Just for your personal information FF, no asset class, including your QE driven stock market, has outperformed Gold in the last 20 years....end of story. Look it up and you'll see the facts are staring you in the face. Besides the stock market being driven by horrendous money printing and completely dominated by corporations and manipulated by the elite, any sane individual would be better off going to Vegas right now and putting their money on Red than gambling when the next black swan event will occur worldwide to send Wall Street to its knees. The markets are not being driven by anything other than propping(money printing) and manipulation to keep the entire monetary system and the dollar from a free-fall as the world's reserve currency. Even nations that wish to separate themselves from using the almighty dollar in order to conduct international trade are so tied to the dollar that their national currencies are also at great risk, even moreso than the dollar because their currency stands alone and has no world reserve status. That said, if the stock market were truly reflective of free markets, then it would stand to reason that the soaring heights it has reached in the last 5 years should be indicative of a healthy economic rebound with positive indicators to show for it.....like the unemployment rate, new investment in plant and materials, international trade surpluses, expansion of research and development in key emerging markets, etc. etc. etc. BUT that is not the case at all, is it FF??? We have a teetering economy on edge of disaster just waiting for a day we all will wake up only to discover all our money is either gone or has been put at great peril by this monster called QE and the Fed(driven by the Elite Powers That Be) to the point of total economic capitulation. I'm sorry you cannot see all signals right in front of you.....but why would you? You are part of the system that is so corrupt and play off of its corruptness with other people's money. It's just a huge casino to you.....using false numbers with no basis to convince others to invest their hard-earned savings into a system that is false and has no basis. Good luck to you and your cronies......you all will fall hard and without a clue of what is really happening. I guess you also believe what you hear reported from the main stream media as well, hahaha.