Okay posters, a very kind person brought it, again kindly, to my attention that as I waxed sentimental about Celina’s perfection the other day, I may have insinuated that UIL requirements were being negotiated here in the land of Orange via practices and 2-a-days;

Well, having reviewed thoroughly the website below, let me say for the record…I am full of SHI(r)T if I implied anything different concerning either practices or 2-A-days, than the specifications on the website below. Thus, I am forced to ADMIT, she said (head hung, kicking dirt) that I am female, I do exaggerate (only at high estrogen induced moments!) and my natural hair color is BLOND! So forgive me please for my bravado, my bragging, my trash talking, my big-ole-mouth! I am woman, I have a membership, you guys (gals) have to hear me roar, but I aint always 100% accurate, so please check my facts and call me to the carpet, but remember wine and chocolate helps me to admit my flaws better!
