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View Full Version : Mineral Wells 30 Bridgeport 27 FINAL

09-04-2009, 11:52 PM
It was not that close of a game. Credit to the Bulls for not giving up and closing the gap. Mineral Wells played well on both sides of the ball. They are tremendously improved from last season and have pretty good overall speed on both units. Their receivers ran good routes and their QB found them a lot. Their RB ran hard and quick. Their D played excellent man defense. Congrats to the Rams for the win, and best of luck in the season with their 2-0 season start. Their new stadium and facillities are absolutely top-notch and are set in a really pretty scenic setting.

An ugly night for the Bulls marked by untimely penalties, missed throws, poor pass coverage, and lots of missed tackles. The Bulls were inconsistent on both offense and defense all night. We will lick our wounds and be ready for a good Prosper team next week. It's hard to go 12-0 in back-to-back seasons.

Go Bulls! We're behind you every week...

09-05-2009, 12:15 AM
Feel bad for the young kicker. That missed PAT and the missed FG attemp would have pushed the Bulls into a victory.

But, I was quiet impressed with the Rams! They came at the Bulls with a balanced attack.

Very impressed with the facilities!

09-05-2009, 12:52 AM
If MW could get back into 3A they really could build a program, I just dont ever see them being successful in 4A.

09-05-2009, 12:53 AM
The facilities were wonderful!! Very nice stadium! I will say it was the first time in...er...many years of football fandom to ever see someone taken out of the gate in handcuffs. Nice drama to start the game. Unfortunately any good impressions I might have had of MW were all but destroyed by that horrific airhorn thing in the end zone. It hurt my ears, literally. HURT MY EARS. I don't mind a good horn; we've got one ourselves. But one that loud can't possibly be safe. My only hope was that the guy who sat on the button has to be going deaf. I hope he goes home with a headache every Friday night.

The Bulls had some miscues and mistakes, and goodness knows we're a young team at many positions. But the officiating certainly didn't help. When half the time the refs don't even seem to know what to call and have to consult in the middle of the field...ugh. Very frustrating to have to watch. I don't know why but we always seem to get bad officiating when we play there.

Hats off to Mineral Wells, though. This did NOT look like the same team we played last year. They were competent and confident, and had very few mistakes (called). ;)

Kudos to the Bulls, who never gave up! There are many times in the past when a 17 point deficit would have been the end of the game, but our team kept right on going until the last second, and pulled to within 3. MW had definitely lost some steam by then, but I'm still awfully proud of our boys who managed to turn a horrible game into a pretty positive finish.


09-05-2009, 01:40 AM
Really, has Stinky Smells gotten that much better? They are a 4A whipping boy?


09-05-2009, 02:06 AM
Originally posted by BEAST
Really, has Stinky Smells gotten that much better? They are a 4A whipping boy?


Stinky Smells? :p lol I always called it Miserable Wells

09-05-2009, 11:08 AM
Originally posted by BEAST
Really, has Stinky Smells gotten that much better? They are a 4A whipping boy?

They have improved considerably since last year, I know that for sure. Their QB was able to connect with their WRs pretty well, and their D line made things difficult for our offense. But they also shot themselves in the foot a few times. They are not a powerhouse by any means, but I don't think they're going to embarrass themselves this year either. And if they continue on this learning curve they're going to be very, very good.

09-05-2009, 04:53 PM
Just like Big Spring I tried to tell you Bridgeport boys about Mineral Wells..

09-05-2009, 04:55 PM
Originally posted by BEAST
Really, has Stinky Smells gotten that much better? They are a 4A whipping boy?


We used to drive over to Mineral Wells from Ft. Worth for a great Chinese Buffet place over there as you drive into town...

Good times.


09-05-2009, 05:40 PM
Originally posted by Matthew328
Just like Big Spring I tried to tell you Bridgeport boys about Mineral Wells..

Can't take a thing away from MW, they played better than we did ---but you do realize we missed 1 PAT wide-right by 6" and a 30yd FG because of a bad snap---and if not, you don't look so good to the tune of 31-30 Bulls...:D