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View Full Version : Some UnClassy Burnet fans!

12-14-2003, 12:57 PM
Well first i will start off with...I know not all burnet fans are like the ones that i sat by so for most dont get offended. For others....i was at the game and during half time, the burnet team recognized the everman football team which i thought was very classy. However a couple of burnet fans started booing during the intro and said everman sucked...Also said that Burnet might have won last year if that Corey thing didnt happen...and if Shipley and Mcgee were not injured. I dont mean to be rude but Burnet couldnt beat Gainsville and all year long i said they looked like the Everman team of last two years. I was right...So Burnet was healthy now..what excuses do u have to use now? No one broke there neck...It was just a game of football? Just wondering..For the rest of the fans of Burnet...i wish u the best of luck...No matter what keep falling ur team one day the dream will come true. Congrats to all the teams this season.

12-14-2003, 01:01 PM
I agree with you. I wish the UIL would look at this problem about using vulgar language or signs about another team. One solution if they get caught doing this they be escorted out the football staduim. this is my oponion.

12-14-2003, 01:17 PM
No need to wait for UIL to act. That sounds like a problem the local stadium and their designated law enforcement should be able to deal with, if they are made aware of it going on.

12-14-2003, 02:04 PM
Well first i will start off with...I know not all burnet fans are like the ones that i sat by so for most dont get offended. For others....i was at the game and during half time, the burnet team recognized the everman football team which i thought was very classy. However a couple of burnet fans started booing during the intro and said everman sucked...Also said that Burnet might have won last year if that Corey thing didnt happen...and if Shipley and Mcgee were not injured. I dont mean to be rude but Burnet couldnt beat Gainsville and all year long i said they looked like the Everman team of last two years. I was right...So Burnet was healthy now..what excuses do u have to use now? No one broke there neck...It was just a game of football? Just wondering..For the rest of the fans of Burnet...i wish u the best of luck...No matter what keep falling ur team one day the dream will come true. Congrats to all the teams this season.Evermangrad01, I am truely sorry that you had to witness the ignorant fans that you did, I guarantee you that they are a small, very unappreciated bunch of get-on-the-bandwagon-late-fans, as you know there are all kinds of people in the world and some of them are totally classless and vulgar. Unfortunatly all communities have their share of them. I am grateful though that in all my experience with Burnet football, I have been fortunate to encounter very few of them. My son is on the Burnet team and you can not imagine how it made me feel to have the Everman team come out to support Burnet. For most of us it will never be forgotten. Please dont let a few ignorant people mold your opinion of the Burnet community. Best Wishes ond good luck to those Everman Bulldogs for many, many years to come.

12-14-2003, 02:39 PM

I'm very sorry that you had to deal with some rude Burnet fans :( But like others have said that theres always one in every bunch. We're very grateful that the Everman Football team and Fans showed up last night to support our young men. You are truely champions in our heart. It's been a hearbreaking 2 years for these 2 teams. But the friendship between these 2 towns will last a lifetime. Again, my deepest apologies, and thanks...

Everman & Burnet are both #1 Dawgs

12-14-2003, 03:32 PM
To me, it sounds like Burnet and Everman both are two first class teams. Congrats on your achievements this year!!

12-14-2003, 04:26 PM
Since a high school football game, no matter where it is played is considered a school event. All school rules of conduct and behavior apply. If it was students conducting themselves in this manner then there should be some sort of reprimand come Monday morning. If the unsportsmanlike conduct was coming from adults then yes the field security and school administration had every right to have this person removed from the stadium.
What a tainted memory that would be, the night you stood up to represent not only your school, but everything you've worked to achieve. Truly a moment that we all wish our children could feel and someone out of either stupidity or jealousy had to pull a stunt like that.

12-14-2003, 04:39 PM
Well first i will start off with...I know not all burnet fans are like the ones that i sat by so for most dont get offended. For others....i was at the game and during half time, the burnet team recognized the everman football team which i thought was very classy. However a couple of burnet fans started booing during the intro and said everman sucked...Also said that Burnet might have won last year if that Corey thing didnt happen...and if Shipley and Mcgee were not injured. I dont mean to be rude but Burnet couldnt beat Gainsville and all year long i said they looked like the Everman team of last two years. I was right...So Burnet was healthy now..what excuses do u have to use now? No one broke there neck...It was just a game of football? Just wondering..For the rest of the fans of Burnet...i wish u the best of luck...No matter what keep falling ur team one day the dream will come true. Congrats to all the teams this season.Sounds to me like you were sitting next to ESPN1 or Paintball. I, for one, am really sorry to had to hear that kind of garbage. That stuff does not belong anywhere near an athletic arena. Young kids hear that, and worse yet, they were minimizing a serious event that has dramatically altered the way a young man will live the rest of his life. Some fans need to grow up, because in the end, it is still a game.

Old Dog
12-14-2003, 05:05 PM
My how times have changed; when I was a young pup, if ANYONE, even an adult booed or said something out of line, the school officals would escort their butts out of the stadium. Now days we AND our officals are not willing to challange people that are pushing the evelope.

As a friend even older than I says....."we need more discipline taken care of out behind the barn and some of the stupid things happening these days would disappear".

12-14-2003, 06:30 PM

Well first i will start off with...I know not all burnet fans are like the ones that i sat by so for most dont get offended. For others....i was at the game and during half time, the burnet team recognized the everman football team which i thought was very classy. However a couple of burnet fans started booing during the intro and said everman sucked...Also said that Burnet might have won last year if that Corey thing didnt happen...and if Shipley and Mcgee were not injured. I dont mean to be rude but Burnet couldnt beat Gainsville and all year long i said they looked like the Everman team of last two years. I was right...So Burnet was healthy now..what excuses do u have to use now? No one broke there neck...It was just a game of football? Just wondering..For the rest of the fans of Burnet...i wish u the best of luck...No matter what keep falling ur team one day the dream will come true. Congrats to all the teams this season.Sounds to me like you were sitting next to ESPN1 or Paintball. I, for one, am really sorry to had to hear that kind of garbage. That stuff does not belong anywhere near an athletic arena. Young kids hear that, and worse yet, they were minimizing a serious event that has dramatically altered the way a young man will live the rest of his life. Some fans need to grow up, because in the end, it is still a game.GOFOR2, I understand that you have some issues with few of the Burnet posters, but maybe its time to get over it. We all have had bad experiences in life that we would rather have not had. I know I have. Ive read your post concerning racism and your statement that if you havent experienced it or had anyone close to you experience it, that you cant understand it. Well I have experienced it, worse yet I had to watch one of my sons experience it. And guess what, it was at the hands of some Hispanic kids on a play ground in Corpus Christi and it was totally unprovoked. It was ugley, as all racism is, but I didnt use the experience to teach my kids to hate others that were different from them, I used it to teach them how ugley it was and that there was no place for it and to treat others the way they wanted others to treat them. We just have to try to not let it harden our souls to the point that we are the real losers to the experience. I dont know ESPN1, it sounds like he might be a student, but I do know Paintball and for you to bring up his name in this post concerning this issue is ridicules and very unfair to him. Whether your trying to joke or not, you are basicly implying that these people would boo Everman and say bad things about them, when you have no idea whatso ever what their thoughts on Everman are. Paintball has given many hours of his time to kids sports and Booster activities in Burnet. He also has a son on the Burnet team, as I do. I would be willing to bet that I know what he feels about Cory Fullbright and his team mates that came out to show support for our kids and our team. I know where his heart is on the subject of Everman. Lets not pre judge people we dont know.

12-14-2003, 06:35 PM
I am truly sorry you saw and heard the things you did. I assure you that is not the way Burnet feels. We have a deep respect for Everman, the team and the people. I didn't see and hear anything negative. We were thrilled to have Cory and the rest of the team there. I thought anyone would have known how Burnet felt by the Cory, Cory chant.

12-14-2003, 06:42 PM
First off, I KNOW ESPN1, and he is the nicest guy you'd ever meet. He has a huge heart and that kind of crap ticks me off. You don't have any idea what you are talking about. Paintball is just a local attorney in town with a kid on the team- nice guy- but likes to stir up stuff on the board. Give him a break- he has entirely too much class to hurt the town of Burnet by acting like a turd.

Secondly, I am shocked and so dissappointed in the Burnet people who behaved that way. I CRIED when Everman walked into the stadium- I was sitting not too far away from where they came in, and MANY of us stood and cheered and thanked them for coming. I cried again when they went out on the field to greet our team and wish them luck and show support to them.

Thirdly- how dare you get on this board and draw attention to the monsters who behaved that way and give them ANY recognition at all for acting like a donkey??? You are giving the entire community of Burnet a bad name. Thanks for your support.

Fourthly- what has Burnet ever done to Everman? We lost a game last year to you guys, we have shown unconditional love and support to your town and your fallen player, and together have formed a bond between two very diverse communities that we for one are greatly proud of.

Don't go looking for trouble cause some rowdy drunks act like idiots. I for one an offended.

12-14-2003, 10:49 PM
Im really happy my post got so much attention..For those who understood i wasnot dowing burnet thanx....For those who didnt...well i love the people from burnet and u guys are for sure the best highschool fans and the nicest ive come across. This wasnt posted for an appology i just wanted it to be known that sometimes no matter where ur at things like this happen no matter how good ur community is.There is a nut in ever corner. Good luck to u guys. I feel ur pain... and...our strength...our friendship will run deeply forever! A band of one. BULLDOGS!

12-14-2003, 11:21 PM
Let's think about this rationally for just one moment.
10,000+ fans
3 Burnet HS principals
Do you even think it would be possible for them to police the crowd? It is still the responsibility of parents to raise their children, teach them how to act in public, and discipline them when they disappoint. Educators cannot take full responsibility for the young people in our community.