..that being said maybe Wylie will..BUT for me I won't change what I think until I start seeing some games..and if Wylie goes out and is as impressive as they were last year..believe me I'll be the first one on the board to say I was wrong!

  9. #9


    "Talent means nothing"??? How can you say you honestly believe that talent means nothing? I think someone has been watching too many 'feel good' movies. Games are lost every day because someone simply had more to work with. I think heart and determination are key ingredients to any championship team, don't get me wrong. As a matter of fact, I don't see anyone beating Wylie in Region I. But that isn't because they have the BIGGEST HEARTS in Region I!! Come on...this is HS Football not the Wizard of Oz.

    [This message has been edited by bearcat1 (edited July 26, 2001).]

  10. #10


    I believe we do have the talent to take us all the way! Last year not a single one of our graduates went to a D1 school. Sure they had talent but not superman talent. Also, what others couldn't see is we had dept at every position. So now those #2 guys are the #1 guys to make it happen this year. We had a taste of that state trophy, now we are foaming at the mouth to get it. We know what it takes to win!

  11. #11
    *** Ejected Player ***
    Join Date
    Jul 2001
    Abilene, TX


    Wylie loses a ton of players every single year, andd there are always kids that have been chomping at the bit to play that step in and fill the shoes. It will be hard to replace some of the graduates, but high school football is like that everywhere. Every single year you lose kids and more come in and take their place. Who knew that Brent Gailey was going to be such a stud before last year? Who knew Dustin Black would have such a good year? Not many. Hell I hardly knew who Brent Gailey was before last season and I have watched ALOT of Wylie football. Sandifer works that way. Its a seniors ball club every year (meaning that seniors always have the first chance to start) they either take care of business like they have been waiting to do for so long, or someone else slides in.
    It helps to have senior classes that are as large as your opposing teams entire roster. (dont you all say "yall are better cause you shold be in 4A." We played two teams in the playoffs last year that had smaller enrollments.
    Ah crap Im not even going to get that argument started......

  12. #12


    LoL I hear you hsguru. Reloading shouldn't be that much of a problem for Wylie. Sandifer & his staff do a heck of a job preparing them.

  13. #13


    [QUOTE]Originally posted by bearcat1:
    "Talent means nothing"??? How can you say you honestly believe that talent means nothing? I think someone has been watching too many 'feel good' movies. Games are lost every day because someone simply had more to work with. I think heart and determination are key ingredients to any championship team, don't get me wrong. As a matter of fact, I don't see anyone beating Wylie in Region I. But that isn't because they have the BIGGEST HEARTS in Region I!! Come on...this is HS Football not the Wizard of Oz.

    [This message has been edited by bearcat1 (edited July 26, 2001).]

    guess what pal wylie has all the talent they need. That message didnt mean that we didnt have talent we have plenty of talent. It just meant that we have all that heart and determination in addition to talented athletes. You add that together and no one can stop us, no doubt. Let me ask you this if we arent gonna be good next year then why are all these people tryin to move to wylie.

  14. #14


    Well I can see you didn't follow the thread closely enough to understand it, so I'll condense it for you. I believe that Wylie has the talent to win the Region1 championship. Someone made the comment that "talent means nothing". I disagreed with that statement. This does not = "Wylie has no talent". I also said that I didn't think they (Wylie) would win on HEART alone (implying that they also have TALENT). If I can be of further help, let me know.

  15. #15


    in junior high, the group that is now the senior grade never lost a football game, or a basketball game, and they won every track meet except one which they barely lost. in high school they split up cuz some went to jv and all that but now they are all back together again and have the help of the juniors. they are going to be unstopable.

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