www.journalismjobs.com - Jobs in all formats of journalism.
www.tvjobs.com - Jobs in broadcasting (membership required).
Associated Press jobs - Jobs with the AP, the most well-known news wire service in the Western Hemisphere.
Reuters jobs - Jobs with Reuters, the largest news wire service in the world.
Chronicle.com - For jobs in higher education.
Cal-Berkley Job Database - Journalism jobs listed from the Cal j-school. Predominantly West Coast.
www.journalistusa.com - For journalism jobs in the United States.
www.sportscastingjobs.com - For those employment seekers who enjoy not making money.
www.mediajobs.net - Same as all the above.

Really, the top four links are the only ones you need for a search within the field of journalism. I guess SportscastingJobs.com is OK, but pretty much every job posted on the other sites it also posted on the top two, and working with both Reuters and the AP are great "foot-in-the-door" jobs.