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View Full Version : Any universities have traditions that even compare to Texas A&M????

02-27-2003, 11:43 PM
maybe...none in this area besides maybe Ou...
michigan and notre dame can be considered...maybe even nebraska

anyone think there's a school that comes close to Texas A&M?

02-27-2003, 11:44 PM
ohh yeah, penn state and tennessee are top 10

02-27-2003, 11:52 PM
Which traditions are you talking about? The core beating down other people? If thats the one, then no.

02-27-2003, 11:57 PM
its the corps...not the core like an apple core..

and no one walks on kyle field besides senior ags, and the teams playing.

that was disrespectful of them, but i guess they didnt know the heritage of kyle field then either.

what do u have against A&M, anyway?

02-28-2003, 12:52 AM
Florida State has pretty good tradition, and the atmosphere at their football games is amazing. Nothing will get you pumped up more than seeing Osceola ride out on the horse, Renegade, with the flaming spear. Also, when the band begins to play the war chant, it'll send chills up your spine.

02-28-2003, 01:04 AM
yeah, i love that feeling

ive felt that by just watching Texas A&M, FSU, and Notre Dame on tv. thats why i cant wait to be there next year. A&M actually has a rather easy home schedule, except for t.u.
their away schedule will be tough with trips to V tech, Ou, and nebraska. T tech should be kinda easy.
ill proly go to that one , and maybe the nebraska one.

sorry to leave out FSU...also i thought that LSU might be a top 15 or top 10 school tradition wise

02-28-2003, 08:13 AM
its the corps...not the core like an apple core..

and no one walks on kyle field besides senior ags, and the teams playing.

that was disrespectful of them, but i guess they didnt know the heritage of kyle field then either.

what do u have against A&M, anyway?Jimbotex, any tradition that results in a violent attack on another student has something inherently wrong with it. If it had been me they attacked, they would be facing assault and battery charges. Any University Board of Regents that puts up with that garbage also has a problem. I won't pretend to understand the "heritage" of Kyle Field, but I can't imagine why college kids would get that carried away with something. Sorry, but that incident served only to give Texas A&M a "black eye" in my view.

02-28-2003, 10:09 AM
UT puts the little aggies to shame when it comes to football tradition. Come on, be realistic.

02-28-2003, 10:52 AM
I graduated from A&M and was there for 8 years. I am proud of having graduated from A&M, but I would not consider myself a rabid fan. I have respect for other conference teams and enjoy the friendly aspect of many of the rivalries (not the idiotic stuff). In regards to the corps member drawing the sword on the SMU cheerleader back in the late seventies...it was a indeed a black eye on the university. The indvidual was punished quickly and severely. It was only one individual and it happended 25 years ago, but it is an example of how one act can do such damage to a university. The Corps is very gungh ho and this environment often fosters an obnoxious mentality in some of the cadets. In their zeal to be a good aggie they often do bone headed things that come accross as narrow minded, arrogant or offensive. This is unfortunate because the majority of what the corps does for the individuals themselves and the university is positive. The corp is the the keeper of traditions. These traditions would not be adhered to if not for the influence of the corps of cadets. Traditions like silver taps, aggie muster, the elephant walk, reverence for the memorial students center etc... are worthwhile and serve to bond the student body. Oranizations such as the Ross Volunteers (Governors honor guard), Parson's mounted cavalry, The Aggie Band and the Fish Drill team represent the university and the state with dignity and honor. Having served as a resident advisor in the dorms for 2 1/2 years I saw many more instances of student abuse and bafoonery in relations to the greek system than I ever did with the corps of cadets. I am not trying to excuse any bad behavior by anyone that went to A&M (all universities have indviduals who do more harm than good). What I am saying is that there are many more positives about the traditions at A&M that many people are either not aware of or choose to ignore. Anyone can choose to look at the negative and point to a particular incident or to an aggie in their workplace who is a jerk. I ask you to only look at the positive aspects as well. If you don't know about many of the traditions, then look into them...many of those traditions represent the things that make America great and most Aggies are just normal decent individuals who enjoyed and are proud of their time at Aggieland. Sorry this was so long! :)

Phil C
02-28-2003, 11:04 AM
I agree that the Aggies are more positive than negative and have had outstanding individuals. I believe their traditions should be respected and observed. The Aggie Corp got violet a few years ago when some UT fans went on the field after the Texas - Texas A&M game. The UT fans should not have been on the field because of the tradition but if you have rules for your own field I feel you should observe the same rules when you are the visiting team. In other words the Aggies should not have been on the Texas field a year earlier if they don't want anyone on their own field when they are at own. It is a case of Ye ole double standard. Oh and by the way I can give two different examples of Aggies. When Corpus Christi State University became a branch of Texas A&M University and became Texas A&M University at Corpus Christi there were two letters to the editor from ex Aggies from College Station. One was sarcastic and said that Texas A&M at College Station was the real Aggie school and the other schools were just "wanna be's." The other letter was a rebuff and had a more positive welcome aboard approach. I feel the latter typifies most of the aggies.

Phil C
02-28-2003, 11:12 AM
I don't know if it compares to the Texas - Texas A&M tradition but Ohio State vs Michigan has been a big rivalry for years. And usually both of these teams are top rated teams nearly every year.

02-28-2003, 11:41 AM
There is an old saying at A&M:

From the outside looking in, you can't understand it. From the inside looking out, you can't explain it.

Rules are rules, no matter where you are. If a person goes to Kyle field to the game and sees the corps surrounding the field, common sense (which many people severely lack) would dictate that going on the field would not be a very good idea. It all comes down to respect.

Phil C
02-28-2003, 12:22 PM
I must not have made it clear what I meant so I apologize for it. Let me give you an example. I have a good friend who has a twelve year old son who doesn't like anyone to mess with his hair at all even in jest so everyone respect that. One day though his son was playfully messing with his friend's hair. His father told him "Now Son you don't like anyone messing with your hair so you shouldn't be messing with anyone else's hair." In other words what you don't others to do to you you shouldn't do to others. Or again in other words it should be "Stay off our field and we will stay off yours."

02-28-2003, 01:28 PM
I totally agree. Like I said, it is a matter of respect. I am not saying that A&M shouldn't respect other fields and traditions, it should be a two way street. Sad fact is, no one wants to take the first step.

02-28-2003, 01:30 PM
Reasons why we hate A&M:

1) They won't shut up. They have to go on about spirit, and old army, and red ass, and how bonfire represents the burning sensation they
have in their urine to beat UT, and blah blah blah. Shut up. You start to get the feeling the entire school was built to spite UT.

2) Forget the fact that when the Texas Legislature back in the 1870's passed legislation to start a state university they also decided to
have a subsidiary branch of the main school (University of Texas) that would teach
agriculture and mechanics. Aggies love to say their school is older, from where they get that I don't now......the fact is, the State
intended A&M to be a branch of UT. They are like the afterbirth from the original creation. Like Danny Devito in "Twins".

3) So they apparently have this complex, so much so, that they must devote their entire school to trying to prove to UT that they are just as good. All the while, nobody at UT denies that A&M is a good school,yet they won't shut up. So they write a fight song......about?....Texas, and how they want to beat them. They have a Fish Camp for freshman where they tell them how bad Texas is and how good A&M and all its traditions are. It is the world's largest known case of penis envy, and it is manifested in everything A&M does.

4) The people at A&M. Now we all have friends who went to A&M or are at A&M. There are some nice people there. However...there is the Corp.
East Texas' answer to dreams of ROTC kids everywhere. For every boy scout who never learned to stop playing with his GI Joe Toys, there is
the Corp. Now, forget the fact that A&M will actually let people with sub-par grades enroll if they agree to join the Corp. Forget the fact
that the Corps looked like a Gestapo hate rally while beating down students on Kyle Field in 1995. Forget the fact that along with the
numerous hazing charges that have been filed against them, and swept under the rug over the years, they just this past month have had one
Corps member bring charges against another Corps member who apparently had been propositioning others for a little actual sodomy. Not only
could I go on with more instances of idiocracy by these Khaki-clad-shaven-headed-dorks, I am sure each of you have your own stories. The point is: We all respect West Point, Annapolis, The Air Force Academy; however, nobody respects the Corp. I imagine they are kind of the laughing stock of the military world. Just because you dress like
the Army, and try and act like the Army, does not make you the Army. People at A&M don't even
respect these clowns. It is not cool to shave your head and dress up. Halloween is only supposed to be one day of the year. If you want to
carry guns and beat up civilians, move to Israel.

5) It is even less cool to slobber on somebody's daughter on national television and call it a tradition. Dry humping 18 year old girls in
the stands at football games is not cool. Not only is it not cool, it should be against the law. I know that in College Station, students are just prone to mount each other on the campus lawn, or in the middle of class, or anytime anything good happens you can just grab the girl sitting next to you and start sucking on her face. But everywhere else in the world, it is looked down upon. Especially if you are doing it on my TV. That is why we have moved the game from Thanksgiving. Because people across the nation were gagging on their turkey when in the middle of watching a football game, some boy scout is tongue thrashing some overweight co-ed during somebody's Thanksgiving dinner. We do not need to see burly women engaged in a suckfest every time your woeful offense manages to put points on the board. Some of these girls are in desperate need of a trip to the Clinique counter. Screw that, forget make-up, it is too late for that, just
give them a veil.

6) "t.u." is not funny. It is NOT insulting. It is dumb. Just imagine if folks from Texas kept talking about M&A and giggling. That would
not be funny. In fact, it would be retarded. That's why UT fans don't do it. Please learn.

7) You want to lose the image of country bumpkins, of a people fond of sheep, of people that aren't stupid? Then quit building things that
fall down.Quit chasing cheerleaders around with swords on national TV. Quit whooping in church. Quit whooping period. Quit putting up scoreboards for the enjoyment of dead mammals. Quit spending your Friday nights practicing how to yell. Quit telling rape jokes to reporters when you're running for Governor. When you are filling out season ticket renewals, and the form asks for your phone #, H & W, quit putting 258-3999, Height 6'3", Weight 185. Just, collectively, stop making asses of yourselves. Go to East Texas, tour every small town, and ask every red neck with a 5th grade education why they cheer for A&M and wear maroon. That is your fan base. This is why you are perceived by the educated masses as stupid.

8) Nobody cares if you think your band is better. They might be louder, they might march in neat little zig zags, but they have no musical ability. The point is, nobody cares who wins halftime. Quit getting geeked up about marching bands. I find it hard to believe you stood through your high school band's entire halftime performance. And why? Cause nobody cared then and nobody cares now. Plus, you can hear them fine sitting down even if you do care. Why is it cool all of a sudden now that you're in college?

9) Men should never let out high pitched whooping sounds. Perhaps the only justifiable situation in which this can be tolerated is perhaps during an anal probe. Oh wait...I understand now.

10) Dogs are not ladies. They don't look or smell like ladies. Dogs eat their own feces and should be treated accordingly.

11) Finally, College Station is an arm-pit of a town. Quit pretending that it is a great college town. It is a town and there is a college there. That should be the end of this comparison. If you feel that life doesn't get any better than the Dixie Chicken, and enjoy being stuck in a never
ending "Dukes of Hazard" episode, then move there. More importantly, don't move to Austin.....they are trying to create an educated, technological, and open minded population base. Austin is, and will continue to be, the
birthplace and final resting place of all that is cool.


02-28-2003, 02:24 PM
Go FSU!! :cool:

02-28-2003, 02:29 PM
Jacket...I have read that quote before and all I can say to you if you really believe that about me since I graduated from A&M is I am sorry. I am sorry that my conduct on this board and others has not given you a favorable impression. I am sorry you cannot see the positive through the jaundiced view of that article. I am sorry that you cannot witness a silver taps ceremony after the loss of a friend (there is nothing like it at any other campus), I am sorry that you can't attend an Aggie muster and answer "present" at the roll call for a friend or family member who has passed away that year. It grieves me when an Aggie acts poorly to others but it grieves me also when a whole university and its traditions are judged based on the content of that article.

02-28-2003, 03:07 PM
Jacket, I too am sorry that you find things about a great university to be so unsettling. The fact that you don't understand the traditions, nor your wanting to understand the traditions, is a shame. So much for the advances accomplished in Austin. I guessit is "cool" to be closed minded and make fun of other schools traditions.

You want to know why Austin is so technically advanced? Look around you. Look at all the Aggies in Austin. I promise there are more there than you think.

02-28-2003, 03:37 PM
Texas A&M and Tradition? A&M is ranked in the top 25 year in and year out and every year they end up losing 4-5 games. That is not tradition. Yes they have the 12th man and the Corp but maybe they should win some ball games and maybe some championships like FSU, Miami, Nebraska, Notre Dame etc. before they are even spoke of in that company. I went to the Cotton Bowl when A&M played Notre Dame (1988 I think). Of course I rooted for Notre Dame, I guess that is the true sign of a Longhorn fan.

big daddy russ
02-28-2003, 03:43 PM
Jimbo, as far as the "stupid" traditions like "Howdy", the dunking of the ring, so on and so forth, there's no one that can compare. Now I know that those traditions are stupid to a whole lot of people, but I love 'em. I have a younger brother who goes to TAMU right now and the school spirit, even after you graduate, is amazing. I made a trip to see family out in the boonies of Alabama once with a friend of mine who graduated from TAMU. An older gentlemen at a restaurant saw my buddy's class ring and immediately it was like they had known each other for years. Those traditions bring the students together and I can't knock that. I have friends that went to Notre Dame, Oklahoma, Nebraska and Michigan and the only way traditions that those schools can hold over TAMU is their football traditions.

I'm a huge Auburn fan and I do have to say that the Auburn/Alabama rivalry is taken much more serious than the UT/TAMU rivalry, but the Texas rivalry, the rivalry between Ohio State and Penn State, and the Clemson/South Carolina rivalries are the only ones that can hold a candle to the Iron Bowl.

As far as football tradition, Notre Dame has to be number one.

Oh, and Jacket... I know you're a smart guy underneath that thick skull of yours. wink :D TAMU was around before UT. Period. They were the first public university in Texas. If TAMU's an extension of UT then that D/FW conspiracy is alive and well.

P.S. I know I'm long-winded, but it's all good.

02-28-2003, 07:16 PM
Jimbo, I have nothing at all against A&M. It is a great school and when I went to A&M for a visit, it was the most fun I have ever had. The only thing I dont like about A&M is their spite of UT. I dont see why you sing a fight song about a team all year long when you only play them once. Calling it tu is stupid also. I know I wouldnt be talking that much mess about a school that has kicked my tail the last year.

02-28-2003, 08:21 PM
Holy cow, Jacket! I've never felt so close to you in my life before! You said a number of things I've felt for a long time but avoided saying myself in the interest of peace.(Some of it was hilarious too!) However, I will point out that your comparison between the Boy Scouts and the Corp is way off base. Having been a Scoutmaster for a number of years, I can tell you for certain that the Boy Scouts I have known have a lot more common sense than the Cadets I have known. There are three of my Eagles currently enrolled at A&M, and I can assure you, they would never partake in any of that stuff.(I would die from embarrassment if they did, and so would their parents)
I will also say that I am wise enough to know there are lots of good people at A&M. Vet93 certainly seems like one of them. I know my three Eagles are. It does seem that the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives though. Their permanent fixation with UT is ridiculous and is becoming annoying(Sorta like constant whining, even though I detest that word). By the way, A&M opened in 1876 as a result of the Morril Act of 1862. UT made it's debut in 1883. This according to their respective websites.

<small>[ February 28, 2003, 07:31 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

02-28-2003, 09:50 PM
A&M goes hard

03-01-2003, 02:19 AM
LOL, don't get your panties in a wad, y'all,I didnt write the article. I do agree with some of the things about many of the A&M traditions being stupid(and no, Im not one of the Longhorn faithfull, more of a Horned Frog or Owl man, m'self), but I dont put labels on entire groups of people b/c of a few idiots. So, Vet, no, I dont think those things about you just b/c you graduated from M&A(see, doesn't that sound stupid?). You are one of our best posters and I'll be the first to say it.

03-01-2003, 02:20 AM
i just guess no one understands the meaning of rivalry....its sure not a friendly rivalry either.

i do agree that we shouldnt go on memerial (is that what its called) stadium since they cant come on ours.

and also, when i say tradition, i dont mean winning, i mean pride in your school, and pride in what you belong to.

winning only brings so much, but being happy with who you are brings joy.

Kinda like religion, all the religion and morals cant get you into heaven, but a good healthy relationship with Jesus Christ will. (Morals being wins, and the relationship being happyiness)

03-01-2003, 02:27 AM
what is wrong with whooping?
its an aggie's way of showing enthusiasm.
i see nothing wrong with it.

03-01-2003, 02:45 AM
hey jimbo, traditions do not win championships, oh yea, gag'em aggies, :D

03-01-2003, 10:51 AM
I personally am an Oklahoma fan. They don't have many traditions, just the ruf necks and the fans get pretty pumped when the drum major comes brings the band onto the field before the game. And the Red River Shootout is a pretty good rivalry.

03-01-2003, 11:28 AM
Jimbotex, I think there are a lot of us that understand rilvalry a lot better than you give us credit for. My point in all this is we must be realistic about things. When a rivalry or a "tradition" results in a violent act or even a very stupid one, it's gone WAY too far for all involved. It's time to step back, take a long hard look and ask "What the hell are we doing?". Traditions and rivalries are very fine things, but only if kept in perspective.

03-01-2003, 12:20 PM
what have put them in perspective, now...there hasnt been an incident like this for a while, and there proly wont be one for a long time to come. i totally understand where youre coming from, we have gone over the line in the past.
i just hope that next time you guys watch the Aggies play on tv. you'll take a minute to see the crowd's spirit of comrodory, it really is second to none.

and as much as i hate to admit it, texas does have an awesome fball team that was beat us rather handily the past three years.

might i add again, this really does not bother since i know that we have the best and most loyal fans on earth

03-01-2003, 12:30 PM
sportsfan: what you said is true, but like i said, tradition and spirit can bring you joy.

03-01-2003, 12:34 PM
Jacket...I know that you didn't write the article, I just thought that you were endorsing its content. As long as you judge me ( and other aggies) individually, then we are cool. In regards to the t.u. thing...it is nothing more than a word game that gets under the skin of a rival. That is why the horns say things like gag'em aggies etc...It is also why Stephenville tries to get on Brownwood's nerves by saying "Burn the Wood" and Brownwood retorts with "Drill the ville". In regards to the rivalry, people don't realize how long this rivalry goes back. I wouldn't say that it is much different from some of the other great in state or intra-conference rivalries such as Michigan/Michigan st. or Auburn/Alabama. We are just not there to here all of the rhetoric. I here that the Auburn/Alabama rivalry gets down right nasty compared to A&M and UT. Sinton66...I know that you are a good guy and hope that you will take my word on this...I roomed with an eagle scout/order of the arrow member in college for four years. We spent alot of time talking about boy scouting (I was a cub scout washout :confused: ). Many of the values that the Scouts adhere to are shared by the corps. As is the case with many things the corps is a lightening rod organization in part due to some of the bone headed things they have done in the past. As a result, their screw ups will be highly publicized and made fun of and their accomplishments will go unnoticed. I saw this first hand when I saw some of the greek organizations do some real bone-headed things and hardly anyone even noticed and then the corps would do something less offensive and people would be all over them. I was never a member of the corps and sometimes they would make me madder than fire when one of the corps members would do something moronic...I just wish that people could also see the good things as well...I just have to remember what my Daddy used to say..."Son, sometimes life just isn't fair so get over it!". wink

03-01-2003, 10:40 PM
I know what you're saying is true, Vet93. Hopefully one day Texas A&M and the Corps will realize they are their own worst enemies in all this. Like the Scouts, they could stand to learn a thing or two about doing things that result in positive press coverage (although that is not the Scouts motivation). The only way they will accomplish that is to forget the fixation and concentrate on bettering themselves and what they project to the general public. I know I sound like I have a low opinion of the Corps, and actually my low opinion is only focused on relatively few of it's members. The organization needs to take responsibility and educate it's members. It only takes a few rotten apples to spoil a whole barrel.

03-02-2003, 01:14 AM
BigChamp, i like OU too, fans and drum major are as much fun to watch as team, fans do get pumped, :D

jimbo, championships bring MORE joy than tradition and spirit, something that aggies have not had too many of, if any, but i do have lot of aggie friends

I love to watch team who win, i do not like to watch teams/fans with pre-post game dances and such, be it high school or college

this is just my opinion, it is not intended to offend anyone take it and a nickel and buy a chunk of bubble gum

03-02-2003, 02:03 AM
Sportsfan, do you get to go to alot of the games? The most intense games are the ones in Dallas though, no doubt. It just makes it 10 times better that we kick Texas' butt.

03-02-2003, 02:16 PM
i respect your opinion sportsfan, but you have to admit that when Texas A&M beat Ou this past season, that we have more spirit than anyone.

oh yeah, please tell stoops to go easy on us back in norman next year, try to forget about pounding us in attempt for revenge. :p

03-02-2003, 09:19 PM
Hey Jimbotex, even a blind squirrel finds a nut sometimes. Nothing is going to hold back OU next year. I'll be sure to go to that one, it will be fun.

03-02-2003, 09:29 PM
yeah, that will be a blast.

do u know how many tickets Ou reserves for the opposing teams fans?

im gonna go to A&M vs TTU, in lubbock and hopefully A&M vs UN, in lincoln.

I can proly get tickets to those two, but i hear its pretty hard to get them to Ou games, since they are so many fans but their stadium doesnt hold very many people....is that true?

03-02-2003, 09:34 PM
We just added alot of stands. I'm not sure on the exact number, but it is quite a bit i think. I have reserved tickets to every game so i don't know how hard it is to get tickets, sorry.

03-02-2003, 11:08 PM
BigChamp, i make about 3-4 a year -- and have made a few bowl games -- always make the Baylor game, but that is never much of a game -- i have come accross as many oklahoma fans as i have ut and aggie fans around this state -- jimbo, no revenge with ATM, just football, we consider that a speed bump that tripped us -- but did not hurt us --now the game with OSU is another story,

03-02-2003, 11:18 PM
I get tickets to every one, but i usually only make 3 or 4 because of our own games. I went to the Rose Bowl this year though, so that was pretty cool. OSU has gotten pretty good the past couple of years, and they get fired up for the rivalry. That rivalry is just about as good as the one with UT. At least we beat UT.

big daddy russ
03-03-2003, 03:08 AM
One thing that I'm very proud to say about our colleges here in Texas is that even though we may be rivals when we play each other, we pull for the other team whenever they play someone else. I know I'm heartbroken when UT loses to some out of state team. And don't tell anyone, but I'll root for the Crimson Tide unless they're playing Auburn. wink
I wish the rest of my family was the same. If they heard me say that they'd have me tarred and feathered. :D :D :D

03-03-2003, 04:19 PM
yeah, yall should be madder about the OSU loss, cuz theyve beat yall 2 in a row. weve only beat yall once.

03-03-2003, 04:39 PM
What's an aggie?

03-03-2003, 04:56 PM
back in the 1800's when Texas A&M fisrt opened, it was meant to be an agricultural and mechanical school, but it was primarily concerned with agriculture, because people actually farmed back then.

"aggie", im guessing is a term that people called the students at A&M since they were interested in agriculture.

Billy Boy
03-03-2003, 10:10 PM
The aggie name won by 1 vote over the grease monkies. :D

03-03-2003, 10:25 PM

the claw
03-04-2003, 02:18 PM
Every University has people who do stupid stuff. A&M is no exception, but to classify the entire University on what you have read in the paper or seen on t.v. is a little close-minded. I know texas fans who are alot quicker to badmouth A&M than I would ever be to say bad stuff about them. In fact I really don't know too many Aggies that go around bashing Texas for giggles. Maybe you should come down to College Station sometime and you'd see that most peoples views of A&M are pretty off base.

Thanks and GIG 'EM

03-04-2003, 07:27 PM
claw: are you a student at A&M, if so what year?

also, i was wondering what the freshman and junior yells are. i know that seniors whoop with their hands held up folded across like a gun. i know sophomores yell ay, ay, ay, ay, ay.

03-04-2003, 08:21 PM
Whoop Whoop Whoop! Just thought I would try it once. Did I do it right? Man I feel dumb. :D

03-04-2003, 10:39 PM
lol, no, you did it wrong.

the claw
03-06-2003, 12:42 PM
Jimbo, yes I am an Aggie. Fightin' class of 05. The junior yell(for future reference it's called a wildcat, don't know why but that's what it's called) is A-A-A Whoop! with the hands pointed toward the ground folded like a gun. The fish wildcat is just raising your hands over your head and yelling.
Are you planning on coming down here next year? If so congrats!

03-06-2003, 04:11 PM
yeah, i coming down there next year, im excited.

the claw
03-06-2003, 07:05 PM
That's awesome, you'll love it.

03-06-2003, 07:53 PM
A&M can suck my big toe lol

<small>[ March 06, 2003, 06:56 PM: Message edited by: rhs_olb33_06 ]</small>

03-06-2003, 11:07 PM
thanks the claw

rhsolb: i was mad until i read toe...well, i guess thats about as nasty as what you were gonna say.