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View Full Version : Got a little freaked out watching the History Channel last night!!

10-27-2009, 10:26 AM
Last night I was watching a special on the JFK Assassination. It detailed the pursuit of Lee Harvery Oswald and showed the scene where Oswald shot Officer Tippit before being captured in the Texas Theater.

I didnt realize, until I saw that show last night, that I drive through the intersection where Tippit was killed EVERYDAY! As I was watching the show I was like...what the....as I saw homes and busineeses I see daily. I knew it happened in the vicinity of where I work but didnt realize it was right here. The path Oswald took led him directly passed my school and even shows the school in some photos and video footage.

Kind of a weird feeling.....

10-27-2009, 11:35 AM
used to go to church with a guy that was the first one to find Oswald's sniper nest and the rifle. He was a Dallas Cnty deputy at the time. His stories about that day are unreal to sit and listen to, even almost 50 yrs later...

10-27-2009, 11:57 AM
I wasn't even born when it happened, but I still got a little chill when I visited Dealy plaza for the first time and looked up at the school book depository building and someone pointed out the exact window..