View Full Version : When Confidence Becomes So Extreme….

08-06-2009, 07:47 PM

…that it merits its own DSM classification, (http://allpsych.com/disorders/dsm.html) it is perhaps time for an intervention. Maybe we can add that to the list of things for which Vince Young needs an intervention. At any rate, he sees dead people. Or things that are not there. Or something. Quoth the Young:

I don’t know when I’ll start again. But I will be the next black quarterback to win a Super Bowl. And I will be in the Hall of Fame.

Mind you, the former is awfully critical to the latter, but, no matter. You go on with your bad self, Vince. Canton in 2025. See you there. That’s when I will be inducted for my ground-breaking contributions to NFL coverage, blog edition…