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07-16-2009, 11:38 AM
I read this on the net, and was appalled at the injustice. What do you think? What about the ladies on this forum.....I'd like to hear your opinion?

Thu Jul 16, 3:48 am ET
ADEL, Ga. – A Georgia man spent more than a year behind bars for failing to pay child support for a child that wasn't his, but he was released after DNA tests showed he wasn't the father.

Frank Hatley, 50, had been jailed since June 2008 for not making payments, but two separate DNA tests in the last nine years showed he was not the father of the boy, who is now 21.

Southern Center for Human Rights attorney Sarah Geraghty won Hatley's release at a hearing Wednesday in Superior Court. A court order has also relieved him of his financial obligation to the Georgia Department of Human Resources.

"State child support officials have shown extraordinarily poor judgment in Mr. Hatley's case," Geraghty said.

Although Hatley was freed from making future payments after a 2001 hearing, Superior Court Judge Dan Perkins had ordered him to continue making $16,000 in back payments. He paid $6,000 of that before being laid off from his job.

Perkins ordered Hatley's immediate release Wednesday after determining that he was indigent. Although he was released, Hatley's paternity case is still unresolved. No future hearings are scheduled.

"Out of it all, I just feel like justice should be served for me in this case," Hatley told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution shortly after his release. "I shouldn't have to keep being punished for a child that is not mine."

Hatley had a relationship with Essie Lee Morrison, who had a baby in 1987 and told Hatley the child was his, according to court records. The couple never married and split up shortly afterward.

In 1989, Morrison applied for public assistance through the state Department of Human Resources. Hatley agreed to reimburse the state because he believed the boy was his.

Documents show Hatley paid at least $9,500.

But in 2000, DNA samples showed the two were not related, according to court records. A test earlier this month confirmed that.


07-16-2009, 11:42 AM
What the hell? If the kid is not his, he shouldn't have to pay child support. Period. End story. :confused:

Good luck trying to get the money back from the mom and the real daddy that owes child support is screwed. The kid is already 21, but child support doesn't stop when the kid is 18 if you haven't been paying.

What a mess!

07-16-2009, 11:46 AM
I not only agree, but I think the mother should be put under the same hell the "supposed" father was. I think she should have to pay back all the money she was paid, plus serve the same amount of time in prison for embezelment. The state should also pay this man for false imprisonment, much like the state of Texas does when someone is proven innocent. That's just my opinion. Otherwise, what's to stop these low-life women who do these type things from continuing to do them. There has to be punishment to her for this!

07-16-2009, 11:48 AM
Originally posted by pirate4state
What the hell? If the kid is not his, he shouldn't have to pay child support. Period. End story. :confused:

I agree and he should be reimbursed for what he did pay - not sure how to pay him back the time lost while in jail.. sad situation indeed :doh:

07-16-2009, 11:52 AM
Originally posted by waterboy
I not only agree, but I think the mother should be put under the same hell the "supposed" father was. I think she should have to pay back all the money she was paid, plus serve the same amount of time in prison for embezelment. The state should also pay this man for false imprisonment, much like the state of Texas does when someone is proven innocent. That's just my opinion. Otherwise, what's to stop these low-life women who do these type things from continuing to do them. There has to be punishment to her for this!

whoa, whoa...where did it say she knew he wasn't the baby's father? As far as they BOTH knew, the baby was his. They were a couple, then split up, according to the article.

07-16-2009, 12:01 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
whoa, whoa...where did it say she knew he wasn't the baby's father? As far as they BOTH knew, the baby was his. They were a couple, then split up, according to the article.
It doesn't, but surely she had an INKLING that he may not be the father! After all, she was sleeping around at the time of conception! Most women have an innate sense of who the father really is, even before any kind of test. I KNOW she knew all along of that possibility, and was looking for support of some sort. This poor man was naive and THOUGHT he doing the right thing, but became a victim! Maybe this woman really knew who the father really was, and decided he wouldn't be able to pay child support. That's the most likely scenario, in my opinion. Either way, you can't deny that this man was WRONGED in the worst kind of way!

Tx Challenge
07-16-2009, 12:52 PM
I recently also read on this story (sorry, can't find the link) that the Asst.D.A. knew of the DNA results and still chose to send the guy to jail...If this is indeed true, then maybe they should have to serve time as well.

The guy should be rewarded handsomely for this IMO

07-16-2009, 01:01 PM
Originally posted by Tx Challenge
I recently also read on this story (sorry, can't find the link) that the Asst.D.A. knew of the DNA results and still chose to send the guy to jail...If this is indeed true, then maybe they should have to serve time as well.

The guy should be rewarded handsomely for this IMO
Yes, the article states that a test was done in 2000 (read last paragraph) that proved the father and son were not related. That D.A. withheld this information and should be fired, and the Department of Human Services should be responsible for making sure the man gets the money back that he paid in, plus interest, plus a settlement for the time he spent in jail because of it. After that, this woman should be sent to jail for embezelment, filing a false paternity suit, and fraud. This woman should be treated like a criminal, just like the victim was. If there's no law in the books for this sort of crime, one should be added to prevent this sort of injustice in the future.

07-16-2009, 01:07 PM
Originally posted by waterboy
It doesn't, but surely she had an INKLING that he may not be the father! After all, she was sleeping around at the time of conception! Most women have an innate sense of who the father really is, even before any kind of test. I KNOW she knew all along of that possibility, and was looking for support of some sort. This poor man was naive and THOUGHT he doing the right thing, but became a victim! Maybe this woman really knew who the father really was, and decided he wouldn't be able to pay child support. That's the most likely scenario, in my opinion. Either way, you can't deny that this man was WRONGED in the worst kind of way!

Never said he wasn't. Jeez calm down.

07-16-2009, 02:15 PM
At the very least if a woman who declares a man who is NOT her legal husband the father of her child then SHE should be responsible for proving it with the proper tests. Remember the ole innnocent until proven guilty saying? But that's not the PC thing to do. In our great society the woman simply has to claim him as the father and it is so unless he proves it false at his expense.

07-16-2009, 03:10 PM
Originally posted by pirate4state
whoa, whoa...where did it say she knew he wasn't the baby's father? As far as they BOTH knew, the baby was his. They were a couple, then split up, according to the article.

she should go to jail for being a dirty ho....

07-16-2009, 03:13 PM
Originally posted by waterboy
Most women have an innate sense of who the father really is, even before any kind of test.

I guess you don't watch Maury Povich :D

Old Dog
07-16-2009, 03:40 PM
Isn't our justice system just marveeeeeeeeee sometimes ???

07-16-2009, 03:42 PM
Originally posted by SWMustang
she should go to jail for being a dirty ho.... That's not really against the law...

but I agree, she should serve some jail time cause I'm sure she won't be able to repay that $$$

07-16-2009, 03:47 PM
[QUOTE]Originally posted by waterboy
[Most women have an innate sense of who the father really is, even before any kind of test.

Unfortunately too often that "innate" sense is tuned into the money rather than what is correct........

Maury Povich had a woman on that filed on 5 different men as the father of her baby before she finally found the correct one. On each occasion she swore she knew THIS ONE was the father. When she finally found the real father she was angry it turned out to be him because he was a bum and didn't have any money!!!! Even her mom was crying on TV because her grandchild had such a bum for a father. People are really odd on this floating rock of ours................

07-16-2009, 04:43 PM
Originally posted by Farmersfan
Unfortunately too often that "innate" sense is tuned into the money rather than what is correct........

Maury Povich had a woman on that filed on 5 different men as the father of her baby before she finally found the correct one. On each occasion she swore she knew THIS ONE was the father. When she finally found the real father she was angry it turned out to be him because he was a bum and didn't have any money!!!! Even her mom was crying on TV because her grandchild had such a bum for a father. People are really odd on this floating rock of ours................ [/B]
You got that right! This rock has plenty of weirdos! That lady on Maury Povich was, for lack of a better word, a HO!:doh:

LH Panther Mom
07-17-2009, 05:11 AM
Maybe the DA should get the honor of paying back the man everything he paid in "error". :)

07-17-2009, 02:10 PM
Maybe people shouldn't have unprotected sex if they are not willing to get married and raise a family together.:thinking:

07-17-2009, 03:22 PM
Originally posted by PPHSfan
Maybe people shouldn't have unprotected sex if they are not willing to get married and raise a family together.:thinking:
:thinking: Hmmmmm..........:thinking: ..........now THERE'S an idea! I call for government control of all sex outside marriage! Hehehehe........:devil: .......shoot.....that's the only way it'll ever be controlled.

Good idea.......but it'll never happen, because people don't think with their brain anymore, especially when aroused, because the blood flow to the brain is decreased!;)