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05-30-2009, 11:30 AM
Any Mac users out there? I'm fed up w/ Microsoft Windows. XP was ALRIGHT, Vista is garbage, and Windows 7 appears to be just a cleaned up version of Vista. I'm done. Ordered a Mac Book Pro. Goodbye Windows....you are the weakest link.

05-30-2009, 11:40 AM
I have a 24 inch iMac and 13 inch MacBook. Both are great computers. Have had no problems with them at all.
The only problem with them is I am finishing my college degree online and the university is not compatible with Mac so I have to do all my school work on my Dell XPS 1530.

05-30-2009, 11:41 AM
Also the web browser, Safari, is not compatible with alot of stuff also. So when you try to work on certain things you cant.

05-30-2009, 11:42 AM
To add an exclamation point to it all....I was going to put XP on my HP and send it home to my wife....but here are a few points...

A. Buying an HP was my first mistake, I swore an oath to myself after the last HP I'd never buy another...and I broke that oath and now regret it.

B. The laptop came w/ Vista on it...and has a SATA hard drive....when I went to put XP on it....SURPRISE!! XP does not come w/ the SATA drivers so XP does not recognize or see the SATA HD on the laptop during installation and blue screens. YAY!! I know there are ways around it....but the most logical way I saw around it was to buy the Mac. I'm done trying to "fix" Windows. :D

C. Linux Ubuntu is nice, and runs a hellova lot faster on my machiens than Windows...but it can't do everything I need/want it to. It comes CLOSE...but no cigar. :

Did I mention I hate Microsoft Windows?

Electus Unus
05-30-2009, 11:42 AM
firefox is mac compatible

05-30-2009, 11:43 AM
Its like there are no viruses for Mac's. I have had a few viruses on my Dell from downloading music with Limewire but none with Frostwire on my Mac.

05-30-2009, 11:43 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
I have a 24 inch iMac and 13 inch MacBook. Both are great computers. Have had no problems with them at all.
The only problem with them is I am finishing my college degree online and the university is not compatible with Mac so I have to do all my school work on my Dell 1530. Have you tried running Parallels or VMWare Fusion or Boot Camp w/ a Windows XP installation? With Parellels and VMWare Fusion you can run OS-X AND Windows simultaniously, I believe w/ boot camp you have to dual boot....one or the other.

05-30-2009, 11:44 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
Its like there are no viruses for Mac's. I have had a few viruses on my Dell from downloading music with Limewire but none with Frostwire on my Mac.
That is what you get for breaking the law! :mad: :mad: :mad:

Society has failed you

05-30-2009, 11:45 AM

05-30-2009, 11:47 AM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
Any Mac users out there? I'm fed up w/ Microsoft Windows. XP was ALRIGHT, Vista is garbage, and Windows 7 appears to be just a cleaned up version of Vista. I'm done. Ordered a Mac Book Pro. Goodbye Windows....you are the weakest link.

MacBook Pro's look very nice. I want one.

05-30-2009, 11:49 AM
Originally posted by IHStangFan
To add an exclamation point to it all....I was going to put XP on my HP and send it home to my wife....but here are a few points...

A. Buying an HP was my first mistake, I swore an oath to myself after the last HP I'd never buy another...and I broke that oath and now regret it.

B. The laptop came w/ Vista on it...and has a SATA hard drive....when I went to put XP on it....SURPRISE!! XP does not come w/ the SATA drivers so XP does not recognize or see the SATA HD on the laptop during installation and blue screens. YAY!! I know there are ways around it....but the most logical way I saw around it was to buy the Mac. I'm done trying to "fix" Windows. :D

C. Linux Ubuntu is nice, and runs a hellova lot faster on my machiens than Windows...but it can't do everything I need/want it to. It comes CLOSE...but no cigar. :

Did I mention I hate Microsoft Windows?

I almost bought one of the those touch screen HP's but decided against it.

05-30-2009, 11:53 AM
I have a question. I bought the Microsoft Word 2007 update, can I install it on my work computer if they dont have a license without getting in trouble?

05-30-2009, 11:54 AM
Macs are exponetially more expensive, but I believe they are worth every penny. I ended up paying right at $2000 for it....when in reality it was closer to a $3000 machine according to most places I looked. Shopped around till I found a good deal. It's the Mac Book Pro 15.4" w/ 2.53GB processor, 4GB of RAM, 512 video card & I BELIEVE a 250GB HD. It should be here next week. Can't wait!!

05-30-2009, 11:58 AM
Originally posted by turbostud
I have a question. I bought the Microsoft Word 2007 update, can I install it on my work computer if they dont have a license without getting in trouble? I would say as long as you can provide a product code for the machine you are installing it on and nobody else installs it on their machine at work it'd be fine.....BUT....That being said....probably best to check w/ your IT dept. though just to be safe. Could be that the licensing that came w/ your indivudial software is meant for home use only and by installing it on a company computer you may be violating the terms of the user agreement. It's hard to say. I reiterate....check w/ your IT dept.

Cats Fan
05-30-2009, 03:46 PM
the only reason there are "no viruses for mac" is because windows is used more than macs...so of course hackers will attack what is used more often than not...myself..i use ubuntu...but thats cause im a software engineer and do all of my coding on it!

05-30-2009, 04:21 PM
I have had a MacBook Pro for a little over a year and really like it. I work for a software company and several of our products run on Windows so I use both VM Ware and Parallels (I didn't know which one I would like more) and have no real issues with either. If you haven't purchased iLife, do it and I really like iWork also. I have migrated all of my presentations from PowerPoint to Keynote. The features in Keynote are really cool!

05-30-2009, 05:27 PM
PCs suck plain and simple