Originally posted by Adidas410s
I get all excited about my new LCD or Plasma (probably LCD cuz it's not so freakin' huge!!!) TV this week...only to find out that HDTV isn't available in my complex!!! I freakin' live in North Dallas at the busiest intersection in the Metroplex...and HDTV isn't available??? *** mate??? DirectTV said it will be available "in a month or two" and Comcast is putting in lines in our complex so that I can switch over to them (don't even have DirectTV yet and already plan to drop their service) as soon as it's available because they will have HDTV. Heck with DirectTV and I can't even get a DVR box...I have to go buy my own!!!

My only other question is does anybody know if I can still pick up all of the local channels that broadcast in HD as long as I have an integrated tuner and "CableCARD" built into my TV? I know I can find out this when I go to CC or BB tonight...but just thought I would ask our TV gurus out there!
To answer your last question...yes you can get "over the air" HD channels as long as you have an HD tuner in your TV. The "CableCard" is a card that is supplied by Comcast that takes the place of a standard cable box. The card maps itself to the cable co. channel plan and allows digital channels, HD channels, as well as premium channels show with out having a box. The only down side to having a cable card is yhat you don't get the interactive menu and you cannot get "Video On Demand". Check your PMs