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View Full Version : North Korea Nuke Launch!!!!!!1

05-24-2009, 11:10 PM
North Korea has just exploded a nuclear bomb underground. It registered as a 4.7 earthquake in South Korea. China is supporting Kim Jong-Il and the North Korean government in this excercise.

05-25-2009, 01:53 AM
Originally posted by SHSBulldog00
North Korea has just exploded a nuclear bomb underground. It registered as a 4.7 earthquake in South Korea. China is supporting Kim Jong-Il and the North Korean government in this excercise. If it was underground, it wasn't a launch. Whether it is nuclear I bet isn't determined yet. The success the 1st time they conducted one was minimal at best. A separate incident also occurred, a missile launch was detected but wasn't nuclear tipped, just a test. They're trying to rush the acceptance as a Nuclear nation. China isn't supporting them, they're stating they won't support more sanctions, rather just censure. Basically drag its feet.

05-28-2009, 08:41 AM
These North Koreans are crazy. I'm sure they won't follow through with their threat of a war with the south.

05-30-2009, 06:45 PM
Didn't we just recently send food to North Korea?

05-31-2009, 09:50 AM
Originally posted by KingRob
Didn't we just recently send food to North Korea? been doing it for over a decade. They present the most difficult geopolitical quagmire on the globe. I'm glad South Korea has a tough leader now that will allow us to rattle the saber a bit louder with them (ship inspections and defensive measures along the DMZ).
I personally believe, despite likely intense Chinese objection, that we promote a Japanese military build-up. We acquiesced Germany, no reason we shouldn't do the same for Japan. We can't fight everyone's battles any more, but we can sure help them defend themselves.

05-31-2009, 06:43 PM
Has anyone else read the book Dead Heat by Joel C. Rosenberg? If not, may I suggest that you read it? It's a book about a fictional nuclear attack on the United States. I was a good reader and did not skip ahead to find out which country was behind the attack...anyone want to guess which nation launched the attack in the book?

He also wrote a book called The Last Jihad about a hijacked airplane that was on a crash course with a fictional American city. This book was written 9 months before 9/11.

Both of the above books are fiction. Mr. Rosenberg has also written a couple of other books that are interesting reading.