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08-12-2009, 11:14 PM
. . . see the Cub fan throw beer on the Philly right fielder?

What's up with Cubs fans?

08-12-2009, 11:52 PM
They're obnoxious Yankees with no couth????:D

08-13-2009, 06:34 PM
I dont think Victorino should of filed charges thats kind of stupid to me.

08-13-2009, 07:20 PM

Shane Victorino got a beer dumped on him during the fifth inning of a blowout loss, and Wrigley security clearly tossed the wrong guy - who was pointed out to them by the real douchebag.



UPDATE: Beer-thrower escaped the ballpark without being fingered, but Chicago PD are asking anyone who has info to contact them.

08-13-2009, 07:44 PM
UPDATE:::::: (http://sports.yahoo.com/mlb/news;_ylt=Ao9q5gREPYn9E_uJ8dKJwig5nYcB?slug=ap-phillies-victorinoapology&prov=ap&type=lgns)

A man turned himself in to police Thursday, hours after Philadelphia Phillies center fielder Shane Victorino(notes) filed a police report about getting doused with beer at Wrigley Field.

Police said the man was being questioned. The incident during Wednesday night’s game was being investigated as a “simple battery.”

Victorino was hit by a cup of beer thrown from the bleachers while trying to catch a fly ball in the Phillies’ 12-5 win over the Chicago Cubs. The All-Star outfielder managed to make the grab, and Cubs chairman Crane Kenney apologized to him in person before Thursday’s game.

“It’s part of the game. It’s one of those things that happens and I just want to make sure that guy gets what’s due,” Victorino said prior to the Phillies’ 6-1 win.

“I think he needs to be held accountable. But for the most part, I just see it as the guy thought it was fun. It is what it is. It didn’t cost me in any way and it didn’t hurt me in any way. It’s part of the ballgame,” he said.

Victorino filed the police report Thursday. Shortly after the game, police said a man turned himself in.

Cubs chairman Crane Kenney, manager Lou Piniella and general manager Jim Hendry apologized to Victorino.

“I said, ‘Listen, sorry,”’ Kenney said after talking to Victorino near the Phillies’ dugout.

“It shouldn’t have happened here. It’s not a good reflection on our city or organization,” he said. “We’re going to do whatever we can to make sure that things are made right here. And he said, ‘I know you are and I appreciate your help.”’

Victorino was on the warning track and in front of the ivy-covered wall, set to catch a sacrifice fly by Jake Fox(notes) in the fifth inning, when the cup of beer came flying out of the bleachers and went all over him.

According to local media reports, security personnel questioned a man who was taunting Victorino while the fan who actually threw the beer got away.

“I just think that, not so much that I want to press charges or file anything against him. I just think he’s probably sitting at home thinking he got away with it. I hope that he gets the understanding that you can’t be doing things like that,” Victorino said.

“I don’t think he’d be walking too far if something like that happened in the streets. It’s just not something that you do. For the most part, in the big picture, this guy should be held accountable and something should be done,” he said.

Kenney called the incident “an assault.”

“The obvious one is he threw some beer on him. But let’s say the beer was in his eyes and he got hit in the head. Then, what’s the next thing that gets thrown from the stands?” Kenney said.

“It just can’t happen for safety reasons and it’s just not right.”

One of baseball’s most-known beer showers also came in Chicago. In the 1959 World Series against the Los Angeles Dodgers, White Sox outfielder Al Smith was at the wall trying to track a home run when a fan’s beer sprayed in his face.

The picture of Smith getting doused—the beer spilled when the fan tried to catch the ball—remains one of baseball’s most famous photos.

08-13-2009, 08:56 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
I dont think Victorino should of filed charges thats kind of stupid to me.

I think he should

08-13-2009, 09:25 PM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
I think he should Why how did it hurt him or effect him in anyway?

1st and goal
08-13-2009, 09:38 PM
hang him,
cuz he's practically a yankee fan and he acts like one.

08-13-2009, 09:39 PM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Why how did it hurt him or effect him in anyway?

If the teams and players will actually FILE charges then it can make others think about not doing it.

Kicking em out of the park does not work IMO

08-14-2009, 11:07 AM
The simple fact that charges can be filed for throwing BEER should be of concern to everyone. What's next....... Breath assult. If you breath on someone they might file charges for simple battery...... It seems we are turning into retards in this country. If you want fans to stop throwing beer on the players then stop selling beer to the fans.... You sell them a substance that is known to produce bad decisions and then want to file crimminal charges on them for making bad decisions. Ridiculous!

08-14-2009, 11:12 AM
Originally posted by Txbroadcaster
If the teams and players will actually FILE charges then it can make others think about not doing it.

Kicking em out of the park does not work IMO

Kicking them out of the park works wonders. How often do we actually see someone do this???? If is very rare anymore because tickets are expensive and everyone knows you get booted if you do it.....(It's usually a lifetime ban)

08-14-2009, 11:19 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
The simple fact that charges can be filed for throwing BEER should be of concern to everyone. What's next....... Breath assult. If you breath on someone they might file charges for simple battery...... It seems we are turning into retards in this country. If you want fans to stop throwing beer on the players then stop selling beer to the fans.... You sell them a substance that is known to produce bad decisions and then want to file crimminal charges on them for making bad decisions. Ridiculous!

If the person has HIN1 and breaths on me intentionally in an effort to prevent me from being able to do the job that I get paid to do, then I'd probably press charges on him too.

08-14-2009, 11:31 AM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
The simple fact that charges can be filed for throwing BEER should be of concern to everyone. What's next....... Breath assult. If you breath on someone they might file charges for simple battery...... It seems we are turning into retards in this country. If you want fans to stop throwing beer on the players then stop selling beer to the fans.... You sell them a substance that is known to produce bad decisions and then want to file crimminal charges on them for making bad decisions. Ridiculous!

So do we make a list of what is or is not acceptable to throw at a player? The best and simplest way is making it a misdemeanor to throw anything. Breathing is hardly in the same category as throwing a substance.

I have been to many games and have drunk beer while there, yet I have been able to avoid throwing any on anyone. Nothing in the article indicates the fan had drunk too many beers, so by your rules nothing should be sold that could potentially be thrown. Now that is ridiculous!

08-14-2009, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by eagles_victory
Why how did it hurt him or effect him in anyway?

How bout possible head injury when beer gets in the eyes and him misses the ball and gets an eye put out. Hang em.

08-14-2009, 02:30 PM
Originally posted by ronwx5x
So do we make a list of what is or is not acceptable to throw at a player? The best and simplest way is making it a misdemeanor to throw anything. Breathing is hardly in the same category as throwing a substance.

I have been to many games and have drunk beer while there, yet I have been able to avoid throwing any on anyone. Nothing in the article indicates the fan had drunk too many beers, so by your rules nothing should be sold that could potentially be thrown. Now that is ridiculous!

I will agree with you as soon as someone in the history of the world gets injuried in ANY WAY by getting hit by beer. These same players shake and spew beer all over themselves and others in celebration of winning a big game. I'm not advocating allowing anything to be thrown by a fan. I'm saying that making it a "CRIME" is a little over the top. Injury to a player or intent to injure should be looked at as a crime. Spilling beer on them is nothing more than a moron acting out for his 15 minutes of fame.
Do you know that some Hockey fans have actually sued the Hockey teams for getting hit by pucks? What if a baseball fan sued the Rangers because Blalock beaned them with a line drive? The nonsense is going both ways.

08-14-2009, 02:32 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by ronwx5x
Breathing is hardly in the same category as throwing a substance.

And yet one is no more harmful than the other!

08-14-2009, 03:28 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
I will agree with you as soon as someone in the history of the world gets injuried in ANY WAY by getting hit by beer. These same players shake and spew beer all over themselves and others in celebration of winning a big game. I'm not advocating allowing anything to be thrown by a fan. I'm saying that making it a "CRIME" is a little over the top. Injury to a player or intent to injure should be looked at as a crime. Spilling beer on them is nothing more than a moron acting out for his 15 minutes of fame.
Do you know that some Hockey fans have actually sued the Hockey teams for getting hit by pucks? What if a baseball fan sued the Rangers because Blalock beaned them with a line drive? The nonsense is going both ways.

Didn't I see the cup in the picture also? Even a plastic cup from enough altitude could hurt someone.

08-14-2009, 04:39 PM
The legal definition of assault does not require any physical contact. If you get in my face and curse me I can file an assault charge. If you touch me I can file assault and battery . This guy is lucky they only are filing simple assault which is like a ticket with a fine. Assault and battery is jail time. This fan is a real jackass and hopefully will learn a lesson from his bad behavior.

08-15-2009, 04:13 PM
Cubs fan apologizes for tossing beer at Phillies' Victorino

From USAToday (http://www.usatoday.com/sports/baseball/nl/cubs/2009-08-15-fan-apology_N.htm)

CHICAGO (AP) — The Chicago Cubs fan accused of pelting Philadelphia Phillies outfielder Shane Victorino (FSY) with a beer says he's sorry, and hopes his fellow fans can forgive him.
Johnny Macchione says he got caught up in "the heat of the moment" and that there is no excuse for how he acted during the Cubs-Phillies game on Wednesday night.

The 21-year-old from the western Chicago suburb of Bartlett, Ill., was charged with two misdemeanor counts after the beer flew out of the stands and hit Victorino, who was trying to catch a fly ball. The Phillies won the game 12-5.

Macchione tells The Chicago Tribune that he wants to extend a sincere apology to Victorino, and says he's a great player. He also says if he could take back his actions, he would.