Quote Originally Posted by regaleagle View Post
I'm sorry you are not as alarmed as you should be, or perhaps not as versed on the worldwide economies as every American needs to be right now. The US will lose their position as the dominant financial country when the dollar loses its reserve currency status as this coming collapse unfolds. Whether it's the Chinese Renimba or some other currency, this time the New World Order currency will again be backed by gold...believe it. The standard of living we have enjoyed in the US since the 1944 Bretton Woods Agreement will no longer exist. And since 1971 when Nixon removed us completely from the gold standard, the US has printed its way to world dominance in trade. China is now the world's new leader in both trade and gold reserves....a documented fact. They are also the world's largest producer in mining of gold yearly, and do not sell or trade ANY of it. The East(esp. China/India) are countries that have emerging economies....the West(US, Canada, Europe) have economies that are so debt-ridden in enormity there is no answer to solving the delimma for at least another decade or two. The stock market is not money....is not wealth.....it is merely backed by paper. True wealth is and has always been stored in gold(and silver) thru the centuries. It cannot be printed into oblivion, it is scarce. There's not enough above ground in today's world to use as money, but it can be used to back a form of currency that can be supplied to the world. Look for a huge upward push in PM's in 2014. Prepare now for some sort of plan to get you by in the event that a collapse causes a food, energy, and water shortage that could last for as much as a month. Some sort of personal protection might be a good idea also. If you live in a major metro area, you will be in one of the most undesirable areas to be if such a collapse does occur. I'm not close to being prepared myself, but all the signs are showing up and things are coming to a head quickly now. It don't look good for the home team....I know that much for sure.

Google stock market doom and gloom or economic disasters and you will see people have been predicting the exact same thing you are predicting for 100 years. Maybe different reasons or different causes but still predicting the collapse of the American economy. Might happen! Probably won't. The only question left to be answered is how much would a rational person be willing to stress over that possibility? I look at it like the possibility of a nuclear war. People can spend decades of their life and every penny they earn preparing for that possibility and many can make a very convincing argument to support their position. But to me I think I would prefer to be one of the first people to be toasted in the initial blast. I don't want to live for 20 years in a underground bunker with radiation sickness and not knowing what I will find once I am able to move back out into the world. Let others live like mole people! And the threat of nuclear war is a real threat but not "REAL" enough to make me act differently.... I have some money in the stock and it has performed very well at times and not very well at others. If the dollar crashes then I will have no money and will have to survive day to day just like I have done my entire life. I don't see how owning a bunch of gold is going to help unless I need something heavy to throw at the neighbor when he tries to steal my chickens.........