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  1. #1

    Post austin qb in critical condition

    last friday night there was a quarterback from one of the austin private schools that had a cerebral hemmhorage and two seizures very unexpectedly. he is currently in stable but critical condition or something like that. all i know is that it is pretty bad, and that he needs all the prayer he can get. his school is in shock and so is his family. just stay in prayer for this.

  2. #2
    eye of the tiger


    I will surely keep the lad and his family and classmates in my prayers as I do for all Friday night athletes during football season.

  3. #3
    Chris Hart


    I'll be praying for him and his family.Thanks Spaniard for getting the word out, he needs all the prayer he can get.

  4. #4


    My condolences go out to him and his family.

  5. #5
    Swarm 51


    Spaniard, the young man was the Q/B for Saint Stephens Episcopal School, a very prestigous private school in west Austin. I take the Austin American Statesman and it quoted the HC saying the young man had not received any hard tackles, nothing to indicate what caused the problem. The lad told a teammate he did not feel well, laid down on the ground and then passed out. Please, everyone, keep this young man and his family in your prayers.

    Side Note Regarding St. Stephens - Remember Donnie Little, the first black Q/B at Univ. of Tex? He used to be the head coach at this private school.

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