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07-17-2009, 10:31 AM
More Than 450 Dogs Seized Looking Forward to New Leash on Life

Fort Worth, TX – July 8, 2009 - More than 450 dogs were rescued yesterday from a Montague County puppy mill after months of investigation based on numerous complaints about cruel conditions and neglected animals in need of veterinary care.

Responders found typical puppy mill conditions; many of the dogs were suffering from skin and eye infections as well as other medical ailments. It is likely that many of these animals had never known life outside their cramped enclosures.

“As the animals started arriving we knew we had our work cut out for us. We have not had a moment’s rest since the seizure began, but an immense amount of change has been affected in the hours that have passed. The lives of these animals have been transformed from solitude and despair to the promise of a safe future” said Sandy Grambort, Director of the staging shelter.

Tammy Roberts, lead investigator, choked through tears as she recalled a small disoriented poodle, with matted eyes circling blindly in the heat. “This should not happen … Texan’s care more about our animals than what I have seen today. We need better laws to protect the dogs in mass production puppy mills”

Field teams found hundreds of animals in remote locations on the 1200 acre property, many of them suffering from advanced debilitating health conditions. In particular, the small elderly male poodle, his fur so matted and eyes so encrusted he had become virtually blind, was rescued from a field of weeds so tall rescuers had to crawl on hands and knees, narrowly avoiding a nest of venomous copperhead snakes, to coax him towards safety. Another elderly Chihuahua, suffering from a broken lower jaw, broke the hearts of rescue workers as they watched him eat bits of kibble by carefully manipulating the angle of his head to soften the kibble with saliva before swallowing.

“What matters now is that the cruel and desperate doors of their world have been closed today, and these animals are now safe. We are dedicated to bringing them a new day filled with loving care, hope, comfort and forever homes” said Roberts.

A hearing will be held within ten days to determine that the animals were cruelly treated, and to determine humane custody.

Chesapeake Energy donated use of a 4,000-square-foot warehouse in the Fort Worth stockyards to temporarily house the animals and create a safe haven. The company is also providing support for the scores of volunteers working diligently around the clock caring for the animals. PetsMart Charities also donated supplies to care for the dogs. The animals are being rescued and cared for by the Humane Society of North Texas with the assistance of United Animal Nations Emergency Animal Rescue Services. (UAN). Additional support was received by animal services officers from the cities of Fort Worth, Plano, and Irving, all of which provided trained staff for compassionate animal handling and transport.

Monetary contributions and adoption information may be obtained by contacting the Humane Society of North Texas at 817-332-4768. www.hsnt.org

Media may contact the numbers below directly for interviews and guided tours.

The Swift Armour warehouse is located at approximately 600 E. Exchange. Following Main Street, then take right on Exchange to top of hill, over railroad tracks. Turn left into chain-link fenced area by guard shack. Someone will meet you to direct to parking area.

Media Contacts:
Tammy Hawley
Humane Society of North Texas
Cell: 817-332-4768 *115

Jerri Robbins
Chesapeake Energy
Cell: 817.995.8495


For all of us animal caregivers...please help in any way possible! They are seeking donations--you don't have to give money. They are needing certain supplies like soap, etc. The website offers much more information than I can.

I received this tip from a royalty owner today, and I immediately had to research it. It is truly heartbreaking! I don't have kids of my own, but my family consist of me, Terry, Timber, and our other 7 kids (2 cats and 2 dogs.) I would lay my life on the line for them, and that is God's honest truth.

I can honestly say...if you "don't like" animals "at all"......we probably won't be more of an aquaintance in life. i never trust people who "don't like animals." call it a gut feeling, or instincts, call it what you will, but I just don't get all warm and fuzzy when I meet animal haters.

07-17-2009, 01:42 PM
Sick people. :(

07-17-2009, 01:44 PM
that sucks big time.:mad:

07-17-2009, 01:45 PM
woops....meant we have 5 cats and 2 dogs.