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View Full Version : How David beats Goliath

09-18-2009, 02:00 PM
I don't know how many of you have read Malcom Gladwell, but he has written some excellent books. If you click on the following link you'll find a lengthy article about how the underdogs through time have managed to beat Goliath almost 30% of the time.
Can effort beat ability? When it's combined with ingenuity (good coaching with original ideas) I think it can. And I believe it's proven when you study the great programs as they didn't always have the best talent. Name any great program with decades of positive results and I think you'll find seasons where they didn't have the best talent, but they gave the best effort...and won...time and time again.

A shout out to all the underdogs this year...sometimes effort can beat ability, but it has to be complete, committed, and 4 quarters of the best effort you have.
