View Full Version : What would the media say about past athletes/teams?

big daddy russ
06-16-2009, 02:36 AM
I was reading a Bill Simmons article about how little Kobe's actually changed since last year (remember the "too selfish" claims?) and it made me think of something. Since the advent of the internet, the 24-hour news cycle, and the OJ trial, the media has encouraged more opinion/editorial pieces breaking down today's players and teams to fill space and time.

What would today's media would say about past players and teams?

Some examples:
-Michael Jordan, mid-80's through early-90's-- "He's too selfish." (Drawing on the "selfish" line from Kobe.)

-Lou Gehrig-- "He's not selfish enough. He needs to stop deferring to Babe Ruth." and "Gehrig and Ruth don't have any chemistry. They just happen to work together, but they don't like each other. I wonder when it'll implode. (Later in Ruth's career... drawing on the 'unselfish' line that was always given to Kevin Garnett.)"

-1985 Chicago Bears-- "If they run into a team that can stop Payton and that running game and force Jim McMahon to carry them, they'll be in trouble."