This is a response I made to some post I have read on another football web site. While this does not really apply to anything I have read on 3ADL this year concerning Burnet, I think the basic message could apply to some fans at many high schools across the state.

Basher, I don't wear rose color glasses. My lenses are very clear. I don't claim to be an expert, just a dad and a fan. I have a pretty good idea what our strengths and weaknesses are, but before I post on here or anywhere else I take into consideration that these are high school football players that were talking about.

They basicly work all year to prepare for the oportunity to put on those uniforms and play the game. Some of them are fortunate to wear that varsity uniform 3 to 4 years, most only 2 and some only 1, but they have worked years for that honor. Some are starters, many are not, some never will be, but are always there, ready and waiting if the oportunity arises and they are needed. These guys usually start their day at 7:00 am and end it some time after some of you are already home for the day, sitting down to your dinner. Why do they do it? For the love of the game, to represent their community and their school. A few might end up with a scholorship, but most will not. Their not pros, they dont get paid.

Burnet has had some really outstanding years recently and has picked up a lot of fans during their winning years that would not normally be there, but win or lose, these guys deserve better that some of the crap Ive seen thrown at them on some of these web sites. What amazes me is that more times than not, these remarks come from those claiming to be their "fans". Its great fun to come on here to discuss games played and games to be played, but I think some people have turned criticism of the team into a sport. When I read some of these post which are basicly bashing the team after a loss or more amazingly, after a win, I have to wonder what kind of a player the person making the post was when they were in high school. It seems that some of us become much better players the longer we're out of high school.

Ive seen these guys work their butts off, yes they lost to San Marcos, it was definatley an eye opening adventure into the world of 5A. And yes they lost to Dripping Springs in a game they obviously weren't prepared for, but I think their accomplisments this year have been much greater than many thought they would be. They came out on top of all of their scrimages, they beat a very good top ranked 3A team, with the exception of the Dripping Springs game, they have beat every 4A team they have played so far. No one ever said this team had a chance to go as far in 4A this year as we did in 3A the last couple of years. We are no longer in 3A and this is a different team. If your really a Burnet fan, just sit back and enjoy the efforts that the guys are making and save the bashing for your favorite college or NFL teams.