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View Full Version : Keeping my word about 2 Jasper Fans

12-09-2002, 12:25 AM
I previously posted a somewhat negative post about something that happened at the Burnet/Jasper game on Saturday. I have responded to several members in PM's and told them that I would tell about 2 nice things that happened Saturday one happened after I posted and the other I found out about today.

My car, as well as a zillion other Burnet people's, is decorated green and white. Well, we went to McDonalds by the campus later in the evening and as we were leaving the car next to us was leaving as well. It was a single lady with 2 young children. She said that we must be smiling because we just beat her team. I have to admit for a minute the smile went off my face because I thought, uh oh... But...she was incredibly nice. She congratulated us and told us what a good team we had. She also wished the team well next week. This lady was one class act! Thank you to her.

The other incident occured when my older daughter and her friend were out on the field. A Jasper fan, a lady, was out there wanting to take pictures of our team but she could only round a few up to get in her picture. She was extremely nice to everyone and wished the players well...told my daughter what a great team we have and how nice everyone was to her(or something like that). Anyway, could that have been you tivydawg? My daughter said this lady was so sweet and appreciative to the players for taking the time to pose for her. Again, whoever this lady is, she is one class act! Thank you!