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View Full Version : A Request for Help

07-25-2009, 04:38 PM
My Aunt is a lawyer in Arizona. She sent this to me as they are trying to help out this family. Please vote for Henry and let's help put this very deserving family over the top.


My office has started a program in which we use service dogs to accompany victims of crime, particularly children, to court. We started with one dog, Sam, and quickly realized the need for a second dog. That second dog is Henry. Both were rescued from the pound. Both dogs are in training and working part time (before they are turned over to us full time in May 2010) by high school kids (under the supervision of professional trainers).

Chelsea is Henry's handler. Her mom, who accompanies her to class, is also training a dog that will go to a police officer who was paralyzed after being shot in the line of duty. Winning this Rachael Ray Recipe for Puppy Love Contest would be a huge financial help to a family who has shouldered the financial responsibility of these two dogs.

As an example of what these dogs do: One of my attorneys recently tried a case with a young victim who was so afraid to go into court that it took 20 minutes to talk her into walking in to the courtroom. She was crying. After she testified, the defense attorney suffered a heart attack and a mistrial was declared, which required the young girl to testify again. The second time, Sam accompanied her. She walked right into court, testified, and the person who victimized her was convicted.
Anyway, here's the link (you can vote every day) through next Wednesday, July 29:


07-25-2009, 05:21 PM
voted twice! once with Internet Explorer then again in Fire Fox ;)

Ranger Mom
07-25-2009, 05:51 PM
Me too!!

Good luck Henry!

07-26-2009, 07:51 AM

07-26-2009, 07:04 PM
Thanks everyone....Henry is now up to 4th place. Go Henry!!!

07-27-2009, 08:42 AM
I want to bring this to the top one more time for those who may not have seen it over the weekend. Let's help out Henry. Thanks everyone.