By Tony Plohetski


Thursday, May 12, 2005

If you get stopped by Travis County sheriff's deputies in the next eight weeks, you might see a camera crew not far behind. Beware: You could end up on national television.

Producers of the Fox television show "Cops" — the one with the "Bad boys" theme song — are following deputies through June, shooting footage for their 18th season.

Austin's been popular with reality TV lately. Crews from MTV's "Real World" recently wrapped up production here.

"This is a good way to get some exposure," Sheriff Greg Hamilton said. "It's a chance for us to show how professional we are when we deal with our citizens."

The show, one of the nation's first reality shows when it debuted in 1989, is making its first visit to Austin.

Initially, sheriff's department supervisors are choosing deputies for the crew to follow. But once producers meet other deputies, they will be allowed to select whom they want to film. Residents who end up on camera must sign waivers before their faces are shown.

Hamilton said the department is excited about the national exposure when the undetermined number of episodes air next year.

"It's going to be different having them around," Hamilton said, "just knowing that (deputies') every move could be exposed on national television."