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View Full Version : TCU declined GMAC Bowl Invitation...

11-29-2003, 03:55 AM
What could have been a possible match up of Miami Ohio and TCU. The school officials are going to decline the bowl bid because the game would fall in the middle of their exam week.

They had lost a shot at a BCS bowl bid (by losing to S. Miss) and now refusing a major bowl. Hopefully some other bowl committee will offer them an invitation???

11-29-2003, 09:40 AM
What could have been a possible match up of Miami Ohio and TCU. The school officials are going to decline the bowl bid because the game would fall in the middle of their exam week.

They had lost a shot at a BCS bowl bid (by losing to S. Miss) and now refusing a major bowl. Hopefully some other bowl committee will offer them an invitation???That is classless. The last two years that they received the invitation from the same bowl they accepted and moved the exam date up 1 week for the players. The coach said "it is not fair for the athletes to take the test a week early in order to atttend a bowlgame." Sounds to me that a few are bitter they will not be getting a BCS bowl bid, where they would have been playing in January instead of December.

11-29-2003, 09:45 AM
I fail to understand what's "classless" about it.

11-30-2003, 06:27 PM
Does not the boys' education come before the game of football?

11-30-2003, 06:27 PM
Does not the boys' education come before the game of football?

11-30-2003, 07:32 PM
Does not the boys' education come before the game of football?Make no mistake about it BigRedfan...an education is the most important objective in this venue. But put yourself in these 106 young men position, that make up TCU's Football team and practice squads. The countless hours from spring training to where they are at now with a respectable 11-1 record, the sacrifice that they have worked all year for perfection to be denied what all athletes strive for and that is a Championship. Weather it be a National Title or a Bowl title. How many Division I colleges (school officials) with even an 8-4 record or better would alter a weeks exam period in order to support their athletic programs in such a manner. They all do it, they are not depriving any of the student from an education. There will be programs with a record much better than say an 8-4 record that will be setting at home, wishing that they had the opportunity to play in a major bowl.

Fair, no it's not fair, but it revolves around what school will bring the most fans regardless of the records...with the exception of the BCS standings. There is where the money comes in to a Bowl picture and if that schools fan base isn't appealing, then that is where bowl committees... regardless of their record overlook your smaller schools.

No...An education is everything. It's the people that have the power to make a decision and not weigh all their options. Schools strive for National TV time. That is where the recruiting for next year begins.

Is it fair? I guess it depends on the individual...but opinions vary...