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10-07-2009, 12:06 AM
jason garret and wade phillips are trying to make him a pocket passer. Thats not what he is. He is a qb that likes to scramble or leave the pocket and make improv. plays. Just like the play to sam hurd, or that play against st louis two yrs ago when the ball was snapped over his head and he converted it into a 1st down. Garret is trying to make him play like Peyton Manning or Tom Brady and thats just not him. That would be like making Brady play like Jake plummer or John Elway. Romo makes plays with his feet. Now im not saying they need to be running naked bootlegs or anything like that...i just think they need to let him play freely. Now i know he makes mistakes but if he plays more free he will make more big plays than mistakes. Whereas if they force him to stay in the pocket then he makes more mistakes than big plays. Dont get down on him yet...he has the talent and they are only 2-2 they got 12+ games left lets sit back and see how he does

10-07-2009, 12:39 AM
I agree 100% with this.

And just a side note, if you notice anytime they throw the football on 1st down they will run the ball no matter the result of the previous play like 80/85% on 2nd down.

10-07-2009, 06:27 AM
I agree also, If you have noticed this year he has had the oppurtunity to run for a first and chose to force a pass. Some worked and some didn't. When Romo has been at his best he has taken control of the game by making those short 3rd down scrambles or picked up his offense by making a 20 yard run. I miss that.

10-07-2009, 08:00 AM
Same thing happened to Kordel Stewart at Pittsburgh. He went to the Superbowl playing his game, but when they wanted him in the pocket more, where is he?

10-07-2009, 08:20 AM
So this is the reason he throws int's and throws the ball well over the receivers head or behind them.:thinking: I think he has just lost his touch with the ball.Why? I don't know but staying in the pocket doesn't seem like that would cause that imo.Romo has the ability to be a great qb but he has been struggling for some time now.

10-07-2009, 08:23 AM
this is why he is overthrowing his receivers. he is unconfortable in there..he feels like he has to stay in there..hes being held down

10-07-2009, 10:12 AM

10-07-2009, 10:25 AM
What I see as the cause for the majority of the Cowboy's offense troubles is the failure of many key offense players to know the playbook. I have seen this a lot almost everytime the Cowboys come to the line---especially on passing plays. My theory?--I think the Cowboys have several players on offense who are overpaid, under-motivated, and just plainly too thick to understand the offensive schemes being drawn up by a Princeton-educated offensive co-ordinator. Let me qualify this by saying that I am no Jason Garrett apologist---he has made his share of mistakes---the biggest of which is assuming that his plays are being fully understood by all his players and not making sure that they pay a price if they don't learn the playbook and execute every down 100% of the time. This goes all the way up to Wade Phillips.

The day of the pure athlete is over in the NFL. A player on either side of the ball has to have the cerebral horsepower to analyze and react in a split-second based on his knowledge of the situation and his own team's plays. The modern day NFL game is a guessing game chessmatch---he who guesses wrong pays the price.

Somebody once said about teaching anything--"I can explain it to you, but I can't understand it for you."

10-07-2009, 10:26 AM
So he is being HELD down??? Really? A Professional QB who has played QB his entire life is now not any good at throwing the ball because he is being HELD down? That's the most ridiculous, homerism I have ever heard. The facts are that Romo NEVER has been a really good QB. He has had flashes of brilliance but nothing sustained. He is a phenominal athlete but just not a very good QB. (at this level) In the last 10 games Romo is 5-5 with 15 TDs, 11 ints and 9 fumbles with a QB rating of 83.4.
In the last 20 games Tony Romo is 11-9 with 66 TD's, 37 ints and 25 fumbles with a QB rating of 89. Not all that bad until you consider that Romo took over a team that was ready to make a superbowl run. And every year since the Cowboys have been picked by most to be a top 5 team in the NFL. His stats are bogus. Put him on a bad team and he is already OUT of the NFL. He could not even sniff the playing field his first 4 years when Dallas had a bad team. He was CUT by the Cowboys if Quincey Carter doesn't get into trouble. He was ranked on the depth chart BEHIND Chad Hutchinson and those other no-names the Cowboys brought in. He only succeeded when the Cowboys managed to bring in a bunch of talent................
Case Closed: The Cowboys need to start looking for a better choice.

10-07-2009, 10:46 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
Not all that bad until you consider that Romo took over a team that was ready to make a superbowl run.

who says they were ready to make a SB run when romo took over?

they had been 10-6, 6-10, 9-7, 9-7 before Romo went into a year as a starter.

Since Romo has been a starter 13-3 and 9-7 So again besides that 13-3 year what is the indicator that Dallas was a team ready to make a SB run? IMO it seems they have been a team with 9-7 talent that jumps above it or below every couple of years.

10-08-2009, 09:42 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
who says they were ready to make a SB run when romo took over?

they had been 10-6, 6-10, 9-7, 9-7 before Romo went into a year as a starter.

Since Romo has been a starter 13-3 and 9-7 So again besides that 13-3 year what is the indicator that Dallas was a team ready to make a SB run? IMO it seems they have been a team with 9-7 talent that jumps above it or below every couple of years.

That's a Wade Philips type flawed logic. Just because they go 9-7 doesn't mean they are a 9-7 talent. In every single season they were picked by almost all to finish higher than they did. Those picks were based on TALENT!!!!!
The bottom line is that the Cowboys have under-acheived every season that Romo has been the QB. Under-achievement by definition is to finish below expectations. This means your talent is better than the result on the field shows. So what is the common thread to the last 3 years? different RB's. Different recievers! Different O-line! Different D-line! Different D-backfield! Different coaches! Different Stadium! Different schedules! Different Cheerleaders! Only the starting QB and the Owner remain the same. Results are the same so obviously they haven't solved the problem yet!

10-08-2009, 09:45 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
That's a Wade Philips type flawed logic. Just because they go 9-7 doesn't mean they are a 9-7 talent. In every single season they were picked by almost all to finish higher than they did. Those picks were based on TALENT!!!!!
The bottom line is that the Cowboys have under-acheived every season that Romo has been the QB. Under-achievement by definition is to finish below expectations. This means your talent is better than the result on the field shows. So what is the common thread to the last 3 years? different RB's. Different recievers! Different O-line! Different D-line! Different D-backfield! Different coaches! Different Stadium! Different schedules! Different Cheerleaders! Only the starting QB and the Owner remain the same. Results are the same so obviously they haven't solved the problem yet!

how is it flawed logic? If in the last 5 years they have had 9-7 seasons in three of those years, does that not indicate they are basically a 9-7 team?

Their O-line has not changed that much..neither has their D-line since Parcells last year.

Move The Chains
10-08-2009, 09:48 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
how is it flawed logic? If in the last 5 years they have had 9-7 seasons in three of those years, does that not indicate they are basically a 9-7 team?

Their O-line has not changed that much..neither has their D-line since Parcells last year. They'd have a better record if they had a decent QB. They've got enough talent around the QB position to be SB caliber.

10-08-2009, 10:04 AM
Only two quarterbacks in the NFL have a higher winning percentage that Tony Romo...Tom Brady and Ben Roethlisberger.

Romo currently even has a higher winning percentage than Peyton Manning.

If the bottom line is wins, he's gotten the job done.

pancho villa
10-08-2009, 10:11 AM
The problem with Tony Romo is that he plays for the Cowboys!!!!!!!!!!!!

Move The Chains
10-08-2009, 10:19 AM
Originally posted by crzyjournalist03

If the bottom line is wins, he's gotten the job done. But, it's not.

All three of the QB's you listed have SB Rings. Ben has 2, Brady has 3, and Manning has one.

Romo = None

Even better yet... Romo has no playoff wins! Amazing!

And take a TON of QB's in the NFL and put them on the Cowboys and the Cowpies would have won a SB by now.

Put Romo in their shoes... well.... he's probably no better than Byron Leftwich.

Daddy D 11
10-08-2009, 11:48 AM
The winning percentage argument is completely stupid.
He has played no where near the games that those other quarterbacks have played. Let him play as many as Brady and then look at winning percentages.

Very stupid argument...

But, Coach, I must say I like your hypothesis. Makes some sense.