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  1. #1
    All-American Ranger Mom's Avatar
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    Default What a difference 50 years makes

    Scenario: Jack pulls into school parking lot with rifle in gun rack.

    1956 - Vice Principal comes over, takes a look at Jack's rifle, goes to his car and gets his to show Jack.

    2006 - School goes into lockdown, FBI called, Jack hauled off to jail and never sees his truck or gun again. Counselors called in for traumatized students and teachers.


    Scenario: Johnny and Mark get into a fist fight after school.

    1956 - Crowd gathers. Mark wins. Johnny and Mark shake hands and end up best friends. Nobody goes to jail, nobody arrested, nobody expelled.

    2006 - Police called, SWAT team arrives, arrests Johnny and Mark. Charge them with assault, both expelled even though Johnny started it.


    Scenario: Jeffrey won't be still in class, disrupts other students.

    1956 - Jeffrey sent to office and given a good paddling by Principal. Sits still in class.

    2006 - Jeffrey given huge doses of Ritalin. Becomes a zombie. School gets extra money from state because Jeffrey has a disability.


    Scenario: Billy breaks a window in his father's car and his Dad gives him a whipping.

    1956 - Billy is more careful next time, grows up normal, goes to college, and becomes a successful businessman.

    2006 - Billy's Dad is arrested for child abuse. Billy removed to foster care and joins a gang. Billy's sister is told by state psychologist that she remembers being abused herself and their Dad goes to prison. Billy's mom has affair with psychologist.


    Scenario: Mark gets a headache and takes some headache medicine to school.

    1956 - Mark shares headache medicine with Principal out on the smoking dock.

    2006 - Police called, Mark expelled from school for drug violations. Car searched for drugs and weapons.


    Scenario: Mary turns up pregnant.

    1956 - 5 High School Boys leave town. Mary does her senior year at a special school for expectant mothers.

    2006 - Middle School Counselor calls Planned Parenthood, who notifies the ACLU. Mary is driven to the next state over and gets an abortion without her parent's consent or knowledge. Mary given condoms and told to be more careful next time.


    Scenario: Pedro fails high school English.

    1956 : Pedro goes to summer school, passes English, goes to college.

    2006 : Pedro's cause is taken up by state democratic party. Newspaper articles appear nationally explaining that teaching English as a requirement for graduation is racist. ACLU files class action lawsuit against state school system and Pedro's English teacher. English banned from core curriculum. Pedro given diploma anyway but ends up mowing lawns for a living because he can't speak English.


    Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.

    1956 - Ants die.

    2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.


    Scenario: Johnny falls while running during recess and scrapes his knee. He is found crying by his teacher, Mary. Mary, hugs him to comfort him.

    1956 - In a short time Johnny feels better and goes on playing.

    2006 - Mary is accused of being a sexual predator and loses her job. She faces 3 years in State Prison.

    ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ +++++++++++++

    Is something wrong here????

  2. #2
    Moderator Txbroadcaster's Avatar
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    Those do look bad, or extreme..BUT in 1956..How many times had students walked into a school and killed their classmates and teachers compared to now?

    How many times after a fight in 1956 did one of the boys come back later with a knife and kill the other boy?

    Those two situations remind me of the Marketing ploy turned terrosit scare in Boston...alot of people are saying Police overreacted...BUT if those had been bombs and went off then people would have said the police did not do enough. IMO better to be to cautious than to lax in dangerous siituations.

    some of the other I agree with some I dont..sorry but parents still whip their kids.
    Last edited by Txbroadcaster; 02-02-2007 at 04:39 PM.
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  3. #3


    are you kidding me those are way way to extreme im still waiting to see my first swat team at a school breaking up a fight

  4. #4


    Scenario: Johnny takes apart leftover firecrackers from the 4th of July, puts them in a model airplane paint bottle, blows up a red ant bed.

    1956 - Ants die.

    2006 - BATF, Homeland Security, FBI called. Johnny charged with domestic terrorism, FBI investigates parents, siblings removed from home, computers confiscated, Johnny's Dad goes on a terror watch list and is never allowed to fly again.

    LOL! I am sorry but these just make me giggle...a little toooo out there.

    I was thinking the exact same thing about the SWAT team.

  5. #5
    All-American Ranger Mom's Avatar
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    Originally posted by eagles_victory
    are you kidding me those are way way to extreme im still waiting to see my first swat team at a school breaking up a fight
    I think it was supposed to be sorta "tongue in cheek".

    I wouldn't dare spank a kid in public, I saw a lady get arrested in Walmart in Big Spring for spanking hers..and it was a spanking, NOT a beating.

  6. #6
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    I agree with you Ranger Mom. Last year the drug dogs came to our school and found an old rusted machetti sp? in the back of one of my friends trucks, called the cops and gave him 45 days of AEP(alternate school). This thing was covered by at least 2 feet of trash, feed sacks, and leaves. It is really getting out of hand. I can remember getting into fistfights all of the time in elementary school, all they did was call your parents, and maybe give you a few swats. You learned your lesson for the most part. Now, the cops are called, you have to go to court, spend half of you schoolyear in a different school. I personally think that the U.S. society is becoming very soft.

  7. #7
    All-American Bullaholic's Avatar
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    I hear the "pain" associated with heightened security today, but ask an Israeli national if he minds any of the El Al security when he flies. Point being---times have changed and we have to err on the side of caution. We can afford "0" mistakes. I would rather hear our citizens gripe than attend their funerals.

    I don't think that penalties should be too severe for students who obviously inadvertenly brought a potentially dangerous weapon on school property in their vehicle.

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