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View Full Version : Greenwood vs Lakeview

09-18-2009, 11:28 PM
Lakeview 48
Greenwood 17
I was in shock when I saw this score. Living in Angelo I have seen this Lakeview team and run defense was a really big problem in the last 2 weeks they have lost about 4 players one of them was the top LB they have been moving kids up from the JV for deph. Someone who watch the game hopefully can anylize this one for me I did not think LV would stop Greenwooods run attack specially after the Rangers coming off a big win vs Estacado.

Ranger Mom
09-18-2009, 11:59 PM
I was there but had my granddaughter with me...I don't think I saw more than 5 plays....so I have nothing!

We left after the halftime homecoming festivities!