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View Full Version : How far would you go to save a dogs life?

05-23-2009, 10:05 PM
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – A man said he saved his dog's life after sucking venom from a rattlesnake bite out of the animal's nose. Bobby Jenkins said he began feeling ill after getting his dog, Tank, to a veterinarian. He went to the hospital and received a dose of antivenin.

In all, Jenkins needed four vials of antivenin at a cost of $3,500 per vial.

Meanwhile, Jenkins said his dog's head swelled up to three times its normal size. Tank had been bitten after running under some equipment on the family ranch.

The dog also received antivenin and both Jenkins and his dog have recovered.


K-MAC Chuck
05-24-2009, 08:28 AM
Wow! What a story!

On a MUCH lesser scale...3 years ago, I was walking my 15-pound Bichon Frise (Fabian), and went to check my mail. A neighbor was walking by with her Pit Bull on a leash. Out of nowhere, the Pit wrestled the leash out of my neighbor's hands and attacked my dog, getting hold of his collar with its teeth. Without thinking, I dove and tackled the Pit to the ground while my dog ran away.
The Pit (fortunately for me) quit fighting once I got it on the ground and my neighbor rushed over and took control of her dog. Trust me, if I hadn't done a "knee-jerk" reaction and had my senses about me, I doubt I would have done what I did...

I also know of a guy in Llano who chopped up a rattlesnake with a shovel to save his black lab...

05-24-2009, 09:32 AM
Originally posted by Trashman
CHEYENNE, Wyo. – A man said he saved his dog's life after sucking venom from a rattlesnake bite out of the animal's nose. Bobby Jenkins said he began feeling ill after getting his dog, Tank, to a veterinarian. He went to the hospital and received a dose of antivenin.

In all, Jenkins needed four vials of antivenin at a cost of $3,500 per vial.

Meanwhile, Jenkins said his dog's head swelled up to three times its normal size. Tank had been bitten after running under some equipment on the family ranch.

The dog also received antivenin and both Jenkins and his dog have recovered.


Great stories but dog would do the same for us. Have a Blue Healer and talk about beast that will lay it on the line for you? Ya Good stories.

05-24-2009, 10:49 AM
I grew up way out in the sticks, right in the middle of rattlesnake country. Probably had at least 6 dogs get snake bit on the nose. Some of them more than once. None ever got treatment of any kind, and none died from it. Dogs very rarely die from rattlesnake bites.

05-24-2009, 01:41 PM
I would go as far as tipping the police off about a dog fighting ring in Georgia that was being headed by an NFL quarterback.