It will be shown on that channel on 2-4-13 at 10:30 P.M. and twice on 3-7-13 at 6:10 A.M. and 10:00 P.M. It is an excellent western made in 1956 with enough action and human interest story to satisfy western fans. It is in beautiful color and only 85 minutes long but the time goes by fast. It is worth recording if the times are not convenient to you. This is one great movie that has been neglected by tv for years and we are fortunate to have it on this channel.
Tony Curtis is very good as Ben Matthews who is falsely accused of murder and has to flea. He works as a cowboy but saves his money to buy a ranch and return to his sweetheart and clear his name. This movie was made one year before Curtis was to become a big time actor.
Colleen Miller plays his love interest and she was a beautiful talented actress that deserves to be remembered better.
Aruthur Kennedy plays Rick Harper, Curtis good friend and Kennedy really steals the show in this movie.
William Demarest plays Brad Confort and he was later to gain fame as Uncle Charlie in the tv series My Three Sons. But he was not an Uncle Charlie in this movie!
Peter Van Eyck is also very good as another villain Aandre Boucher.

Don't miss this one if you haven't see it.