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Thread: Chess

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2002

    Default Chess

    Ok for all you chess enthusiastic folks here is a question on the game of chess. Chess is the oldest game in the world even older than football! What is the name of the only move in chess in which two pieces can be moved during the same move?

    Thank you PPHSfan and Keith7!

  2. #2
    All-American Bullaholic's Avatar
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    Castleling, Phil.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Originally posted by Bullaholic
    Castleling, Phil.
    Right you are Bull!

    Thank you PPHSfan and Keith7!

  4. #4
    All-American Hupernikomen's Avatar
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    SE Texas


    actually everytime you capture a piece two pieces are of them off the board.

    What is an empassant?

  5. #5


    Originally posted by Hupernikomen
    actually everytime you capture a piece two pieces are of them off the board.

    What is an empassant?
    If memory serves me correctly it is when you sacrifice a lesser piece to take a piece of greater value from your opponent, but I might be wrong


    F.A.N.T.O.M. Physician and Speech Writer

  6. #6
    Chief Woodman


    Originally posted by Hupernikomen
    actually everytime you capture a piece two pieces are of them off the board.

    What is an empassant?
    empassant is where the attacking pawn moves to the attackers 5th row, just two away from an defending pawn that has not moved from the defenders second row. In an attempt to avoid a conflict, the defending pawn exercises the option to move two spaces with its first move, placing it right next to the attacking pawn. The attacking pawn can then move to the space behind the fleeing pawn and remove it from the board without occuping the place held by the fleeing pawn. The attacker must say "en passant" (french for "in passing").

    Name the three conditions that can result in "Stalemate".

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    I am not sure if this is what you mean on stalemate but a stalemate is a draw. One condition is that when it is your move your King must be safe (not in check). Another condition is that wherever you move your King he would be attacked (be in check). Another Condition at that same time is that if you could move another piece or pawn your King would be attacked (or in check). Basically stalemate occurs when it is your turn and your King is not in check but whether you move your King or any other piece or pawn it would be in check. The game is a draw.

    Thank you PPHSfan and Keith7!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Oct 2002


    Chief is right. Empassant started several hundred years ago when the pawn was only allowed one move but in order to speed up the game the rule allowing a pawn to move two moves on the first move if desired was implemented. On disadvantaged noted as Chief said was that it might cheat a pawn of a capture. In other words a pawn might move to escape capture from another pawn by moving two places right beside the other pawn. As Chief has said the rule makers decided to lessen this advantage by allowing the other player on the next move capture the pawn as if it had moved just one move. But he must do so immediately on the next move or lose his right to capture empassant.

    Thank you PPHSfan and Keith7!

  9. #9
    Chief Woodman


    Originally posted by PhiI C
    I am not sure if this is what you mean on stalemate but a stalemate is a draw. One condition is that when it is your move your King must be safe (not in check). Another condition is that wherever you move your King he would be attacked (be in check). Another Condition at that same time is that if you could move another piece or pawn your King would be attacked (or in check). Basically stalemate occurs when it is your turn and your King is not in check but whether you move your King or any other piece or pawn it would be in check. The game is a draw.
    Not fully correct. Look deeper grasshopper.

  10. #10
    Haunta Yo

  11. #11
    Chief Woodman


    Originally posted by Haunta Yo
    Technically it's "en passant"
    I think thats what I

  12. #12
    All-American Hupernikomen's Avatar
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    SE Texas


    Originally posted by Chief Woodman
    empassant is where the attacking pawn moves to the attackers 5th row, just two away from an defending pawn that has not moved from the defenders second row. In an attempt to avoid a conflict, the defending pawn exercises the option to move two spaces with its first move, placing it right next to the attacking pawn. The attacking pawn can then move to the space behind the fleeing pawn and remove it from the board without occuping the place held by the fleeing pawn. The attacker must say "en passant" (french for "in passing").

    Name the three conditions that can result in "Stalemate".
    3 conditions hmmm

    1. both players agree.
    2. one player can't move w/o being put into check.
    3. both players repeat the same move 5 times?? (some number of repeated moves.)

  13. #13
    All-American Hupernikomen's Avatar
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    Sep 2003
    SE Texas

    Default Re: Chess

    Originally posted by PhiI C
    Ok for all you chess enthusiastic folks here is a question on the game of chess. Chess is the oldest game in the world even older than football! What is the name of the only move in chess in which two pieces can be moved during the same move?
    It is very questionable whether or not chess is the oldest game in the world. That distiction is given to chess, backgammon and The African Stone Game depending on who you ask.

  14. #14
    Chief Woodman


    Originally posted by Hupernikomen
    3 conditions hmmm

    1. both players agree.
    2. one player can't move w/o being put into check.
    3. both players repeat the same move 5 times?? (some number of repeated moves.)
    Very good! The last one is actually both players repeating the same move three moves in a row.

  15. #15
    Chief Woodman

    Default Re: Re: Chess

    Originally posted by Hupernikomen
    It is very questionable whether or not chess is the oldest game in the world. That distiction is given to chess, backgammon and The African Stone Game depending on who you ask.
    The oldest game in the word is a woman getting her man to do something that he knows is wrong by just...."Don't you love me?" Been that way since the Garden......

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