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View Full Version : Update on my health

09-24-2009, 10:22 PM
First of all, thanks for all the prayers on my behalf, we have an amazing God who does great things! I went in for a heart cath on Monday and had 2 stents placed in my heart . I had a 80% and a 90 % blockage repaired. All went well and I was released from hospital Tuesday. I woke up During the night Tuesday night at home with a fever of 102.5 , wife called the DR and was told to take me to ER, I was readmitted to hospital and told it was onset of flu and pumped full of antibiotics , All went well , and I was rereleased from hospital on Thursday around noon. I am now at home feeling fine. DR said that I was lucky (if yoou wanna call it that!) because since I had the heart cath and then fever I came in and basically got the flu killed before it really took hold. Long story short, I feel better that I have in a long time , and now I jus need to do what docs say and all will be fine . Like I said , we have an AMAZING GOD!

09-24-2009, 10:25 PM
:thumbsup: :clap: :thumbsup: :clap:

Tx Challenge
09-24-2009, 10:28 PM
Awesome news Buckeye! Glad to know all is well. Take care and remember God answers prayers!

09-24-2009, 11:49 PM
I am so happy to hear you are home again. You are going to be amazed at how much better you are if it goes anything like my hubbys did. Just keep on getting better and we'll keep on praying.:)

09-25-2009, 04:11 AM
Welcome home Buckeye..
I had the heart cath back in February and I also have a couple of stents.
I will continue praying for you as well. You take care.


LE Dad
09-25-2009, 06:51 AM
Great news Buckeye!:clap: :clap: :D

09-25-2009, 09:16 AM
im glad your ok buckeye....but......how does antibiotics kill the flu...antibiotics kill bacterial infections while the flu is a viral infection....sounds to me that the hospital is covering their rear and u couldve had some type of infection from the heart cath....but im not a professional or anything....

doesnt really matter since they fixed it in time but i dont like it when people take advantage in situations like that and lie....

09-25-2009, 09:21 AM
glad everything went well and you're on the road to recovery :)

Aesculus gilmus
09-25-2009, 09:26 AM
Thanks for the update and I wish you continued good progress in your recovery.

We sometimes don't realize how important our good health is until we don't have it.

Old Green
09-25-2009, 09:26 AM
Glad to hear you're doing better Buckeye80.