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View Full Version : Greenwood 20, Ballinger 17 Final

08-30-2003, 09:27 PM
I don't have any stats but it was a great ending. Greenwood kicks go ahead field goal with 5 seconds remaining in the game. Ballinger's Posey returns the kickoff to the 5 yard line but the time ran out and Greenwood wins the ballgame. Great job by both teams. The play was a little sloppy on both sides of the ball but the effort was good. Lots of penalties and turnovers. It was exciting to listen to on the radio. I am sure Ranger Mom will be able to give a firsthand account when she gets back from the game.

08-30-2003, 09:29 PM
Wow, sounds like it was a good game. First ones usually are a little off the mark. Weather prolly didn't help much either. Glad they got to play it though.

Ranger Mom
08-30-2003, 09:37 PM
RangerFan31 - jump in here and help me!!

It was tied going into the 4th. Dawson kicks a field goal leaving 4 seconds on the clock. Posey runs ball back to the 5.

They cannot keep playing like this or Ranger Mom is gonna have to purchase some diapers!!

BAllinger QB was sent to hospital with neck injury, didn't look too serious. I hope not!!

Too excited to type right now!!

08-30-2003, 09:41 PM
Congrats Rangers!
Ranger Mom, how did you wipe out that thread? I was trying to reply, and got dumped. My computer lost the server, and I had to reboot. Hope the injury wasn't serious.

<small>[ August 30, 2003, 09:44 PM: Message edited by: sinton66 ]</small>

Ranger Mom
08-30-2003, 09:45 PM
I didn't actually remove it, I just re-named it!!

08-30-2003, 09:46 PM
Sounds like a very exciting game. I had Ballinger to win, looks like they came dang close. Congrats to Greenwood on a hard fought victory. Hope the Ballinger QB is ok.

Ranger Mom
08-30-2003, 09:53 PM
I am curious to see how many penalties were in that game. I don't think I have ever seen one game that had so many!!

08-30-2003, 09:58 PM
I'll try and find out how our QB is with the neck injury (Tyler McGee). I hope it is not to serious...this is his senior season. We had to replace him with a sophomore (Wes Vanicek). The radio announcers said that the field looked good and held up really well...RangerMom...tell your friend she did a good job! It is hard to get a mental picture of how well each team played over the radio. It sound like there were a lot of mistakes on both sides of the ball. What was your impression of both teams RangerMom or Rangerfan31. Any surprises one way or the other?

<small>[ August 30, 2003, 10:00 PM: Message edited by: vet93 ]</small>

Ranger Mom
08-30-2003, 10:05 PM
I thought Ballinger looked good, that Posey is a "HOSS"!!

We had a hard time holding on to the ball, not real sure what the problem was. There a few funbles on both sides!!

I spent half my time yelling up into the stands, trying to get our "lack-luster" fans off of their butts. I have the same ole gripe I had last year. The fans SHOULD NOT get to their feet only because the players are pumping the arms telling them too! They should already be there!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!

08-30-2003, 10:10 PM
Dawson Wilbur is one special player...listening on the radio he reminds me so much of Carrillo of Sweetwater last year. Just when you think that you have him...he breaks out a big one on you. You cannot stop him... you can only hope to contain him. It sounds like Audus had a good game as well.

08-30-2003, 11:21 PM
It sounds like Tyler McGee, the Ballinger qb is going to be o.k. Also, I have a correction on the run back at the end of the game. Posey threw the ball to John King who ran the ball down to the 5 yard line. It sounded like it was the same play that the Tennessee Titans used in the AFC championship game a few years back. Talk to everybody later.

Ranger Mom
08-30-2003, 11:28 PM
Thanks for the clarification Vet93. To tell you the truth, I had no clue WHO was running the ball. I couldn't see because he was running down the sidelines and our boys were blocking my view.

I'm glad to hear that the QB is gonna be okay. His back-up did a pretty good job IMO!!

08-31-2003, 01:21 AM
It wasnt that time ran out... he was taken down at the 3 or 4 It was a great game.. Hats off to the bearcats.... And Ranger Mom sometimes us as moms whos kids are actually on the field its hard to keep up with the current cheer thats going on we are actually watching the game I will leave the cheering for you! I know Emily and I do our part...We are plenty loud...

Ranger Mom
08-31-2003, 08:46 AM
It wasnt that time ran out... he was taken down at the 3 or 4 It was a great game.. Hats off to the bearcats.... And Ranger Mom sometimes us as moms whos kids are actually on the field its hard to keep up with the current cheer thats going on we are actually watching the game I will leave the cheering for you! I know Emily and I do our part...We are plenty loud...Lisa,
You know good and well I am not talking about you OR Emily!! You are always on your feet - yelling. I am not even talking about cheers! I am talking about the people glued to their seats, who look like they are in front of their TV's watching an infomercial! They don't yell or clap for first downs, touchdowns, NOTHING!! Unless....Ulyses or Dustin "TELLS" them too!! You know....those same people in the reserved seats that used to tell YOU to sit down because they couldn't see, which is why you told me you don't sit there anymore! I am not saying that everyone needs to cheer with the cheerleaders, I don't, unless it is 2-bits or a cheer designed for the crowd to "yell back", or last night, the group I sit with started "DEFENSE" several times. Ballinger didn't even HAVE cheerleaders last night and their crowd was on it's feet yelling, so this is not about the cheerleaders - it's about the fans!

08-31-2003, 09:14 AM
Rangermom...Ballinger has its fair share of fans that sit on their hands during the games too. Some "fans" see the game as nothing more than a social event and gossip session. Remember last season...the Ranger fans got better and better at yelling for the team as the season went on. In a lot of ways it his hard to really get excited about the first game of the season when you just came off of the high of playing in the finals. I'll bet they will get into the swing of things as the season progresses and be ready for another playoff run.

Ranger Mom
08-31-2003, 09:46 AM
I agree, the play-off crowds were awesome. In my mind, every game should be played as if it could be your last game, I guess I am an "Xtreme Fan"!! :D

I have a BLAST at football games. I realize I should probably cut the "fuddy-duds" some slack. (They irritate me though!! :mad: ) I am probably as obnoxious to them as they are to me!! I never have been one to be overly concerned about anyone elses opinion though, what you see is what you get with me!! Same thing with Audasmom, I would never doubt her fanaticism either. (Is fanaticism even a word?) :p

Okay, I'll quit harping on the fans now, I realize I can't change anything. Ya'll know how I feel, and after all these years I'm sure the fans do to!! Thanks for letting me vent, I feel so much better!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D :D :D

08-31-2003, 10:48 AM
That was a very good game wasnt well played but it was a thriller. Hats off to ballinger. But in the first quarter greenwood was playin there kind of football and put 14 points on the board fast, i talked to audas and wilbur and they said everything was going great in the 1st quarter, ballinger was going 3 and out and we were playing ranger football. But im not trying to be cocky but this game shouldnt have been close, greenwood turned the ball over so many times in bad field positions and in side the 20. Like the Midland reporter telegram said greenwood double the yardage and had to many turnovers and that the game shouldnt have been close. Greenwoo had a very bad game and is going to have a great team this year. But they got to work on a few things. But from what i seen greenwood had a better team and controled the game.

08-31-2003, 10:51 AM
By the way my cousin is Travis Mcgee and is doing great just a little banged up.

Green Ranger
08-31-2003, 01:08 PM
I give Ballinger all the credit in the world, to come out the second half after seeing their quarterback taken away like that says alot. I am glad to hear the he will be alright. Not trying to take away from the game, however those officials were obviously a little bit rusty. Good Luck Ballinger the rest of the year.

08-31-2003, 02:13 PM
Thanks GreenRanger...from all accounts it sounds like everybody was a little rusty! You guys have a tough predistrict schedule. Both sets of Mustangs (Andrews and Sweetwater) are going to be laying for you guys. This type of competition will only make you better. Hopefully...if all goes well and everybody keeps improving and cleaning up the turnovers and penalties we will get to see each other again later in the season. Good luck to the Rangers this year!

08-31-2003, 06:24 PM
I was at this game and it was great till the end. Who was the guy that made the tackle at the 4 or 5? And is it just me or is greenwood in field goal range as soon as they cross the 50. I mean ive seen wilbur kick before but never from the stands...pretty impressive!!

<small>[ August 31, 2003, 06:25 PM: Message edited by: lobo70as ]</small>

09-01-2003, 01:43 AM
It was Brooks.. I think both of them played a great game.
