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  1. #1

    Post Warning to all coaches in my last post

    Some of you may have participated in the debate in my last report "What would you do, if you were coach" All of the facts that I intend to add to the senerio are now listed. As sports reporter for the weekly newspaper of town Neverwonaplayoffgame I will be filing a end of the season article on how your season has been preceived by the local newspaper, after interviews with the coaches, players,parents, administrators, and regular fans. To do this correctly, I really should write an article on each coach, but time does not allow. I will probably just write two articles, one for each side of the issue referring to statements from the different coaches.

    If you wish to add some statements for the article, change your position after all the facts are in,or participate for the first time in this debate please do so by sunday night. Remember, this is just for fun, but can also be educational.

  2. #2


    It just dawned on me that a lot of you may have never participated in a debate before. In a debate of this kind, the judges usually allow the future facts after the date of decision to occur in the way the proposed facts assume they will or close to them.

    This is what I'm going to do when I write my article.

  3. #3


    Have fun writing your article. I look forward to what you have to say.

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