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Ranger Mom
07-23-2009, 09:59 AM
The email below is talking about what was once my stepsisters daughter, so I guess she would have been my step niece. My step-dad was killed in an auto accident back in 1984 and that is the last time I have seen Heather.

There is a young woman whose name is Heather Boykin. Heather has just delivered her second child, and either prior to or during her delivery contracted the MRSA(staff infection) virus. In an effort to contain the virus Heather has undergone a hysterectomy, but continues to decline in health. The doctors are giving her a regiment of flushes of medication in an attempt to eradicate the virus.
Yesterday, Heather’s white blood cell count declined, which was a good thing. She apparently had several seizures, which the doctors aren’t sure what they were caused by. Her kidneys are currently not functioning and the doctors are concerned about the toxins building up in her body. The doctors are hopeful that if they can keep her stable for the next several days that the antibiotics that they are giving her will offset the affects of the staff infection and she will recover. Please continue to pray for Heather, and add her to your church prayer list. Pray that her recovery will be so dramatic that those around her will know that it was the hand of God honoring our Prayers.
Thank you,

07-23-2009, 10:05 AM
will say an extra prayer for her Kellye - MRSA is some serious stuff for sure.. Hope she makes a complete recovery

Ranger Mom
07-23-2009, 10:09 AM
Originally posted by 44INAROW
will say an extra prayer for her Kellye - MRSA is some serious stuff for sure.. Hope she makes a complete recovery

I had an aunt that contracted it after having back surgery last year.

She spent 6 weeks in the Albuquerque Infectious Disease Center. She was lucky to have survived!!

I can't even think of how old Heather is now....probably between 27-30.

Bone Pile
07-23-2009, 10:29 AM
Prayers form the Bone Pile.
May God watch and keep this angel in his hands. Amen

07-23-2009, 10:34 AM
Will keep her in my thoughts and prayers....

In January 2008 I woke up one Friday morning with a small pimple on the lining between my skin and my bottom lip. I 'popped' it thinking no big deal and went to work. By the time I got off work that night, my bottom lip was so swollen people were calling me Eddie Murphy. I went home and 'popped' the site of the original pimple again, and I've never in my life seen so much nasty stuff come out of a pimple. No matter how much 'stuff' I squeezed out, my lip stayed big and swollen. The next day (Saturday) it was worse so that afternoon I went to the pharmacy at Tom Thumb and asked the pharmacist what she thought. She said it looked like staph and to get to a doctor ASAP. I went to CareNow and they gave me Bactrum which I began taking that night. The next night it was so swollen it was hurting and my lip was peeling and cracking so I went to the E.R. at Arlington Memorial and waited 6 hours to get in for them to slice it open and drain it. They said I needed to be on a second antibiotic with the bactrum, so they put me on cephelexan as well. The next two days I just took it easy, laying around my apartment. Tuesday evening I woke up from a nap and had a temperature somewhere right around 100. That's the first time I'd run a temp, so I went back to CareNow that night and they tested me for everything and couldn't figure anything out. They finally told me to come back the next morning. I came back Wednesday morning at 8 AM with a temp around 101-102 and again they couldn't figure out what it was after running all kinds of tests. I had had to run to the restroom and throw up while I was in the waiting room at CareNow (first time I'd thrown up with this). They asked me what my hospital of choice was and they called Arlington Memorial Hospital and had me admitted. I got to the hospital and while being screen by doctors just started throwing up out of nowhere. They had to give me an IV for nausea. Meanwhile they stripped me down to a tiny thin gown and started an IV of ice cold saline solution to lower my temperature. At the start of the IV my temp was 102.1, at the end of it it was 103.7.... obviously that didn't work. They gave me two tylenol and in 30 minutes it was down to 99.9! Anyway, they tested for everything, I stayed in the hospital 3 days and 2 nights. They never could officially say it was MRSA because the ER doctor who originally drained the infection did not have a culture done to see what had caused the infection, but I wound up having 8 different doctors the entire time, and 7 of them said it was MRSA. I think the reason mine didn't get as bad as some is because I was taking ALL kinds of herbal remedies at home days before I was admitted to the hospital. They gave me the IV vancomycin, which is an amazing antibiotic. It turned me bright red for a few days on my chest, stomach, back and arms but that's a normal reaction a lot of people have to it and it doesn't itch.

My mom had MRSA last year at Christmas and was in the hospital for 5 days or so. We had to postpone Christmas for a few days so she could take part in the family's celebration.

Update---- a few months ago I was given a prescription of bactrum for some infected hair follicles I had. A few hours after having took the pill I was sick to my stomach and running 100.7 temperature just from one pill. I ran a fever for about 12 hours after taking that pill. Now I wonder if the whole reason I had to be put in the hospital and spend thousands of dollars was due to an allergic reaction to bactrum.

Old Dog
07-23-2009, 10:36 AM
Consider prayers on her behalf done!

07-23-2009, 11:34 AM
Prayers being sent now Kellye...

bwdlionfan.. I have taken bactrum twice, once for an ingrown toe nail and once when I stepped on a nail and it went through my shoe and got infected.. both times I was sicker than a dog and couldnt eat, my mom is currently on it bc they think one of her incisions from her shoulder surgery was infected and she hasn't been able to eat much either. I think it is a 'natural' reaction to that medication.

07-23-2009, 11:38 AM
Originally posted by CHS_CG
Prayers being sent now Kellye...

bwdlionfan.. I have taken bactrum twice, once for an ingrown toe nail and once when I stepped on a nail and it went through my shoe and got infected.. both times I was sicker than a dog and couldnt eat, my mom is currently on it bc they think one of her incisions from her shoulder surgery was infected and she hasn't been able to eat much either. I think it is a 'natural' reaction to that medication.

I don't know... I guess a lot of people get sick from it... my dad can take it fine, as can my 4 year old niece! my mom can't take it though.

Ranger Mom
07-23-2009, 01:38 PM
Appetite loss; nausea; vomiting are common side effects of Bactrim.

Bone Pile
07-23-2009, 01:46 PM
Why are we hearing so much about these kind of infections lately? Is everything coated with bacteria now days or what. What does MRSA stand for? Are there other kinds also?

07-23-2009, 01:54 PM
Originally posted by Bone Pile
Why are we hearing so much about these kind of infections lately? Is everything coated with bacteria now days or what. What does MRSA stand for? Are there other kinds also?

There are many kinds of staph, but MRSA (methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus) is a particular strain of staph that is resistant to most all antibiotics. Back in the 80s penicillin could kill this stuff, now it laughs at penicillin because it adapts to our medicines. Bactrim is the only oral antibiotic left that can SOMETIMES kill MRSA. That's what they told me a year and a half ago when I had it anyway. If Bactrim can't kill it, the only thing left are a couple of antibiotics that have to be given through IV.

As for why are there so many people getting it? Probably because of more places being more congested. Gyms, schools, locker rooms, etc are all places where you have a higher chance of catching something like this.

07-23-2009, 01:59 PM
Heather Boykin will be added to our prayer list. I have sent prayers for her full recovery, and that God would work through the doctors hands and guide them as to what to do for her to get her well. That is awful. Is it just me, or are staph infections a LOT more common nowadays? Used to be you rarely heard of them.

Ranger Mom
07-24-2009, 01:31 PM
Not a good update:

My mom just sent me an email that Heather had a heart attack and suffered massive brain damage. She was taken off of life support a little bit ago.

Please keep this family in your prayers. She has 2 children, one of them being a newborn.

07-24-2009, 01:34 PM
i am sorry to hear that. my thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. :(

07-24-2009, 01:37 PM
I am so sorry to hear this Kellye.. I can't imagine the sorrow this family is enduring :(

07-24-2009, 02:02 PM
Prayers sent:(

07-24-2009, 02:06 PM
:( :( :(

my thoughts & prayers are with her & your family

LH Panther Mom
07-24-2009, 09:41 PM
:( I'm so sorry to hear this news. May God be with the family during this time.

07-24-2009, 10:32 PM
I'm assuming the staph infection is internal?

I've never heard of that but I had MRSA a few years ago. All they had to do to mine was lance it though. I've got a nice battle wound but nothing else.

I will definitely pray for her though.

07-25-2009, 06:36 AM
My prayers are with this family.

Off the subject a bit, but this is another reason I fear hospitals. I know they are life-saving institutions, but I always fear picking up something like this when I go to the hospital.

07-25-2009, 06:41 AM
Preayers said and sent!!

07-25-2009, 12:33 PM
Prayers from Brownwood.......:(