Rice vs Edna will not be played this Friday night as all Edna ISD athletic events have been cancelled for the week.
As of now, it seems over a dozen members of the Edna varsity (as well as many other students at all grade levels) have come down with the flu. What they are telling us is it may be H1N1, but further tests will be needed to confirm. These kids were healthy last Friday, and most were taken ill by Sun.

All I can say is, if any teams out there have kids showing symptoms; get them away from the team. This is not something you play through. If a kid complains of nausea or headaches, send him home. This thing spread like a wildfire.

The good news is, so far at least, this flu doesn't seem to be particularly stronger than a "normal" flu. I think the biggest fear is someone with existing health problems contracting this strain.