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07-28-2009, 12:27 PM
Tuesday, Jul 28
J.R.R Tolkien Estate Sues to Block "The Hobbit" Adaptation
J.R.R Tolkien's family and estate have sued to block production of the upcoming adaptation of "The Hobbit," claiming they are owed $220 million from adaptation profits and should reclaim film rights to the book.

According to School Library Journal, the film rights to the late author's books have traveled through different corporate hands over the years since they were sold in 1969, shuttling from United Artists to New Line Cinema. A Los Angeles law firm is representing the estate in a suit against New Line Cinema, News Corp, and the Tolkien Trust.

Here's more about the film's development: "Guillermo del Toro [will direct] and Ian McKellen, Andy Serkis, and Hugo Weaving [are] reprising their roles as Gandalf, Gollum, and Elrond, respectively. According to Bloomberg Media, the three Lord of the Rings films have generated almost $3 billion in worldwide box-office receipts." (Via Publishers Weekly)

stupid estate (http://www.mediabistro.com/galleycat/adaptation/jrr_tolkien_estate_sues_to_block_the_hobbit_adapta tion__122817.asp?c=rss)

07-28-2009, 12:28 PM
As if she doesn't already have enough money. :rolleyes:

07-28-2009, 02:38 PM
I think she will reap huge rewards. The people who originally purchased the rights to the Hobbit didn't have the rights to "RESELL" it. It's a copyright agreement between owner and purchaser and I don't think it completely transfers ownership of the material. Only the use of that material for yourself. Am I wrong on this?

07-28-2009, 02:43 PM
I was really looking forward to the Hobbit coming out. I just wish they had hired Peter Jackson to direct this one also. The new director can't do as good as Jackson did. IMHO! Although I did like Hellboy and Mimic.

07-28-2009, 02:45 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
I was really looking forward to the Hobbit coming out. I just wish they had hired Peter Jackson to direct this one also. The new director can't do as good as Jackson did. IMHO! Although I did like Hellboy and Mimic. The Rohirim cavalry charge is STOIC! AWESOME scene

07-28-2009, 03:00 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
The Rohirim cavalry charge is STOIC! AWESOME scene

The way he was able to depict a complete momentum swing with that charge down the hill was epic. And then the swing back with the charge of the elephaunts (sp).......... Gotta admit the guy was a genius.

07-28-2009, 03:03 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
The way he was able to depict a complete momentum swing with that charge down the hill was epic. And then the swing back with the charge of the elephaunts (sp).......... Gotta admit the guy was a genius. I don't remember the movie, but it depicts Napoleon's lancers mauling the English curassiers at Waterloo, another great cavalry scene. It is hard to capture I imagine w/o CGI, but when done properly it's awesome to watch

07-28-2009, 03:07 PM
Originally posted by DDBooger
The Rohirim cavalry charge is STOIC! AWESOME scene

I have a pretty decent surround sound system and I use the first LOTR movie to demo it to friends. The scene where they fight the orcs and the Balrog in the mountain and then escape to have Gandalf apparently die is the most awesome surround sound soundtrack I have ever found. I crank it and it rattles the walls everytime the Balrog roars and you hear arrows bouncing off the walls behind you and chains rattling from all the orcs chasing you from behind. And then the music after they escape and they all realize Gandalf just died brings chill bumps to me just thinking about it now. Greatness! Pure Greatness!